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"Okay, jab left, left, right, left then duck." Alicia and Elizabeth were doing their daily workout, trying to boost Elizabeth's fighting skills. She did as Alicia said, and ducked while kicking Alicia's feet out from under her. Alicia fell to the ground with a thud. The Cullen family watched the girls train every morning as Emmett started cheering and clapping. Alicia smirked and Elizabeth realised what was coming.

"Fight fight fight!" Renesme, Jacob and Emmett started to shout, before being scolded by Esme.

"Okay let's go." Elizabeth said with sudden confidence.

"You sure?" Her sister asked, taking her gloves off. El nodded and tightened the tape around her wrists, protecting her from injuring herself.

"Yeah. Totally." Elizabeth stated, holding up her fists in a fighting stance. Alicia took the first move, swinging her right hand into a right hook. Elizabeth easily ducked and grabbed her arm and throwing her over her shoulder and Alicia landed on her back.

"I forgot to mention that we're not going easy on each other." Elizabeth laughed. Carlisle and Esme watched intensely as their mates sparred. Alicia stood up and faced her sister with a smirk on her face, while Elizabeth had a blank expression. Alicia threw a punch, but Elizabeth blocked it and threw a punch of her own. Alicia managed to only just miss it and flipped her sister into her back. Carlisle had to look away, not being able to see mis mate get hurt. Elizabeth started to laugh, and Alicia stuck her hand out for her to take. She pulled her younger sister up and Elizabeth's laughs were still going.

"That was fun." She said, as her laughs died down. Her sister laughed with her.

"Okay that's enough for today, next time we'll work on kicks then we'll eventually progress into weapons." Alicia said, as they started to walk inside.

"I wanna learn how to fight!" Renesme exclaimed. Alicia, Bella and Edward laughed.

"Well if it's alright with your parents, I could give you a few lessons." She offered.

"As long as you don't teach her how to use a gun." Bella joked.

"Nah, that's special VIP stuff for hunters." Elizabeth laughed, getting a drink of water and passing her sister a water bottle.

"That's cool with us." Edward smiled at his daughter who beamed and sat next to the youngest White. Elizabeth smiled at the Cullen girl. Carlisle walked into the room, placing the landline on the table.

"I've booked our flights to Volterra for tomorrow at 6 am." He stated. Elizabeth started to get nervous and Jasper could see, so he sent a wave of calmness through her body and she gave a simple smile to thank him.


Elizabeth got up at 3:30am, packed her bags and walked into the living room to see Carlisle, Esme, Jasper and Alicia sitting talking.

"Good morning." Alicia smiled. Elizabeth replied with a grunt, as she made herself some tea and put it in a travel mug.

"We don't have to leave for the airport until about 4:30 so we'll drive back to our place and pick up Edward." Carlisle stated. Elizabeth nodded her head tiredly and he couldn't help but smile at her. Ten minutes later and they left to the Cullen's house.

When they got to the beautifully made house, everyone was there including Renesme and Jacob. The plan was that Bella and Rose would drive the five to the airport in two different cars while the rest of the family stayed at home. Alice would be keeping tabs on how they're doing all throughout the trip and call if anything went wrong. They all said goodbye, both Bella and Alice were devastated to see their mates go and Renesme was almost in tears.

"We'll see you back here in one piece, kid." Emmett smiled sadly as he have the girl a gentle hug. She and the rest of the adults said goodbye and left to the airport. Carlisle, Jasper and Elizabeth rode in Carlisle's black Mercedes with Rose driving, while Edward, Esme and Alicia rose in Emmett's jeep with Bella driving. They got to the airport at the same time and everyone got out. Bella and Edward kissed passionately while Rose hugged Elizabeth like there was no tomorrow.

"We'll see ya later." Elizabeth flashed her famous grin and Rose couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, let's get moving." Carlisle put a hand on Elizabeth's back and she saw Esme and Alicia holding hands and she smiled. Bella and Rosalie stood side by side watching them walk away, both fully aware that Elizabeth may not make it back.

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