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Elizabeth's face lost all colour as she looked at Edward.

"What?" She asked, her eyes saddened.

"You weren't mentally singing, I didn't mean to, but I saw a flash of someone and then you called out to him... You called him Andrew." Edward replied softly. If it was possible, Elizabeth's heart seemed to break, once hearing that name she tried desperately to forget.

"Andrew is her brother who...died." Klaus answered.

"Was my brother." She snapped.

"What happened?" Renesme squeaked.

"He didn't listen to him... He payed the consequences..." Elizabeth trailed off, shrinking to the ground and pulling her legs up to her chest. Alice sat down next to the girl and slung an arm around her shoulders.

"When they were younger, Andrew got himself into some deep trouble and he had to pay the consequences for his actions." Klaus added, sadly. He had known the boy, not very well but well enough to know he didn't deserve what was coming.

"Let's go inside now." Alice helped Elizabeth stand up as they all walked inside. The vampires plus Elizabeth sat down. Renesme sat on the piano bench with Bella, while Edward stood next to his daughter. The Mikaelson's stood up as the rest of the Cullen's sat on the couches.

"When we were younger, my brother Andrew and I were told that on our 8th birthday, we were allowed to go on our first hunt. We did and Andrew got partially hurt: a wolf bit him. It's not like in the stories where he'd turn into one, but it was a real bad bite. He had to rest, but he didn't listen. When we went on another hunt, Andrew came we didn't know and when dad found out...man was he angry." Elizabeth paused. The memory of her brother flashed through her mind and she held back tears. "He'd already gotten into big trouble with our parents. Mum wasn't prepared to hurt him, but dad was mad beyond belief. Andrew insisted that he only wanted to help, and dad started to beat him. Andrew being the tough one, fought back and dad didn't like that...they continued to fight until weapons came into it..." Elizabeth couldn't finish. Alice had her wrapped up in her arms and klaus looked down at his feet.

"Andrew was no match for his father when it came to fighting with weapons. He was fine in hand to hand combat, but he made one fatal mistake and her father stabbed him right through the chest." Klaus finished for the girl.

"He was your twin?" Jasper asked. Elizabeth nodded.

"That's not fair! He was a child!" Rosalie cried, as Emmett hugged her. Elizabeth didn't want anyone to give her pity, so she cried her eyes and a small smile found its way onto her lips as she held up her phone.

"What's my favourite candy?" Everyone looked at her, smiles on their faces.

"Liquorice." Kol shouted first. She threw her phone to him and the game begun once more.

"Let's go for something hard... What is she more skilled in hunterwise?" He asked.

"Hand to hand combat." Jasper stated. Elizabeth nodded and the phone was passed to Jasper.

"What does Elizabeth lack?"

"Humour when it comes to pranks." Emmett smirked.

"Okay yeah that's kinda true." Elizabeth admitted. Just as Jasper was about to throw the phone to Emmett, it started to ring. Jasper looked down at the caller ID and saw it was Esme, so he took the kind liberty to answer it.

"Greetings Esme." He called through the phone. All ears perked up, as he placed it on speaker phone.

"Jasper- what are you doing with El's phone?" She asked.

"He's my assistant!" Elizabeth called out. She heard Esme chuckle and a laugh could be heard. Alicia.

"Jaspers her bitch!" Alicia called out, making everyone laugh.

"Wait, hold on Esme can I have that for a sec? Thanks, uh I thought that the Mikaelson's left? Is something wrong?" Alicia's worried voice echoed through the room. They all looked at Elizabeth who shook her head.

"No love, everything's okay. We just wanted to stay for a few more days." Klaus responded using his pet name for everyone. Alicia replied with an 'okay' but didn't didn't sound too convinced.

"Anyway we just wanted to call and see how everything was going?" Esme's voice resumed. They all looked around and Elizabeth called out.

"Uh yeah nothing's really happened since you guys left. We've mostly just been talking...and stuff." She didn't know if they'd believe that.

"About what?" Alicia asked. They all looked around warily.

"We've been telling them some of our stories throughout the centuries." Rebekah replied, speaking up for the first time.

"Okay...well have fun. Um... there's food in the fridge for the girls' dinners and we'll be home next week." Esme and Alicia said goodbye and they all replied, sharing the same amount of enthusiasm. Jasper ended that call and passed the phone back to Elizabeth.

"So why didn't we tell Esme and Alicia about what's gone on?" Emmett asked, and the vampires all looked at Elizabeth.

"I think it's best to wait until they get back. I don't want to ruin their good time by troubling them with this stuff. Besides, we can handle it right?" She asked looking around. They nodded and she sighed.

"In the meantime, we need to do something to make sure Aro doesn't try to hurt you." Carlisle looked at his mate. Elizabeth and Klaus shared a look and he gestured to the hunter to tell them what they discussed.

"Actually I think we have that sorted out fairly well." Confusion hung in the room.

"Meaning?" Alice asked.

"I compelled Aro not to try anything funny." Klaus replied.

"But..." Alice gestured for him to go on.

"But we don't know how long the compulsion will last. We don't know who Aro could go to, to remove the compulsion or who he has that can help him." He added, stuffing his hands into his front pockets of his pants.

"Well what are we going to do?" Carlisle asked. Klaus and Elizabeth shrugged.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, I guess." She replied, keeping her secret plan out of her mind.

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