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Elizabeth had been throwing up for two days straight. It was after the first day of not being able to keep anything down that she decided to just stop eating food and only drinking the fluids that she needed.

"Elizabeth, dear you need to eat something." Esme was worried for the young girl, as she sat next to her on the couch and rubbed her back gently. Elizabeth shook her head and pulled the blanket closer to her.

"I can't. I'll just throw it back up." She croaked, as she took a small sip of water.

"Well it's better to eat something because then you'll actually throw something up instead of just fluids." Esme replied, but Elizabeth wouldn't give in.

"El please eat something." Carlisle came into the room, holding a small bowl of grapes.

"It is actually physically starting to hurt when I throw up. I-I can't." She shook her head furiously.

"Please? Just one grape." Carlisle begged, sitting in front of her with the bowl in his hands. She sighed and took a grape, popping it in her mouth and cringing of the taste.

"Thank you." Esme left the sick girls side to go and see Alicia and Elizabeth sighed.

"This is so not fun." Elizabeth crossed her arms and Carlisle came to sit next to her.

"You'll be fine hopefully in a few days time. You just need to give your body time to get back into routine. I mean you did die so..."

"Yeah, but the spell never specified if this was going to happen or not." Elizabeth scrunched her nose and furrowed her eyebrows.

"What are you thinking about?" Carlisle asked his mate. She sighed and leaned against his shoulder.

"When Emmett and Kol are gonna prank me." She replied casually.

"Oh it'll be sooner than you think." Emmett said from behind the couch, which scared Elizabeth. She squealed and both of the vampires laughed. Elizabeth glare at Carlisle and punched him in the arm.

"Why are you attacking me? He's the one who scared you!" Carlisle defended himself.

"Fair point but you still laughed." Elizabeth replied, as she threw a pillow at Emmett. He fell to the ground dramatically and cried out, making Elizabeth giggle.

"Rosie I've been hit! I need back up ASAP!" He cried, as Rosalie walked through the door. Emmett pretended to be dead and she nudged his body with her right foot and shrugged.

"Good job Liz. I'm on your side." Rose smiled and dat in the other side of Elizabeth. Emmett opened his eyes and sat up, pouting.

"Rosie, your meant to be on my side! Traitor!" Emmett cried, as Jasper and Alice entered the room.

"Alice Jasper, become part of my rebellion!" Emmett yelled, as the two looked between the group on the couch and Emmett on the ground.

"If he gets to be a rebellion, then I get to be a dictator!" Elizabeth grinned. Carlisle and Rosalie laughed and Alice moved over to Elizabeth's side.

"Jasper? I'll let you be my second in command." Elizabeth offered and Jasper smiled and nodded. Emmett glared at Elizabeth while she smiled smugly.

"Dictatorship!" She smiled in triumph.


Elizabeth could tell that Emmett was going to attack any moment. It had been a day since she stopped throwing up and she could only tolerate a little bit of food at a time, but it was good enough. By now the whole family were split into two teams, Emmett's rebellion and Elizabeth's dictatorship. On Emmett's team: Klaus, Esme, Alicia, Renesme, Edward and Kol. On Elizabeth's team: Carlisle, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Bella and Elijah. It was a fun little war that had going on for three days. Elizabeth's side was currently winning, having the most pranks done but it was her disadvantage because Alicia knew close to everything she would do and vis versa. Rebekah was the only one who didn't want anything to do with the prank war.

"So what do you plan we do?" Jasper asked, standing next to Elizabeth out in the woods. Carlisle stood on the other side of her while the rest kept a look out, to see if anyone was listening in.

"We go for the biggest prank ever! Though I have no idea on how we will do it." She pouted.

"Tell us." Alice smirked.


"Emmett that's cheating!" Edward scolded.

"Yeah but it'll guarantee us a victory and the rebellion will win!" Emmett cheered, thinking about his big plan.

"I'm in, mate." Kol smirked.

"Uncle Em if you do that I'll leave and go over to Eli's side." Renesme pouted, crossing her arms.

"Think about what they would be carrying in them. It would all get ruined." Esme added.

"I can make sure that they aren't carrying any kind of electrical equipment on them when we do this." Alicia offered. They all looked at her.


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