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The week passed by in a breeze, and no one had talked about the plan. Emmett, Jasper and Alice had traveled to England and found that Aro had not taken anything from there. They started to get worried, but found no trace of his scent in the current house as well. It was that day that Esme and Alicia returned home and everyone was thrilled.

"I'm soooooo happy you two are here. I swear Kol and Emmett are up to something." Elizabeth whispered the last part, as Alicia and Esme sat with her in the kitchen. They both laughed.

"So how long have the Mikaelson's been here?" Alicia asked, looking at the boys who were watching the latest football game.

"Umm there's actually something that we collectively as a family should discuss." Elisabeth motioned for the couple to move to the living room.

"Family meeting!" Elizabeth called out. Alice was already there, seeing that the young hunter wanted a family meeting. Everyone came into the living room including Carlisle, who'd just got home from work.

"Okay so I think it's time we told Alicia and Esme about... everything."

"Elizabeth what's going on?" Esme asked in a warning tone, Alicia looking both worried and angry.

"Tell us about what?" Alicia asked. The couple looked around,max Elizabeth sat down on the couch next to Kol.

"A week ago Elizabeth found the spell that Aro cast and she labelled it as a spell that could draw out their victim. Klaus told us that he had compelled Aro to leave Elizabeth alone, but we don't know exactly how long the compulsion will last. We then came to the conclusion that Aro may try something soon, but we don't know what." Carlisle concluded.

"Also you were wrong with the inner hunter spell. You go some of the ingredients wrong and instead it showed us what I would be like if I had been intensified by some supernatural power." Elizabeth added, smiling smugly.

"So what are we gonna do about Aro?" Alicia sighed, ignoring her sisters previous comment.

"We haven't gotten that far yet. I found that the ingredients used for the draw out spell needed a personal item, but his scent hasn't been anywhere near our house back in England or in our current house" Elizabeth replied, resting her chin on her palms that sat in her knees.

"But until then, Alice will keep a look out on Aro's decisions, see if he tries anything."

"Not to mention we have to give him stupid updates on me." The hunter grumbled and Kol laughed at her mood swing.

"I think it's in our best interest to just do what he wants so that no there's trouble." Esme stated and everyone nodded, much to Elizabeth's hatred. Alice stood up and clasped her hands together after a minute of everyone being silent.

"I think it's time to go hunting." She beamed and grabbed Jaspers hand. "Anyone else wanna come?" They all looked around and shrugged.

"Yeah I guess it wouldn't hurt to hunt." They all stood up except for Elizabeth and the Mikaelson's.

"You originals coming?" Alicia asked. They shook their heads, though Rebekah stood up, saying she wanted to try the animal blood diet.

"No thanks, we've hunted. I got a brunette." Klaus smirked. They rolled their eyes and left the house, after Alicia told Elizabeth to behave.

"Okay let's get cracking." Kol clapped his hands together. "So how this is going to work is Klaus and El, you will stand facing each other." The two stood a less than a few steps away from each other. "Hold hands." The did that and Kol started to chant in Latin. Elijah stood and watched, as Kol walked around them. "The last part is this," Kol held up a blade. "You need to let the blood between you flow through both of your bodies." He cut into Klaus's right hand and Elizabeth's left hand. "Now re-link hands." They did so and Kol continued to chant the latin phrase and the lights flickered, making Elizabeth feel weak. He finished the spell and they let go of their hands.

"It worked." Klaus smiled, looking down at his hand and Elizabeth's, the wounds were gone. He looked up at Elizabeth and pulled her into a hug, both of them laughing. "Nothing will happen to you, lupul mic. I promise." Elizabeth smiled and Elijah came and hugged her, once she had let go of Klaus.

"I give you my word, that nothing bad will happen."

"Thanks, but guys?" Elizabeth caught the attention of all three brothers. "When the time comes... And I know it will as much as I hate to admit it...I-I don't want anyone to know, until you make sure that they are all safe. Promise me that when the time comes you will not give the jig up, because the last thing we need is for this to go south." She explained.

"We will keep this up until everyone is safe." Elijah nodded as they all sat down on the couches.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're incredibly selfless?" Klaus smirked and Elizabeth shrugged.

"Runs in the family."

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