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"When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask then to stop. It he does not stop, destroy him."

Carlisle made me go through a few more tests, and said that there was nothing wrong with me, except for my memory. I couldn't remember anything that happened 24 hours before I woke up in the woods, and both Carlisle and I agreed that it was incredibly strange. Esme walked in a few minutes later, a casual smile on her face.

"Are you hungry?" She asked me. I shook my head.

"You need to eat. I took a blood test and did you know that you're anemic?" Carlisle asked me.

"Being anemic is having low red blood cells isn't it?" I asked. He nodded. I told him that I didn't know that.

"C'mon, I'll make you something." I followed Esme out of Carlisle's office and into one of the biggest rooms I've ever seen. The kitchen and living room had no doors or walls so it made the room even bigger.

"Wow." Once again I was lost for words. Esme chuckled at my reaction and we came to the kitchen. Three people were sitting at the island counter, talking and once they saw me they stopped. There were two women and one man. The man was tan and had short, black spiky hair. The girl sitting close to the man was probably a few years older than me and she had long, wavy bronze curls that were tied up neatly in a ponytail. The woman sitting on the other side of her has pale skin and had cropped dark brown hair. She was small, pixie like and had eyes that matched Esme's and Carlisle's. The two there's had brown eyes. They were all focused on me and it made me a little uncomfortable.

"Elizabeth, this is Alice, Renesme and Jacob." Esme introduced. The pixie, Alice had smiled warmly at me.

"Nice to meet you." She held her hand out for me to shake, so I did. And just like Carlisle and Esme, her hands were quite cold. She gestured for me to sit down and Renesme smiled at me.

"So, where are you from?" She asked.

"London." I replied, trying to remember my home.

"What's London like?" Jacob asked me. I smiled.

"It's great. I mean it's cold but there are a lot of fun things to do. Though where I live, most of the beaches have rocks and stones instead of sand." They laughed and Esme put a plate in front of me. It was toast with strawberry jam. How did she know that I liked this? I remember I went a whole month, refusing to eat anything but jam on toast. I thanked Esme and began to eat.

"So what brings you to a rainy town like forks?" Jacob asked. Before I could reply with a really bad lie, Esme cut in.

"Her dad used to work with Carlisle and her mom and I are friends. Her parents are traveling to a convention over in Florida, so we're looking after Elizabeth for a bit." I sighed in relief and smiled at Esme. They all nodded, though Alice didn't seem convinced.

"Well you'll have to meet the rest of the family. They'll love you." Alice said. Oh god. My social anxiety was starting to set in and I became extremely nervous. I wished my sister was there with me, I desperately needed one of her pep talks.

"Are you an only child?" Someone asked, behind me. I turned around to see a man with dirty blonde hair and golden eyes. He as well had pale skin and looked at me suspiciously. I shook my head.

"I have an older sister, but she's traveling at the moment." I lied, casually. Damn I was good at this.

"Really?" He asked. " Where has she been?" God damnit!

"She's been to Greece, Brazil, Italy, Rome. Almost everywhere." I replied. Esme cleared her throat and Jasper gave a small nod.

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