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Elizabeth's P.O.V

"Who turned you?" Jasper asked, breaking the thick air of silence that hung for a minute.

"Why do you care! You don't even know me!" Oh no. When Tessa got defensive, she got mad. And that wasn't good, considering that she was a vampire.

"Tess, it's okay." I smiled, warmly at her, stepping out from behind the guarding safety of Jasper. A cold hand grabbed my arm and it was Edward.
'I'm okay'

"I don't trust her." They all growled at Tessa and she stood her ground, glaring at them.

"She's my friend." Was all I said. I pulled my arm out of Edwards grasp and took a few cautious steps towards my friend. She eyes me warily and I could feel the tension, it presence like fog hanging in the air. I stopped mid walk, feeling something not right. 'It's back', the feeling of wanting to hurt her because she was a vampire. My body tensed as I looked to Alicia for help.

"He warned me about you." Tessa looked at me then to Alicia. "Though, he said that you were dead." It clicked.

"Aro." Tessa was turned by Aro, but how did he know-

"Aro read your thoughts. He must have seen that you had connections back in England." Edward stated, and I looked to Tessa.

"Did you want to come here willingly, or did someone say something?" I asked.

"Your uncle called and said that he could get me over here to see you one last time." She whispered, looking down at the ground. "But then when I saw him, he turned me. I woke up with a thirst... He made me drink blood." Tessa  stopped and looked around. Her eyes fell on Emmett who was standing very close to me, almost guarding me. "I drank the blood and he told me what I was... But he said that there was a cure and he'd give it to me if I did one thing..." She trailed off. Her eyes snapped up at me and she looked ready to pounce.

"Kill Elizabeth." She snarled and pounced, her body tackled the me, before someone could make a move and grabbed a hold of my throat, throwing me at the nearest tree. I let out a cry, as I hit the tree then fell to the ground. Tessa pushed Carlisle back with all her force and he crashed, making a small dent in the house, she did the same thing to Rosalie and Jasper, as they tried to help me. Tessa was too busy trying to defend herself, she didn't see me run up to her and swipe her legs out from under her. I jumped on Tessa, straddling her waist and shafted to push against her neck, hearing the familiar squeak of her porcelain like skin. Tessa grabbed onto my arms and yanked me off her. A pair of arms wrapped around me and two pairs of arms grabbed a hold of Tessa, restraining her. Jasper had grabbed me,  from the new born vampire and Emmett and Carlisle had grabbed Tessa. Tessa struggled, but the vampires hold on her was too tight. I walked up to my ,once, friend.

"You don't have to do this. You can come and live with us- start again." I tried to reason with the new born.

"Yes I do have to do this." She spat, with a smug look on her face. "I've never liked you. Too... plain for me." She added. I felt hurt and Tessa laughed.

"Aww is someone gonna cry?" She tormented. I shook my head.

"I gave you a chance. You threw it away along with the slightest chance of mercy that I'd spear you." I replied in a dry tone. I looked over at Alicia who gave a small, sad nod. Tessa looked scared. I walked closer and grabbed a hold of both sides of Tessa's head and as she screamed, her head came off with a snap. I dropped her friends head as soon as it came off and stood back, looking at her body lying on the ground. A small sob came from my mouth, before a mountain of tears erupted, causing me to fall to the ground, cradling her knees to her chest. Alicia and Carlisle were at my side in a flash, as Jasper tried to calm my emotions, but I could tell by my state that nothing worked.

"Leave us." I heard Esme calmly say to the rest of the family, and through my blurred vision, I saw them all walk away into the house. Emmett and Rosalie came out a second later, with a sheet; they draped it over Tessa's body and Emmett picked up my dismantled friend bridal style, vanishing vampire speed into the woods.

"I killed my best friend." I cried. Carlisle had his arms wrapped around me and Alicia had grabbed a hold of both my hands, as Esme sat in front of me.

"You didn't kill her, Aro bet you to that, kid." Alicia whispered, rubbing my hand comfortingly.

"If Aro has seen my thoughts, this may only be the beginning. He may send another one of my friends or your friends or some distant relative to try and kill me." I wept. Alicia replied, saying that she wouldn't let that happen.

"Aro's a coward." She snarled, most likely thinking about ripping his head off, I know I was.

"Hey, but you handled yourself pretty well there." Alicia said, as we stood up, ruffling my hair. I wiped away the tears and my mind went back to how I felt around Tessa.

"We need to talk about something."

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