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Alicia had set up a boundary line so that they could talk without causing any trouble. Elizabeth and her small army walked over to them and they waited for Alicia to speak on behalf of Emmett, as she was second in command.

"I think we should surrender all electronics." She handed a cardboard box to Jasper who took it and inspected the box before handing it over to Elizabeth.

"Give me three reasons why, sister." She smirked at Alicia.

"So nothing bad happens to them, so you don't call for backup, so no one uses it to their advantages in a result of others getting hurt." Elizabeth pondered for a bit, before taking out her phone and placing it gently in the cardboard box. She passed it to Jasper who did the same and they all went around placing whatever device they had into the box.

"Your turn." Elizabeth held out the box, but Emmett shook his head.

"We have our own cool box called Gerald." Elizabeth rolled her eyes, watching them all place their devices into the box.

"Where do we put these?" She asked.

"Um... Dining room table?" Alicia asked and she nodded. Rosalie, Emmett, Alicia and Elizabeth walked into the house and placed the boxes down on the table, cautious of what the others were doing. Walking out of the house and back over to their side.

"There's one more thing." Emmett and Kol smirked, before water came splashing onto the opposing team.

"YOU JUST GOT PRANKED!" They screamed. Elizabeth's army looked up to see Benjamin from the Egyptian coven standing behind them.

"That's not fair! You said no calling for backup!" Rosalie shouted, earning smiles from the other team.

"You had the right to call anyone in before today, we called Benjamin in a few days ago." Emmett smirked. "And before you say anything, we were around the wolves when we called him. So that's why Alice wouldn't have been able to see anything." He added. Carlisle picked Elizabeth up by the waist and they all ran off to their secret hiding place. Plopping her down on her feet, Elizabeth tied her soaking wet hair up in a messy bun.

"We need to do our prank very soon!" Rosalie exclaimed.

"Calm down Rosie. We need to think it through so that this doesn't fail." Elizabeth said, making everyone look at her.

"Since we can't call anyone, we'll have to have one person go and get her and it'll have to be one person they won't notice being gone." Carlisle stated. Alice perked up.

"I'll go! I'll be real quick and be back in a few days with her." They all nodded and Alice jumped up to a tree where they all had spare clothes in case of emergencies and started to get changed.


Emmett's team were chilling in the sun, letting their skin sparkle when Elizabeth and her group decided to come and talk to them. It had been a few days since Alice left and there had only been small pranks done. But Alice had returned with their special weapon.

"We want a truce." Elizabeth demanded. Carlisle and Jasper stood next to her, while everyone else stood closely behind them.

"Now why would we do that?" Emmett asked, stepping up to the boundary line. Elizabeth mimicked him and stood a few inches away from him.

"Because we asked nicely and this war is starting to get boring." She replied, keeping a straight face.emmett looked back at Alicia and she nodded.

"She's telling the truth." Alicia stated.

"Okay, I guess it-"

"Cullen's. What a lovely surprise." A voice called out. Everyone looked behind them to see Aro standing there with his two other brothers, Jane, Felix, Dimitri and Alec. They all gasped and Elizabeth gripped onto Carlisle's arm.

"Aro what are you doing here?" Carlisle asked, pushing Elizabeth further behind him.

"It doesn't matter, seeing that that child is still alive." Aro's face fell upon seeing Elizabeth  and he nodded to the guard.

"Do you know what the punishment is for ignoring and betraying the volturi is?" Aro asked, as Felix and Dimitri beheaded Alice. Jasper and Elizabeth screamed in unison as they went around and started to kill off Elizabeth's team. Emmett grabbed a hold of the girl as soon as Carlisle was taken out. Even Elijah had been killed with a stake exactly like the white oak stake.

"No!" Alicia cried as soon as Elizabeth was taken out of Emmett's grasp by Caius.

"If you want something done, do it yourself!" He yelled, breaking Elizabeth's neck. They soon vanished, before the Cullen's could get a hold of them. Everyone that was left was heartbroken. Renesme stared to cry and buried her head in her fathers chest upon seeing her mother decapitated.
Alicia scrambled to her sisters side, crying and sobbing with Esme as she held her mate in her arms.

"Rosie?" Emmett asked, crying tearless cries. As he tried to touch her face, Rosalie suddenly disappeared, as did all the dead corpses. They studied the ground where their loved ones once were and looked at each other in confusion. A fit of giggles was heard, as Elizabeth and Zafrina from the Amazons came out from behind the tree.

"YOU JUST GOT PRANKED!" She screamed in Emmett's face, as the rest of her team jumped down from tall branches in the trees. Emmett and his team were gobsmacked. They were utterly speechless as Elizabeth and her team as well as Zafrina walked up to them. Emmett ran over to his wife and embraced her in a hug, as well as Edward and Renesme doing the same to Bella. Alicia just smiled at her sister, proud of the prank that she did. Elizabeth smiled back and saw his younger siblings run over to him and embrace Elijah in a hug.

"Nice work kid." Emmett seemed truly impressed, as he held out his hand. "No more war?" Elizabeth giggled and shook his hand. She looked around at her happy family and sighed.

"No more war."

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