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"All good things are wild and free."

By the end of the day, I had met the who Cullen family. No one told me, but I worked out that almost everyone were together. Alice and jasper, Rosalie and Emmett, Bella and Edward, Renesme and Jacob. Carlisle and Esme were not together. Esme told me that she couldn't be with Carlisle, she though if him like a brother and it was vis versa.

I sat looking at Renesme as she made a move, pushing one of her pawns two spaces up. We were currently playing chess and it was fun. I moved my queen next to my knight that was currently cornering her King and smiled.

"Checkmate." She smiled at me, as we put all the pieces back in the box.

"How'd you get so good at chess?" She asked me. I shrugged.

"I actually have no idea." I replied. She pulled me off the ground and grabbed my wrist, pulling me over to a piano. We both sat down and she began to play a song that sounded really familiar. She stopped at looked at me, encouraging me to play, as she saw the look of recognition on my face. I placed my fingers gently on the piano keys and moved them gently. I didn't realise it, but by the time I finished off Billy Joel's piano man everyone was standing around.

"That was wonderful girls!" Rosalie clapped her hands and everyone nodded. Anxiety rose in the pit of my stomach, and I looked down at my hands.

"Come with me." I followed Renesme outside and we walked around the back of the house. We stopped and I looked up at the big tree then looked at Renesme.

"You have a tree house? That's so cool!" I exclaimed. She laughed and we started to climb the ladder.

"Yeah, da- um Edward, jasper and Emmett helped me make it." She beamed. "Have you got a treehouse back in London?" Renesme asked. I shook my head. We made it up to the top and instantly sat down.

"No, we live in the suburbs so there isn't much space." I explained. She nodded.


It had been a few days since I met the Cullen's, and that had kindly let me stay with them. Every time that I slept, or even closed my eyes for  a few minutes, I could see my family. But it was more like a dream that felt like a memory. I can't remember everything, but it seemed like we were killing something...human...red eyes...pale- covered in blood? A vampire? Oh my god. A vampire.

"They're not real." I continued to tell myself. But how I felt in that dream, is how I felt around the Cullen's. Like an intense need to rip their heads off. It sounds extremely violent, I know, but it felt like a second nature impulse.

"Ugh- I'm just being daft." I rubbed my head, a headache starting to form. I was getting tired of having mental debates between my inner peace and my inner rage.

"Is everything okay?" Edward asked, appearing behind me and giving me a little fright. I looked at his features. They looked similar- the vampire in my dream and Edward that is. He had incredibly pale skin, golden eyes and his skin, just like everyone else's- was hard and cold, like stone. Crap. He was a vampire.

"No, not really." I'm getting annoyingly confused. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You don't look so well, maybe you should sit down. I'll get you some water." He left, quite quickly and I began to deduce the family. A few minutes later, Edward came in with a glass of water. The rage inside me continued to build up and I couldn't take it much more.

"Elizabeth?" Edward said, cautiously. 'Kill him... He's not human... He kills humans'. I shook my head, furiously, got off the couch and bolted. I ran through the door, past Alice and jasper, who were coming home with Renesme from the shops and I ran straight into the woods.

"Edward, what happened!" I heard Alice yell, before I ran out of range for me to hear. I ran for a full 10 minutes, before I stopped. Looking around, I notice that ,once again, I was in the middle of nowhere. I let out a cry and fell to my knees. To anyone, it would've seemed extremely dramatic, and it did feel sort of dramatic. I was angry. I was angry with myself. I knew who these people were. What these people were. If I could even call them people.

"Why do I want to kill them so bad!" I yelled, gripping my head. It was pounding but I didn't care. I just wanted to get my head straight.

"Elizabeth!" My head snapped up to the sound a Texan accent. Jasper. Crap. He called my name again, but I couldn't reply. Instead, I crouched by a tree, feeling like I had no control with what was happening to me, sort of like my animal instincts kicking in and taking over. I decided I didn't want to face vampires at that moment, so I ran. I ran for a few more minutes before someone picked me up by my waist.

"Let go!" I kicked and thrashed, but it was no use.

"Elizabeth calm down." It was Carlisle, his voice was soft, and it calmed me just a little. When he let me down, I fell to the ground and backed away from him and jasper who had just arrived. Jasper took a step towards me but I moved further away.

"Don't come near me! I know what you are!" I cried. Carlisle and jasper looked at each other.

"Elizabeth- listen to us. We won't hurt you." I scoffed. 'You'll be on your own from there' ... 'Dude you're not even listening, this is important' ... 'This is your case' ... Those were the voices of my family.

Jasper and Carlisle stared at me, as I began to remember the events leading up to me being in the woods. 'I remember.' But I didn't want to remember...

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