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Elizabeth's eyes opened to see her sister smiling down at her. She sat up straight, realising she was sitting in the couch and it was the early hours of the morning. She flattened her hands in her knees and bought them to her chest, as the memories of last night flooded into her mind.

"Hey baby sister." Alicia whispered, as she gently embraced the young girl. Elizabeth wrapped her arms around her sisters waist and hugged her for what seemed like hours but were only a few minutes.

"Are you okay?" Alicia asked. Elizabeth took the time to look around, seeing the Cullen's, Mikaelson's and the Salvatore's. She nodded her head and smiled lightly.

"I thought you and Esme would've left by now." She stated. Alicia shook her head.

"We leave in a half hour." She replied. Elizabeth's mind drifted to the events of last night, when she saw Aro and the pain in her chest. She knew for a fact that it wasn't her inner hunter. She wanted to find out what this was.

"Elizabeth are you sure you're okay?" Esme asked, sitting next to her.

"Yeah, no I'm fine." She waved the subject off. Everyone got back to their daily routines, the Mikaelson's and the Salvatore's talked amongst themselves, probably plotting to take down one another.

"Well, while Esme and I are gone, you'll be staying here. Carlisle doesn't mind you using his room." Alicia smiled and Elizabeth thanked Carlisle.

"I'll take you back to your house so that you can grab your things." Carlisle offered and Elizabeth nodded.


The Mikaelson's and Salvatore's would stay and wait for Carlisle and Elizabeth to get back before they took off. Elizabeth smiled brightly at her sister and Esme.

"Be safe. Don't kill anyone but call me if you do." Alicia fussed over her sister.

"Alicia- I'll be fine. Well maybe not because Emmett's here but that's beside the point," she paused to take a look at Emmett who wore a smirk in his face. "You and Esme have fun. Esme if she pisses you off, ignore her, it's what I do. Alicia be nice to Esme." Elizabeth hugged the newlyweds as they walked out the door, saying goodbye to everyone. They got in the car and sped away.

"Yay two weeks without Alicia!" Elizabeth cheered and everyone laughed.

"Yay! Two weeks without Esme!" Emmett and Jasper cheered.

"Right lets go. We'll be back shortly." Carlisle grabbed his keys and they made their way to the car.

"You won't leave yet will you?" Elizabeth asked Klaus. She shook his head and they drove to the house.


Hopping out of the car and u locking the front door, Elizabeth went to go and change into a fresh pair of clothes. She randomly shifted through her wardrobe and decided on a dark blue tank top under a black plaid shirt with dark grey ripped knee skinny jeans and white converse. She packed a duffle bag full of clothes, toiletries, a book, her laptop and charging cords. She walked out of her room and stopped dead in her tracks. Carlisle looked up from a photo book to see her staring off into space. He closed the photo album and left it on the table, slowly walking over to her and fasted his cold hand on her shoulder.

"El, are you okay?" He asked quietly. Her eyes flickered over to her parents closed bedroom door.

"Yeah.. I just need to find something. It won't take long...hopefully." She dropped her bag in the ground and walked over to her parents door. Twisting the doorknob to the master bedroom, she pushed the door open to reveal her parents room. A King sized bed lay in one corner of the room with two doors opposite it. Elizabeth knew that the doors lead to a bathroom and a small walk-in wardrobe. A large bookshelf covered half of one wall and Elizabeth walked over to it, bending down and running her fingers across the spines of the oldest books.

"El, what are you looking for?" Carlisle asked, bending down next to where she sat.

"Don't worry, just some books." She said, not paying any attention to him. Her eyes scanned the old books and landed on the two that she was hoping to find.

"And I'm guessing this can't wait until your sister gets back." Carlisle sighed and Elizabeth nodded, taking a hold of both the books. She got up and they walked out of her parents room, closing the door softly behind her.

"Now are you ready?" Carlisle asked, a smile appearing on his lips. She nodded and grabbed her favourite coffee mix from the cabinet and they left the house and headed back to the Cullen's.


Elizabeth and Carlisle arrived back at the Cullen household and they hopped out of the car. Elizabeth quickly put her stuff in Carlisle's room, in a neat stack by the bed and came down stairs to see the Salvatore's and Mikaelson's saying goodbye to everyone. Elizabeth sighed and walked up to Kol who wrapped his arms around her.

"I'll miss you, killer." He whispered in her ear.

"I know." She smiled and they both laughed. Rebekah came up to the hunter and handed her a small wrapped present.

"Don't open it now." She hugged Elizabeth.

"Stef. My man! Mr hero hair. The-"

"Okay I get it." Stefan laughed, as he gave her a big hug. "I'll miss you, kid." He added.

"Yeah, hard to admit it, but I'll miss you too." Damon smiled, giving Elizabeth a hug.

"Are you being nice, Salvatore?" She joked and Damon flashed his signature smirk.

"Don't be afraid to come for a visit, I'm sure you'll get annoyed with these lot soon." They all laughed and Klaus walked up to Elizabeth. He picked her up and gave her a big bear hug.

"Please visit us little wolf." He smiled, as they hugged.

"I haven't been to New Orleans in a while so I'll put it on the to-do list." He put her down and Elijah walked over to her and looked at everyone.

"Could we have a minute please?" They all nodded and left, the two groups of vampires leaving to the cars and the Cullen's walked outside. Carlisle was the only one who stayed and Elizabeth have him a reassuring smile.

"Carlisle it's okay." He looked at Elijah and sighed, leaving his mate alone with someone he considered a threat.

"Your...mate is a little paranoid." Elizabeth chuckled at her friends words.

"And why would that be?"

"Because he's jealous that I'm here. He's never met me before, and I could tell when we first saw each other again, he wasn't too happy." Elijah explained. Elizabeth sighed, but nodded.

"I'll talk to him about it later." Elijah smiled at the girl.

"This is for you but don't open it now." Elijah handed Elizabeth a medium sized box and she put it down on the table, hugging him. He smiled down at the girl.

"I'm defiantly coming to New Orleans because you need to finish teaching me to dance."  Elijah grabbed Elizabeth's hand and twirled her around, kissing the back of her hand gently.

"Until then, Miss White." He smiled at his young friend.

"Absolutely Mr Mikaelson." She waved, as he left the house, walking over to the car and hopping in. Elizabeth waved to her friends, as they drove away.

Elizabeth grabbed her presents and put them upstairs, safe in her duffle bag. She came downstairs to see only Carlisle in the living room.

"Hey, where is everyone?" Elizabeth asked, sitting on the couch next to her mate.

"Renesme and Jacob went to the reservation and everyone else went hunting." He smiled at Elizabeth and she nodded.

"Hey um...we have to talk."

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