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Hey so at the end of the chapter is just a little fun bit, leaning more about Elizabeth.

"Felicitări puțin lup!" (Greetings little wolf) Klaus smiled, as he walked through the front door of the Cullen's house. I looked up from my book and smiled back at the four originals. They really didn't have to come back, I mean the Cullen's and I could've easily handled this... I think.

"Minuant să te revăd pentru a doua oară astăzi." (Wonderful to see you again for the second time today) I replied. Everyone but the originals, Edward and Carlisle looked at both klaus and I strangely.

"Why are you guys speaking Spanish?" Emmett asked. I rolled my eyes, it did not sound like Spanish! Edward smiled at my inner statement.

"Este prințesă strălucitoare românească." (It's Romanian sparkly princess) I replied, knowing he didn't know what I said.

"What did you just call me?" He asked, standing up. Oh Jesus.

"Their speaking Romanian, Emmett." Carlisle smiled at the vampire.

"I have a feeling you called me sparkly princess again." Emmett looked at me and I nodded.

"Vreau să vorbesc cu tine... singur." (I wish to speak to you... Alone.) Klaus started to walk towards the door. I looked at him with confusion covering my face.

"Ce ziceți?" (About what?)

"Vei vedea." (You will see.) I stood up, but so did Jasper and Edward. I gave them a look that clearly showed 'step off bitch' but Edward shook his head and stared at Klaus.

"I'm not trusting him at the moment. He's blocking his thoughts from me." I turned my head to look at the originals and sighed, nodding at them.

"I'm going with Klaus. Stay here or they'll compel you...well except for Kol, because he's in a different body that belongs to a witch but..." I trailed off, as I walked over to Klaus. Edward gritted his teeth and Jasper hesitatingly sat down. 'Sorry Edward, but I'm pretty sure that this is important.' I mentally apologised. We started to walk out of the house, before I heard Rebekah say the words that I dreaded she wouldn't have to say.

"You will stay in this house until Elizabeth gets back. I'm sorry Carlisle, but this is for your own good." I sighed, as we walked away from the house and out of both hearing and thought distance.

"Why did you need to speak to me so privately?" I asked, as Klaus and I walked in a comfortable silence.

"I know that you are partially worried about things at the moment, and I just wanted to reassure you that Aro will not try anything at the moment." Klaus replied, throwing his hands behind his back. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and stared at him, confused until it hit me.

"What did you and Aro talk about last night. You handed me to Elijah and that's the last I saw of you until early this morning." I asked, grabbing his hand and looking at the time on Klaus's watch. 3:02pm.

"I had a nice little chat about him staying away from you and not doing anything to harm you or I will come with my brothers and sister to personally rip his head off his shoulders then burn his body so no one can bring him back." Klaus gave an innocent smile and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Thanks." I mumbled, he smiled. "And by 'a nice little chat' you mean you compelled him."

"Yea, but I have no idea how long compulsion lasts on that kind of a vampire. He may have someone that can remove what I've compelled him but I guess we'll find out." Klaus shrugged. I had to agree with him, I didn't know who Aro had in his guard and what kind of gifts they held.

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