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The Cullen's and Whites stayed in Alaska for a few more days, but the time came when they had to leave, much to Elizabeth's disappointment. Carmen hugged the girl tightly, promising to come visit soon. They waved goodbye and Esme drove off.

"So were you happy to be in the snow again, El?" Alicia asked, and Elizabeth nodded, smiling.

"I haven't seen snow in so long." She exclaimed and they all smiled at the young girls enthusiasm. Carlisle's phone rang and he answered it.

"Woah, calm down Alice. What's wrong?...okay...no she's with us why?...okay well we're on our way home...okay." Carlisle ended the call and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Esme asked.

"I don't know. Alice was rambling, but she'll tell is when we get back to forks." He replied. Elizabeth was a little worried, but Carlisle sent her a reassuring smile.


This was the first trip that Elizabeth took, where she didn't wear any headphones, only talking with her family. She had realised this as they drove towards the 'Welcome To Forks' sign, laughing and making new memories with the people she called family. It was when they got back to the Cullen's house that she saw just how distressed Alice was. Alice ran out to the car and engulfed Elizabeth in a cold hug; Elizabeth tensed up due to the cold and she had no idea why she was being hugged like there was no tomorrow.

"I need to tell you something. All of you." She kept one arm securely around Elizabeth's shoulders as they walked to the house. Elizabeth's heart was racing as she grabbed onto Alice's hand, not knowing what she was going to say.

"Okay." Alice started, as everyone sat down on the couches. Even Jacob was there. "I had a vision. The volturi know about Elizabeth and Alicia's parents being dead and Renesme still alive. They know about what Alicia is and they don't think that Elizabeth is really Carlisle's mate." She said. Everyone gasped. Elizabeth sat still, not being able to move. "They want to meet Elizabeth." Alice finished. By now, everyone was looking at the still girl. Her breathing was irregular and her heart was racing.

"Why do they want me?" It came out barely a whisper.

"That I don't know, I'm sorry." Alice said. "She's a hunter so I can only imagine that they'll..." Alice trailed off and Elizabeth's eyes flickered up to the vampire.

"You mean kill me." She stated bluntly. Alicia was in hysterics by now and was only staying in control through Jaspers wave of calmness flowing through her body.

"I won't let them kill you. I won't let them take you." Alicia stated, growing more angry. Esme recognised this and so did Elizabeth .

"You need to go cool off." Elizabeth stated, worriedly at the fact that her sister could phase into a wolf in the middle of the Cullen's house. Esme and Alicia left the house to go for a walk and cool off. Elizabeth felt bad for making her sister angry. If only she hadn't agreed to go ahead with the case, then none of this would've happened.

"It's not your fault, Beth." Edward was reading her mind. She nodded, but didn't fully believe him.

"So what are we going to do? We can't just give Eli to the volturi." Renesme asked.

"Yeah, but if we don't do something then they'll come here." Emmett tried to reason with his niece.

"They could even kill her..." Rosalie stated, trying her best to be delicate with the subject.

"You all are talking about this like one- I'm not here and two- like we have several choices that won't get any of us hurt." Elizabeth stood up in front of the Cullen's, playing with her hands and pacing.

"What are you saying? We're not just gonna hand you over." Bella said. She could understand how this young girl was feeling. Elizabeth shook her head.

"No, I'm gonna go willingly. I'll see what they want and no one will have to get hurt." She said, stopping in her tracks and looking at everyone in the room. "No one will get hurt if I just go and see them. Right?" She asked.

"We can't be sure about it, Elizabeth. For all we know they just might want to get rid of another human who knows about us." Carlisle replied, looking at the girl.

"And they might just think that we're lying about us being mates, right?" She asked, trying to keep up. He nodded and Elizabeth took in a deep breath. She shook her head and pressed her fingers to her temple.

"I don't care, I'm still going." She said, finally after a few minutes of silence. Edward was looking through her mind, she had gone through every possible angle and it all resulted in her either going to the volturi or the volturi coming to forks. "And no one will change my mind." She added. Alice let out a laugh.

"Well you're not going by yourself." She stated. Elizabeth nodded.

"I had a feeling someone was going to say that." Elizabeth admitted.

"I'll go with you." Carlisle volunteered. Elizabeth smiled, crossing her arms over her chest. Edward and Jasper stood up, just as Alicia and Esme walked in.

"We'll come." Esme stated. Alicia hugged her younger sister, and kissed the top of her head.

"I won't let those sons of bitches hurt you." She stated.

"That's another dollar for the swear jar." Renesme tried to lighten up the mood. Elizabeth laughed, and Alicia smiled, getting out a dollar from her back pocket and walking over to a half filled jar, putting it in.

"So it's official. We're going to Italy." Jasper clasped his hands together.

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