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It was the big day for Alicia and Esme and Elizabeth was trying her best to contain her excitement, as she finished the touches on her sisters hair. Elizabeth had decided to curl her sisters brown locks and stick it up, half up half down style. Alicia slipped on the jacket and they walked out into the open area of the Cullen's backyard. Rows of wooden benches sat, decorated in white flowers and green vines in front of the alter, which had an arch that was decorated in blue, white and purple flowers. The guests had started to pile in, the Denali's, the wolf packs, the Mikaelson's and the Salvatore's were all there. The Cullen's were greeting all the guests, except for Carlisle, Rose and Alice. Rose and Alice were helping Esme get ready and Carlisle would walk her down the isle.

"You clean up well, White." A male voice called behind Elizabeth. She wizzed around to see her friend, Damon Salvatore. He was wearing a black and white tux and smirked at the young girl. Elizabeth had on a dark purple dress that came down to her knees, with a black belt and a black collar. She was wearing black converse and the star necklace that Carlisle had given her. Her medium length hair was in simple waves and she smiled lightly at Damon.

"You don't look too bad yourself, Salvatore." She smiled. Just then, Alice came running up to the young hunter and handed her her violin.

"It's time." She squeaked, and Elizabeth took a deep breath.

"Good luck, kid." Damon winked at her and she smiled, rolling her eyes. Alice nodded to Elizabeth who started playing her violin and out walked Esme, her arm looped through Carlisle's. As soon as Esme go up to Alicia, Elizabeth stepped away and took her seat next to Carlisle and Jasper. They thought it best, if she sat in between someone who could keep a hold on her emotions and someone who was quick enough to grab her and run into the woods if need be.


"And do you, Alicia Cole White, take Esme to be your wife?"

"I do."

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you two married." Esme and Alicia kissed, happily and everyone cheered. Elizabeth was happy for both her sister and Esme. There was about half an hour for everyone to get to know each other before the reception started and she looked around, seeing everyone talking. The Salvatore's were being introduced by Bella and Edward to Renesme, and as usual, Damon was smirking at her. 'Damnit Damon' Elizabeth chuckled. The Mikaelson's were conversing with the wolves and the Denali's were listening intently to one of theirs stories. Elizabeth felt something strange in the pit of her stomach, but forced a smile on her face, as she walked over to the Mikaelson's. Her smile became real, as soon as she saw Rebekah and Kol, the two originals she had not seen in forever.

"There's the little killer!" Kol laughed, using the nickname Elizabeth always hated. She rolled her eyes and highfived him and gave a hug to Rebekah. She was told by Elijah before the wedding started, that Kol wouldn't look the same, because Esther had placed him in the body of a witch.

"How are you? Killed any ghosts?" Kol asked, referring to the time when Elizabeth tried to kill him because she thought he was a ghost.

"Oh my god, leave the poor girl alone, brother." Klaus smiled. Elizabeth internally thanked him. "Besides, she couldn't kill a ghost anyways, their too hard." Everyone laughed.

"Okay, that was one time and how was I supposed to know that you were prancing me?" She defended. Emmett came up behind her.

"Did I hear someone say prank?" He asked, his usual childish tone playing in his voice.

"Kol Mikaelson. We should get together and prank Elizabeth one of these days." He held a hand out and Emmett shook it.

"Emmett Cullen. Looking forward to it. I've got this great idea that I've been planning for a while-"

"You're not supposed to be talking about pranking someone when their standing right next to you." Elijah cut in and earned laughs from everyone especially Elizabeth. She loved the fact that everyone here was someone who knew about the supernatural stuff that went on, it made it easier to get on with people without fear of slipping up. Elizabeth walked over to Damon and Stefan who were talking to a few of the wolves about one of their battles they caught in.

"And so this guy started shooting at me, and when no one was looking, I snapped his leg and he cried like a girl." Damon stated, everyone laughed.

"Then that makes two people." Everyone laughed again, as Elizabeth walked over to him. She wasn't that much shorter than him, so it was easy to sling an arm around Damon's shoulder. The strange feeling in her stomach grew, so she took her arm away, but still acted normal. Well as normal as she could maintain.

So the speeches began, and first up was Alice, followed by Emmett, Carlisle, Elijah and Stefan. Damon decided to get up, semi drunk.

"So, the first time I met Alicia, was when she was trying to kill me," everyone laughed. "But, she let me live. She let me live because she had a heart. And her parents would never know, but they did and she saved me, telling them that I would change. I did partially," they all laughed again. Alicia smiled, remembering the day she met Damon. "But I will never forget that kindness she did me. I'll probably forget this speech, so Elizabeth you might want to show me that video in the morning." Everyone clapped and Elizabeth laughed, finishing filming. It was now her time to go up and speak. Elizabeth took a deep breath and stepped up onto the stage.

"I'd first off like to thank everyone for being here and supporting Alicia and Esme's wedding, I mean how many times does a person get to see wolves, hunters and two different types of vampires in the same place without them fighting?" Everyone laughed. Elizabeth went on. "But anyway, i remember when Esme asked me to take a walk with her, we were walking when she asked me hypothetically if I would give my blessing for her to ask Alicia to marry her. I was both shocked and touched that you would ask me, Esme and it meant a lot. Alicia all I ask of you is that you don't piss Esme off too much. I wish you both the best of luck." Everyone clapped as Elizabeth stepped off the stage and next to Esme as Alicia got up onto the stage.

"Elizabeth that was so lovely. I didn't realise you had nice things to say about me," everyone laughed. 'But I am touched, by everyone who's showed up. The packs, I know that we don't necessarily get along but it was very kind of you to come, and mine and Elizabeth's friends who came all the way from Mystic Falls and New Orleans, that was a long trip and I thank you very much. Cullen's, I want to thank you for letting Eli and I into your family, even though we got off to a rough start, but I know that we'll have much better times in the foreseeable future. But the person that I want to thank the most is Elizabeth, I know that she loves Esme as much as she loves me or Elijah or Emmett and it means so much that you're supportive of my relationship with her," Alicia paused to look at her mate. "I don't know what I would do without her. Esme you're amazing in every way and I promise that I will forever love you." Everyone cheered as Alicia hopped off the stage and walked back over to her seat. Emmett jumped up and looked at the crowd.

"Well that's all the speeches done, everyone, it's time to party!" He yelled as everyone cheered.


The night was going great. Everyone had danced, even Elizabeth. Since her father was dead and couldn't be there, Alicia asked Elizabeth to dance with her, it wasn't to a slow song but it was a dance that they had come up with when they were younger, and everyone loved it. Elizabeth had taken her shoes off, as her feet were getting tired and she was having the most fun since she could remember. She was currently dancing with Elijah, he was showing her how to do a sped up version of ballroom dancing, when the feeling in her stomach got too much. She pulled her hands our of Elijah's grip and he stopped to look at the panicking girl.

"Is everything okay, Elizabeth?" He asked, catching the attention of Klaus and Carlisle who were nearby, talking. She looked around, panicking

"I'm sorry." She whispered scared and made a dash for the woods. Everyone stopped to see the girl go running and Alicia gasped.

"Elizabeth!" She cried. "We have to go after her!" Carlisle came and calmed her.

"Don't worry, we'll get a group together." Carlisle reassured her. Carlisle, Rose, Elijah, Damon, Klaus and Jacob offered to go, so they all split up and Jacob turned into his wolf form, saying he'd check around the border.

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