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Carlisle had been gone almost four hours and Elizabeth's heart had started to beat an hour before, though she had not woken up yet. Everyone was anxious to see her but mostly Alicia. Klaus was currently sitting upstairs in Carlisle's office, watching Elizabeth who was lying in a thin medical bed. Her chest rose and fell shallowly. Klaus sighed and bowed his head, shoving his hands to his face. Elizabeth's closed eyes fluttered open and she looked around, before starting to get up. Klaus heard the shuffle and his head snapped up to see the pale girl, looking around confused.

"Elizabeth?" Klaus stood up slowly and the girls eyes looked him up and down. His hair was messed up and his face showed complete sorrow. Elizabeth gently smiled at him and sat up completely. Her face and entire body was as pale as the Cullen's and she had dark circles around her eyes.

"Hey." She croaked out. Klaus walked up to the girl, sat down on the bed and embraced her in a gentle hug. He patted down her hair and he sighed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that they wanted me to drink your blood. I wouldn't have done-"

"It's okay. I promise. At least I'm here now." Elizabeth sighed, as they let go.

"How do you feel, little wolf?" He asked her. Elizabeth shrugged.

"I don't know... I don't really feel alive yet, I guess." Klaus helped her stand up and ,even though she didn't weight that much, she pushed most of her weight onto him.

"Is everyone okay?" Elizabeth asked as they made their way down the stairs.

"Yes...well except for Carlisle. He seemed so heartbroken. No one has seen him in a few hours."

"Did you tell them?" She whispered and he nodded. As they came down the stairs, Elizabeth was pulled into a hug immediately by her sister, who was in full tears.

"Oh my god, I thought I lost you." Alicia cried. Elizabeth didn't have the energy to shed any tears, and she only patted her sisters arm as she let go.

"You can't get rid of me that easily."

Everyone had said their hellos to Elizabeth and told her how much they missed her and all that jazz. Alice had told everyone that Carlisle was coming back, and they though that they would give both him and Elizabeth some space.
After she had something to eat thanks to Esme and had gotten dressed into some different clothes, everyone but klaus had left.
Elizabeth looked in the full length mirror and sighed, as she smoothed down her dark blue dress. She didn't care what she wore anymore, as long as it was comfortable. Her hair was down, letting her natural wavy brown hair flow down past her shoulders. She wore a black scarf to hide the bite mark and black converse.

Carlisle walked through the door and glared at Klaus as soon as he saw him.

"Are you going to continue to hate me for something that was beyond my power?" Klaus smirked, leaning against the doorframe. Carlisle neglected to hear the extra heartbeat in the room as he walked over to Klaus and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him up against the wall.

"You killed my mate!" Carlisle hissed through gritted teeth.

"I wouldn't bet on that, mate." Klaus was dropped and he fell to the ground, trying to concentrate on getting his ragged breathing back to normal.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He yelled. Klaus stood up and smirked.

"You can come out now, Elizabeth." Carlisle recognised the familiar scent of his mate and only just realised the second heartbeat in the house. His eyes widened, as soon as he saw her; her skin was just a bit lighter than his and her eyes had lightened a little, but her eyes still held sorrow and she still seemed a little dead on the inside.

"H-How?" He whispered. Klaus shoved his hands into his pockets and told the two he'd give them some privacy.

"Hi." Elizabeth croaked and she smiled shyly. Carlisle sped over to her and lifted her up into his arms, hugging her and spinning her around. She giggled and clung onto him.

"Oh my god I thought you were gone." Carlisle cried, as he continued to hug his mate.

"I didn't want to leave you or Alicia." She whispered and Carlisle laughed.

"It's a good thing you say that because you can have whatever you want." She pulled away with wide eyes.

"Anything?" Elizabeth started to get excited.

"What would you like?" He asked, with a smile.



Carlisle sat happily next to Elizabeth as she took small bites from her bacon sandwich. To Elizabeth, something didn't seem right, but she couldn't put her finger on it. By now the whole of the Cullen's and Mikaelson's had come back and Carlisle had apologised to Klaus and he forgave him easily. Alice had gotten a vision, and before she could do anything, Edward had grabbed a bucket and stuck it under Elizabeth as she started to throw up the contents of her stomach. Alicia sped over to her side instantly and grabbed her hair for her. Carlisle gently rubbed her back as she violently threw up and they started to get worried.

"She hasn't been sick in a while." Alicia mumbled.

"And I never throw up." Elizabeth coughed, as she wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Did the spell go wrong?" Carlisle asked worriedly. Elizabeth shook her head.

"No but I did just die. It will take me a while to get back into my old routine." She whispered, sighing.

"You'll be okay." Carlisle smiled, still rubbing her back and Elizabeth nodded, resting her back against her mate's shoulder.
Elizabeth grabbed the bucket from Edwards hands and started to throw up once more.

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