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4 Years Later...

Elizabeth and Alicia had moved in with the Cullen's when they moved away to Alaska. People at Carlisle's work had noticed that he had not been ageing, so he and the family decided to move away for a few years. Elizabeth was the youngest of all the Cullen's, so she was in lower classes then them all, but still she managed to get through high school and graduated at the age of 18.
Her inner hunter had unleashed when she was 16 and she had almost killed Emmett, after he made a joke about her not being as strong as him. He wasn't frightened of her, just more intimidated than he should have been. Still, Elizabeth managed to control it and she was now comfortable being around her family.

"Elizabeth could you go and get the mail please?" Alice beamed. Elizabeth looked at the pixie vampire weirdly.

"Sure?" It sounded more like a question, but she got up and walked out of the door. She walked up to the mail box and grabbed several letters, shifting through them until she saw one that has her name on it. It was from the university that she had applied for. Stopping dead in her tracks, she opened up the letter and gazed at the words.

"Dear Miss White... bla bla bla.... We look forward to seeing you at- oh my god." She covered her mouth and stood there shocked. "Holy crap. Oh my god." Carlisle came out and looked at the brunette with a worried expression.

"Is everything okay?" He asked. She looked up at him and a huge grin spread on her face.

"I got in!" She exclaimed. Carlisle smiled and sped up to her, picking her up and twirling around.

"That's wonderful!" He kissed her forehead. She nodded, as they walked inside.

"But there's one thing I haven't mentioned." Elizabeth stated, and the whole family gathered.

"What's that?" Alicia asked, as her and Esme walked through the door behind them, their fingers intertwined.

"Um... I've been excepted into my chosen university..." She informed the family who congratulated her with smiles and cheers. "But the thing is that my chosen university is in Wales. Cardiff to be more specific." The room went silent.

"Wales is so far away though." Renesme whined. Elizabeth nodded and Carlisle's grip around her waist tightened. She sighed as she put the mail down on the coffee table and leaned into her mates chest.

"I know but it has great learning facilities and stuff."

"When do you leave?" Jasper asked, throwing his arm around Alice's shoulders. Elizabeth looked down at the letter.

"In a few months." She replied.

"Well I don't care- I'm proud of you, pipsqueak!" Emmett boomed, highfiving the hunter.

"Thanks sparkly princess." Elizabeth laughed and ran her fingers through her hair.

Two Months Later

Elizabeth was busy packing her bags and Carlisle watched, occasionally placing one of her items back into the drawer. As Elizabeth turned her back to grab a shirt, he took her tank top and placed it back into the closet. Elizabeth sighed and grabbed his cold hands in hers.

"Look, I know you're not too keen on the idea of me going to Wales for a few years to do university, but once a long time ago you said that I could have anything. Recall that?" Carlisle sighed and he nodded. "This is what I want."

"I won't see you for long periods of time though." Carlisle wrapped his arms around Elizabeth's waist and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'll try to visit as much as I can. I give you my word." She whispered and he kissed her cheek.

"I know." He sighed.

"You're different than other people."

"That's because I'm dead, dear." Elizabeth pulled away and continued to pack her bags. Carlisle started to help, realising that him slowly unpacking her bags would only irritate her.


Carlisle and Elizabeth walked through the airport with their hands slightly touching, as they walked behind Esme and Alicia. Elizabeth had said goodbye to the rest of the Cullen's and even the packs before she left. As they got to the boarding gate, Esme and Alicia turned to Elizabeth.

"I'm gonna miss you baby sister. Be sure not to get alcohol poisoning when you go to parties." Alicia hugged her sister.

"You and your unique wisdom. I'll miss it." Elizabeth laughed as she hugged Esme.

"Stay away from drugs and please don't go to too many parties. We don't need a second Alicia in a different country." Esme and Elizabeth laughed as they said their final goodbyes.

"We'll let you two have your privacy." Esme and Alicia walked away and Carlisle turned to his mate.

"Have you got everything?" He asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, don't worry, if I haven't got something then I'll get you to mail it or something." She smiled sweetly and he chuckled.

"Or I'd come and give it to you in person."

"I couldn't ask that of you, Carlisle, I-" before she could say anything, Carlisle placed his lips on hers.

"Flight 227 to Wales boarding now please come to gate 33." A female voice crackled over the speakers. Elizabeth sighed and Carlisle hugged her tight.

"Carlisle I have to go now." She giggled, as he wouldn't let go. Pulling away from her waist, Carlisle kissed Elizabeth one final time.

"I'll call you when I land, okay?"

"Okay. I love you."

"Love you too." Elizabeth replied and they parted their ways, Elizabeth waved to the vampire as she came up to the air hostess with her ticket. Carlisle walked back to his car and saw Alicia and Esme standing there.

"You okay?" Alicia asked, as they all hopped into the car.

"I'll be fine." Carlisle smiled at her.

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