In the Night- Chapter One

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Chapter I

I was just shutting Jinny's door when an arm snaked around my waist making me jump.

"Cassie, calm down, it's just me baby," Johnny whispered in my ear making me relax. Johnny had almost pitch black hair, brown eyes and sun tanned skin, he was my type, he was hot.

Dad didn't know about Johnny and I, they happened to be on a business trip to London and lucky for me Dad had the Blood Lust pack beta check up on us every while. My Dad was Alpha Stanley, Johnny was his beta at twenty-six, I myself just turned seventeen but don't BS me about human laws on that crap, we aren't humans. We haven't done anything yet, but within this month that Dad was gone we both planned to.

"How did you get in here?" I asked as I turned in his arms in time for him to press my back against the wall beside my younger sister's door.

"You left the back door unlocked."

Before I could reply his lips met mine, his tongue dominating my mouth before I could stop him- even though I really didn't want to stop him. His lips trailed down to my neck, leaving a hot trail to where his mark would one day be located.

"Johnny," I tried to say normally, but it came out a breathless moan. "My sister."

"Cass," he groaned before pulling me from the wall and down the redwood stairs to the family room. He sat down on the black leather sofa before pulling me onto his lap.

"What are you planning?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck while looking into his brown eyes.

"I got you something, close your eyes," he commanded.

I did as he commanded, feeling his body shift as he took something from his black leather jacket- or at least I think that's what he was doing- and taking my hand, sliding something cold onto my arm to rest at my wrist. Unable to resist; I opened my eyes and looked down to see a gold band on my wrist with words in Latin carved into it.

"What does it say?" I asked.

He smiled, twining his fingers with mine and gently kissing my hand. "'Bound in life, together through death.' I thought you might like it."

"I love it," I whispered before bringing my lips to his.

He reacted immediately pushing my back to the sofa without loosing contact with me. I arched my back to meet his, my arms tightening around his neck. His mouth opened mine, his tongue tasting me as I tasted him.

"Cassie?" I heard the sleepy voice of my sister descend from the stairs.

In seconds I was sitting up on one side of the couch and Johnny on the other side with his feet on the glass coffee table. Jinny came down stairs. She looks like me only her ocean eyes are a little darker and her hair shorter.

Her eyes brightened when they landed on Johnny- she didn't know, much like the rest of the pack.

"Jinny, what are you doing out of bed, it's almost twelve?" I asked as if nothing just happened.

"I thought I heard some guys talking, guys we don't know."

"It must've just been your imagination, Jin, there's no one here except Beta Johnny," I replied. "I'll take you back up okay?"

She nodded, I glanced at Johnny one more time before following Jinny up and back to her room.


I made my way back to Johnny who was sitting in the same position but had his phone in is hand as he talked to someone on the other line.

"I'm with your daughters now... no, I came to check on them like you've asked... yes... yes, Jinny is asleep, Cassie just put her back in bed... alright... yes Alpha," Johnny sighed and clicked the phone off. "Your father, always the one to call at the worst times."

"What did you talk about?" I asked sitting down next to him.

His arm wrapped around my waist. "Harry, he reported some mysterious things going on over at the Blood Moon pack so your father wanted to make sure you and your sister were alright."

"What else?"

"He said I should let you sleep," he smirked.

I sighed and got up dragging Johnny with me. "Then you should go before he calls me to make sure."

Johnny groaned but allowed me to pull him to the front door. I opened it and let him walk out before he turned around and looked at me through the darkness.

"C'mon Cass, no goodbye kiss?" he nearly taunted with that pout still in his voice.

I stepped out with him and wrapped my arms around him, my lips brought up to his. Before it could deepen, I pulled back and rested my head on his chest.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," I said before packing his lips and pulling away, back into my house.

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