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Jasper and Emmett kept a firm grip on Elizabeth's arms as she stood, waking for Alicia to finish the spell. The Cullen's were all outside, keeping a safe distance from Elizabeth who stood in front of Alicia, who was sitting in the circle of candles, adding the ingredients together. Alicia bought the bowl up to her lips and whispered something too quiet for Elizabeth to hear.

"Get ready." Alicia stated, as a mist of grey fog drifted over to Elizabeth, Alicia told her as she was mixing the ingredients together that she needed to inhale the fog. Elizabeth took a breath in and it was like her instincts took over. She closed her eyes and her body grew tense. Alicia stood up and walked over to her sister.

"Open your eyes." Alicia commanded. Elizabeth smirked, keeping her eyes closed. Alicia gave the family a warning of what would happen, once the spell started. They would have five minutes to see what Elizabeth was capable of and Alicia told them that she wouldn't be herself.

"Open your eyes." Alicia repeated herself, but Elizabeth's eyes remained shut. Alicia mentally apologised to her sister, as she slapped her face, a small red spot appearing on her cheek. Edward had to hold Carlisle back, to save him from running to her aid and potentially messing everything up. Elizabeth opened up her eyes and instead of the bright, apple green eyes, her sister was faced with bright blue orbs, studying her movements. Elizabeth smirked and fell to the ground with a cry, Emmett and Jasper keeping a tight grip on the girl. Carlisle resisted the urge to rip his arm away from Edward, as Alice came and stood in front of him.

"C'mon Carlisle, stay strong, you have to remember that this isn't the Eli that you know." She whispered to him and he nodded. Emmett and Jasper pulled Elizabeth up by her arms and she struggled against their hold on her.

"Do you know what they are?" Alicia asked, confidence lacing every word.

"Vampire." She spat. Alicia circled her younger sibling and nodded at Emmett and Jasper, who let her go and sped back to their mates.

"What am I?" Alicia asked, eyeing her sister, who was cautiously eyeing her. She looked her up and down.

"Vampire mixed with wolf and human." She replied, as the two slowly started to circle each other. Alicia threw a punch, which Elizabeth easily dodged, as well as a kick.

"Three minutes left." Esme called out. Alicia took her eyes off Elizabeth for one second, but that was all she needed. Elizabeth held the extended staff in her hand and jabbed Alicia in the stomach, making her fall to the ground. Jasper restrained Esme, by wrapping his arms around her body in attempt to stop her from helping her mate. She cringed, as she saw her mate fall to the ground.

"Get up." Elizabeth commanded. Alicia stood up and they began to fight, Elizabeth twirling the staff and keeping her guard up and Alicia, throwing as many punches and kicks as she could, but the truth was that her sister was stronger than her, even if Alicia used her vampire abilities.

"Thirty seconds." Esme called, just wanting the whole thing to be over. Elizabeth stood her ground, holding her staff in front of her, as Alicia made a few more attempts to take her down, but Elizabeth was way too quick for her.

"Five minutes is up." Esme sighed in relief. Elizabeth's eyes turned to grey as she dropped the staff and fell to the ground, closing her eyes.

"Elizabeth!" Carlisle cried, speeding to her side. Alicia casually walked to her sister, staff in hand and put a hand on Carlisle's shoulder.

"Giver her a few seconds." Just as Alicia said that, Elizabeth's eyes snapped open and she bolted up, gasping for air. She looked at her sister and she gave a small nod, helping her off the ground.

"What happened?" Elizabeth asked.

"Dude, you totally kicked your sisters ass!" Emmett boomed.

"Swear jar." Everyone apart from Alicia, Elizabeth and Emmett said and they all laughed.

"Come on let's go inside." Alicia put a hand on her sisters back and they all walked inside, where Emmett dumped about $20 into the jar. Elizabeth pointed out that he only had to put in a dollar but he shrugged, saying that it was going towards Elizabeth anyway and he didn't really mind.

"So what I picked up from our... little talk was that your inner hunter is quiet, quick to defend yourself, you'll think things through and study your opponent before you do anything. You're advanced in combat and your skills will grow." Alicia said, taking a swig of her vodka. Elizabeth couldn't believe Emmett actually bought her vodka. Elizabeth heard a 'same' come from Edward and laughed.

"What does that mean in terms of...control?" Elizabeth asked as soon as she saw the uneasy look on her sisters face.

"It isn't good." Was all Alicia said.

"It'll be a long time until I learn to control it isn't it?" Elizabeth looked down at her feet and sighed.

"Not necessarily, I mean if we work hard enough, you could have enough control by the beginning of next year." Elizabeth dead panned.

"Next year!?" She cried. Alicia sighed and stood up, placing her glass on the table.

"Look, kid. That's way better than how I did. It took me a few years just to control myself when I went undercover. And it'll get easier for you because we're surrounded by vampires basically everyday." Alicia rested her hand on Elizabeth's shoulder.

"I know, I just thought that it would be sooner." She replied.

"Three to four months tops. I promise." Alicia kissed her hair and Elizabeth sighed, grabbing the staff and walking towards the door.

"Going for a walk." She called out, as she walked outside, leaving the Cullen's and Alicia to discuss their next moves concerning the young hunter.

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