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"I-I don't get it." I said out loud. Everyone turned to me. "Why is the room not filled with happiness and laughter?" I asked.p, looking around at everyone's faces.

"We are happy- trust me," Jasper started, saying what everyone was thinking, "But its just kind of a shock to know that Esme and Alicia are..." He was stuck for words. I was confused.

"I don't see what the problem is." Renesme said.

"There is no problem." I said absentmindedly. "Esme and Alicia are together now, so you should all respect it." I added.

"I'm happy for both of you." Carlisle stated, smiling. It was a genuine smile, not a fake one to make people happy. Ness ran up to my sister and Esme and hugged them both.

"I'm more than happy!" She beamed. Next was Alice and jasper to say that they were happy, followed by Edward and Bella.

"Well both of us are happy for you." Emmet said, looking at a pissed off Rose. She got up and walked away out onto the balcony. By the look on Alicia's face, that affected her greatly. I gave them a small smile and walked out, after her, closing the glass doors.

"What." Rose said, bluntly. She was looking out at the woods, her arms resting in the balcony barrier. I stood next to her, and looked behind me, to see everyone starting to get back to their normal routines.

"Why are you opposed to this?" I asked quietly, not knowing what will set her off.

"Because Alicia's a..a.."

"A wolf and you don't like them." I finished for her. She sighed and looked down at her hands.

"Well she's only half wolf. That's probably why she doesn't stink." Rose looked at me, confused.

"Alicia is half vampire half wolf." I stated, simply, looking out into the woods.

"How?" Was all she managed to say. I explained what Alicia had told me and by then, Rose looked a little guilty.

"I just... Don't want to see Esme get hurt." She said, her voice cracking. I knew what she was thinking.

"Alicia is like Renesme- she can live on both blood and human food," Rose replied with a 'so?' And I smiled. "She also no longer ages. Esme won't get hurt because they can be together forever." Rose laughed. I looked behind me and Esme and Alicia were sitting together. Seeing Alicia happy made me happy.

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