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The flight to Italy was both mentally and physically draining for everyone, but mainly Elizabeth. It was an eight hour flight, and she slept for most of the flight, but when she didn't sleep, she was up thinking about all the possibilities that could happen. For the flight, she sat next to Carlisle who sat next to jasper. In front of them was Alicia, Esme then Edward.

When they got into Volterra, the first thing they did was book into their hotel. They put their stuff away and headed over to the volturi.


Elizabeth was internally crapping herself as they walked through the doors of the palace, like room. In the middle of the massive room, sat three vampires, Elozabeth knew them as Marcus, Aro and Caius. Scattered around the room, stood different vampires, but they all had one thing in common. Red eyes. Elizabeth kept her heart beat and breathing calm without help from Jasper. The man in the middle of the three with long black hair looked at Elizabeth with a curious gaze.

"Ah, young Elizabeth white." Aro clasped his hands together, and Elizabeth grabbed onto Carlisle's arm, out of fear.

"And Alicia White." He turned his attention to the oldest white, who was standing next to Esme, their hands touching. Aro sped in front of Alicia, making her a little intimidated. Alicia held out her hand and Aro took it, staring into her eyes. Alicia showed no fear and Aro let go, looking at her younger sister. Jasper moved in front of Elizabeth p, blocking her from any possible danger that Aro may inflict on her. Or worse. Jane.

"I'd like to meet her." Aro told Jasper, who moved out of the way. Elizabeth looked up at Carlisle, who gave a small smile and nodded.  Elizabeth let go of Carlisle and slipped her hand into Aro's cold ones. She got creeped out by him, as he let go of her hand, looking between her and Carlisle.

"So it is true. My apologies, to both of you. We were... mistaken, and it seems that you two are mates." Aro smiled and turned his attention to Alicia.

"And you, my dear are a rare creature." Alicia looked at Esme and then back to Aro again.

"Will you consider joining us and becoming apart of the coven?" Aro asked, as Marcus and Caius watched intently. Alicia smiled and shook her head.

"No thanks. I've found my home." She said, as she intertwined her fingers with Esme. Aro looked down at their hands.

"Interesting." He mumbled. He turned his attention back to Elizabeth.

"You are a young hunter, yes?" Aro asked her and the young white nodded her head.

"I would like to monitor you for a while." Aro replied in a serious manner.

"For how long?" She asked, speaking for the first time. Aro looked back at his 'brothers' and sighed.

"We are not fully convinced that you will be able to maintain our secret. You are so young and it may slip." Aro replied. Carlisle grabbed a hold of his mate and held her close.

"You aren't taking her." Carlisle growled. Elizabeth fell to the ground screaming at the top of her lungs. Jane stood behind Aro and was using her gift of pain manipulation on the young hunter. Alicia had to be held back by Jasper and Edward, as she struggled to be by her sisters side Carlisle had to be held back by two of the guards, Felix and Dimitri, as Esme stood paralysed, watching as the girl she grew to like was suffering. Elizabeth continued to scream in agony and Aro held up a hand and Jane stopped. Elizabeth stopped screaming, but gasped for air. Carlisle struggled against the guards. Aro nodded and they let the vampire go, as he scrambled to Elizabeth's side. He scooped her up and cradled her in his arms, as she continued to sob and shake.

"That was not a question, miss White." Aro warned.

"Okay." Elizabeth struggled to talk. Carlisle tightened his grip on his mate, as he helped her stand up.

"Elizabeth you can't, they'll kill you." He whispered in her ear.

"No she won't. Take me instead, not my sister. If anyone's a threat to anybody, it's me." Alicia stepped up in front of Elizabeth and Carlisle.

"No, Alicia!" Elizabeth cried. Alicia smiled at her sister and looked at Carlisle.

"Take care of her." She smiled. Carlisle nodded and Alicia looked back at Esme.

"Love you." A small smile found its way onto Alicia's lips. Esme gasped and shook her head.

"Very well then." Aro replied in a bored tone. He nodded to Felix and walked back to his chair and sat down, just as Felix picked Alicia up by the neck and snapped it. She fell to the ground with a thud and it seemed like everything was in slow motion. Elizabeth looked at her sister lying dead on the ground and a scream erupted in her throat. She cried her sisters name, as Esme fell to the ground, her non-beating heart breaking in two.  Carlisle held is mate back, as she tried to squirm her way out of his grip, but nothing worked. Elizabeth fell to the ground once more and cried, the tears blurred her vision.

"C'mon lets go!" Jasper shouted, as he picked up Alicia's body gently in his hands. Unlike Elizabeth, Esme couldn't say anything . She was paralysed so Edward helped her up and together they walked out of the volturi' palace. Jasper followed, carrying her mates body in his arms, his heart breaking for both Elizabeth and Esme. Elizabeth continued to scream, as Carlisle picked her up by her waist and carried her out, the doors shutting behind them.

"No!" Elizabeth cried, as Carlisle tried to calm her. She buried her face in his chest, as he carried her out of the building. By now it was night and Jasper told them that her would take Alicia's body back to forks, much to Elizabeth's horror.

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