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The night was filled with endless tears and sobs, from those who couldn't cry. Alice had seen what had happened and told the rest of the coven. Renesme cried into Jacob as the rest of the family sobbed, as they couldn't cry. Carlisle and Edward stayed strong, comforting the girls who had just lost someone dear to them. Carlisle was in pain, seeing his mate hurt like this, Edward knew the feeling.

"She's not dead." Esme finally spoke for the first time in hours. Elizabeth looked up, her green eyes locking with Esme's golden orbs. "She's not dead." Elizabeth cried, knowing Esme wouldn't believe what she saw. Esme continued to repeat that, as Edward held her hand, comforting her.

The flight back into America was emotionally draining for the squad, as they found Rosalie and Bella with their bags, waiting for them. Carlisle was carrying Elizabeth bridal style, she had her arms wrapped around his neck and her head was in his chest. Edward supported Esme as she walked slowly. Rose and Bella looked at the girls, their hearts breaking. Edward, Bella and Esme got into Emmett's jeep and took off, while Rose, Carlisle and Elizabeth left in his Mercedes. Elizabeth slept, soundlessly and Carlisle never took his eyes off her, until they got back to the Cullen's house. Elizabeth's eyes shot open, as the car stopped and she grabbed a hold of Carlisle. A small sad smile appeared on his lips, as he took her inside. There, the whole family was, as Alicia's body lay upon a table. 'She looks so peaceful' Elizabeth thought. Edward looked at the youngest White and his expressions saddened as he listened to her thoughts. Elizabeth spotted Esme sitting on the couch and she walked over to her. She sat down next to the heartbroken vampire and held onto her hand. Esme looked up and if she could cry, she would've burst into tears. Esme gripped onto Elizabeth's hand.

"This is my fault." Elizabeth whispered. Everyone looked at her. Alice sped over to her side and kneeled down next to her.

"No- don't do that to yourself. It wasn't your fault. It's the volturi's. They should've known that Alicia wasn't dangerous." Alice tried to reason with the hurting girl, but she shook her head.

"No- this was my fault. I shouldn't have let Alicia come with me. This was never her battle to fight." By now, Elizabeth was I tears once more. Esme pulled her into a hug.

"I shouldn't have let her go." Elizabeth cried. Esme was by now, thinking the same exact thing.

"Esme! Elizabeth! Stop this is not your fault." Edward cried. Elizabeth stood up and looked at her sisters body, eventually turning to face Esme.

"I take full responsibility for your mates death, and I hope you will be able to forgive me in time." Elizabeth's voice broke, as she walked up the stairs and into Carlisle's room. She sat down on his bed, and he followed, shutting the door behind him.

"This was not your fault. I understand that you will not believe me, but I had to say it." He said, sitting down next to her. She leaned her head on his arm, and he hugged her, sideways. She closed her eyes and began to fall into a dreamless sleep. Carlisle sighed, picked her up bridal style and placed her gently on the bed.

"How can I not blame myself." He heard her whisper, before she fell completely asleep. Carlisle sighed. 'How could she be beating herself up so much about this?' He thought. 'Well Alicia was her sister." He concluded, kissing the top of her head gently, before speeding out of the room.


Elizabeth woke up, with her head on something cold and arms wrapped around her. She looked up to see Carlisle smiling down at her.

"Hey, sleepyhead. You slept in for longer this time." He whispered. She groaned and pulled the covers closer to her.

"Time?" She asked.

"9:30." He said, getting up and sitting on the bed. The memories from yesterday piled into Elizabeth's brain, overflowing her with emotions.

"I don't wanna get up ever." Her voice broke, tears appearing in her eyes. Carlisle looked down at his mate and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her. She rested her head on his chest; Carlisle enjoyed the warmth of the young girl.

"I have a surprise for you." Carlisle pulled Elizabeth off the bed and told her to get dressed. He waited outside, while Elizabeth changed into a maroon skirt, black stockings and a plain black top and a pair of grey converse high tops. She opened the door and Carlisle stood there with Alice.

"What's going on?" Elizabeth asked, Carlisle and Alice looked at each other and a small smile appeared on their faces. Alice gently grabbed Elizabeth's hand and lead her downstairs, where the rest of the family was gathered. Esme stood smiling, next to someone who had their back turned to Elizabeth. Esme's eyes landed on the young white, and her smile spread wider. The figure turned around and Elizabeth gasped.

" 'licia."

"Hey baby sister. Heard you cried for me." Alicia grinned and walked towards her sister. Elizabeth ran to Alicia and hugged her tightly.

"I thought you were dead." Elizabeth cried, as her sister shushed her.

"C'mon, you can't get rid of me that easily. It was just like... Blacking out for a few hours." Alicia explained. "I woke up half way through the night. I wanted to see you so badly, buy I wanted to let you sleep, get some rest because I knew how much pain you were going through." She added. Elizabeth nodded and they all sat down on the couches. Esme held onto Alicia's hand and Elizabeth leaned against her, while she talked with Emmett about video games.

"No way! If you play uncharted 3 in 1080p it's so much better than 60fps." Emmett cried.

"Or you could not play video games and none of this would matter."  Edward said and Elizabeth gasped along with Emmett.

"He did not." Emmett sighed.

"Oh he did." They narrowed their eyes at Edward.

"Oh god. Edward you just got yourself into a sticky situation." Alicia laughed.

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