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"What?" Elizabeth asked, completely shocked.

"I'm afraid that your inner hunter will most likely come out during the wedding." Elijah repeated. Elizabeth was heart broken. She didn't want to ruin her sisters big day.

"How do you know this?" Carlisle asked, rudeness lurking in his tone. 'Jealous much' Elizabeth thought, looking to the mind reader and Edward nodded.

"Because that's when a large group of vampires will be around you. The subconscious hunter in you will kick in and that's when you be at your strongest." Elijah explained.

"You mean most dangerous." Esme corrected. Elijah and Klaus shared a look. Klaus shook his head.

"You all think of her inner hunter like that? As dangerous?" Klaus asked and everyone nodded. Elizabeth just stared at the ground, playing with her hands.

"Elizabeth, you have to understand that if you believe that you are dangerous, you will become dangerous." Klaus told the girl. She looked up at him, hope gleaming in her eyes and she nodded.

"So I won't be a danger to society?" She joked, hoping for the answer that she was thinking of. Everyone gave a small laugh, though Elizabeth was being completely serious.

"Are you and Alicia practicing on your vampire skills?" Klaus asked. Elizabeth nodded.

"You should be fine. If you feel like you're about to loose control, just excuse yourself and go for a small walk." Alicia put a comforting hand on her sisters shoulder. She nodded and the brothers stood up.

"That's all for now." They walked to the door, but Alicia sped in front of them, holding out several letters.

"You're invited to the wedding. And bring those Salvatore's." Elijah took the letters from her hands and gave her a small hug. Elizabeth was swooped off the ground and Klaus hugged her.

"Ugh, I'll see you in a few days. Don't hug me like there's no tomorrow, Mikaelson." Elizabeth complained. Klaus laughed and put the girl on her feet. She hugged Elijah and they left soon after, promising to return and be there for the wedding.

"They seem nice." Renesme remarked, after the brothers left.

"They are." Alicia smiled.

"Yeah,McHenry their not ripping vampires or wolves hearts from their chests, I guess." Elizabeth laughed, taking a seat on the couch next to her mate.

"They do what now?" He asked, shocked at what his mate had just said.

"Don't be alarmed. Just keep them in a non-killing mood and you'll be fine." She smiled up at him. Carlisle couldn't resist a grin that fell upon his lips. If his mate was happy, then he was happy.

"What do you want me to play?" Elizabeth asked, referring to the music that she was to play as Esme walked dos the isle.

"I don't know, I quite liked your version of 'Saturn'." Esme smiled. Elizabeth clasped her hands together, deciding which melody to perform.

"Right. Saturn it is."

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