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"Yesterday is but today's memory, and tomorrow is today's dream."

I looked up to see Edward standing with jasper and Carlisle. Crap. I remember now.

"You were sent here to kill Renesme!?" He yelled. It was all coming back now. 'But you said that the hybrid isn't dangerous' ... 'Yet. She isn't dangerous yet' ... Then I remembered. 'You're on your own now, Beth. Don't worry, we'll be keeping a close eye on you. We'll be closer than you think.' ...

"I quit." I whispered, a sudden realisation popping into my head. My family was near by and I could tell them that the case was off then we'd go home!

"It doesn't work like that, Elizabeth!" Edward yelled.

"What's going on!?" Jasper yelled.

"Elizabeth was sent here to kill Renesme." Edward growled. "She thinks that she and her family can just leave because she doesn't want to kill vampires anymore." I stood up and looked around. 'Look for signs of us. Remember your training.' They looked at me, as I scanned the trees.

"I'm a hunter. Well not anymore- because I quit." I said, walking away from the three vampires. Carlisle and jasper followed me.

"We won't let you kill Renesme." Jasper snarled, speeding in front of me. I moved past him and continued to look around.

"That's nice." I said, not paying attention to them. "I don't want to kill Renesme." I added.

"If you don't want to kill Renesme, then why are you here." Carlisle asked.

"It's in my blood. It is literally in my blood. I remember now. My whole family line, my descendants were originally vampire hunters, then it progressed into killing anything that posed a threat to the human race." I explained. I could tell that we were close to the Cullen house, and I prayed that I could find my family and leave. I didn't want to hurt anyone here, they felt like my family.

"Some mate you've go there, Carlisle." I heard faintly. I turned around.

"What does that mean?" I asked. Before I could reply, someone pushed me behind them. I looked up and was shocked to say the least.


"Hey baby sister." She smiled. She was holding a lighter and body spray. She had on a backpack, which was slightly open so I peaked inside.

"Alicia what are you doing?" I asked.

"Mum and dad are pissed at you. They heard that you didn't complete the mission, so they sent me here to finish it for you. Man, they'll never let you go on a solo case again." She said. My eyes widened, and I ran in front of the two Cullen's.

"You won't hurt them. I quit." I said. She stood her ground, so I did too.

"I'm sorry, but you know the rules. Anyone who interferes with the case is dead. You know what'll happen!" She cried, her hands trembling.

"They wouldn't." I replied, the same tone as her, scared for my own life.

"Alicia, please put the DIY flamethrower down." Jasper asked, kindly... Well as kindly as he could. She shook her head and scoffed.

"Since when am I going to listen to a leech!" She laughed.

"You kill them, you kill me. Last chance." I warned, sliding the machete out from behind my back and holding it up.

"Elizabeth, I wouldn't." Carlisle warned. He gently put his hand in my shoulder and I dropped my arm, still gripping onto the weapon.

"Elizabeth, since when you you take a vampires side over- oh my god!" Alicia looked at Carlisle, shocked.

"What?" I asked, looking between her and Carlisle. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"She isn't." She warned.

"I'm afraid so." Carlisle said, a small smile on his face. I was beyond confused. I looked at jasper, who said nothing.

"Mum and dad will kill you both." Alicia said with disgust. I was now terrified. What did I do? Did I somehow jeopardise the case? I was getting both scared and angry at the same time.

"Someone tell me what the hells going on!" I yelled.

"You don't know?" Alicia scoffed.

"You're Carlisle's mate. That's why he care so much about you- that's why you are risking your life for him and his 'family'." She said. I didn't know what to do.

"She's fourteen!" Alicia cried, taking several steps forward.

"It's not his fault!" I defended Carlisle.

"And how would you know, you've only just found out about this." My sister spat.

"Oh please! I've read about it and mum and dad have told me about it." I replied, feeling a little hurt by how she was taking this. Before Alicia could say anything, there was a cry from the Cullen's house, and someone had picked me up; I realised it was Carlisle, by the time that him, jasper and I got to the front door.

"Mum? Dad?"

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