In the Night- Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter XIII

Johnny's POV

I lifted my head slightly to look at her peaceful face, her cheek pressed to my arm. I shifted and she moaned, turning over and efficiently hiding her beautiful face. Last night, we completed the mating process, showing her the tenderness that Drake never gave to her. She was mine now, I loved her as if she was my true mate, which I believed with all of my heart that she was. I became tentative when I heard the downstairs door open and close and footsteps lead into the kitchen.

I pulled my arm back, getting up and putting on basketball shorts and a tee that I had thrown off sometime in our night. She groaned and turned her head toward me with dream glazed eyes that weirdly turned me on.

"Johnny?" she asked groggily.

"I think your Dad'a home, I will be back up in a moment or you can come down if you want."

"Maybe later," she whispered. "Save me some breakfast."

After that her eyes closed again and I made my way downstairs. I saw something on the floor in front of the door, I made my way over to it, seeing it was addressed to Cassie in unknown handwriting that was more like chicken scratch. I picked it up, not likening the look of it, finding no scent on it and making me so much more edgy.

Dear Cass,

I told you, my dear, that if you misbehaved that I would go after little Jinny. If you haven't realized this, you have no idea where your parents are. By now, I would think that you would've already caught on, but if not I will tell you. I have Jinny, Stanley, and Dawn. Of course I won't hurt them, in fact I'll let them go, but only if you come back. Otherwise I will start with Jinny and then your father and then your mother. Kill the alpha, kill the pack. And if that doesn't work for you I can also just go after your precious Johnny. Tomorrow night at ten, come into the woods by the lake, meet us there or you can say bye to Jinny Lorrane. Come alone, we'll have Jinny, try anything and she's as good as dead.

Hope to see you soon, your mate, Drake.

I was shaking, they have my mate's family, my Alpha, my Luna. Oh my god, Cass, she didn't know, she was just newly mated and she was going to have to deal with this. No, I couldn't do that to her, I will keep our mating promise, I won't let anyone touch my beautiful girl, and I'll get back her family.

Jinny's POV

I woke up with my back aching and my head pounding, I tried to move my hands to cradle my pounding head only to find them bound. I was tied to a red high back chair, my legs and feet bound, but the worst part was that the lights were off and I had no idea where I was. There was a groan, startling me from my thoughts, at first I thought it was Cassie, but if it was I knew exactly what happened. If it was Cassie that means that the guy who took her before, took her again and also got me.

"W-who's there?" I stuttered into the dark, making the pain increase.

"Jinny?" it was my Mom's voice, but why was my Mom here, was this not the same person?

The lights blared on, blinding me for a moments before my blurry vision focused and I noticed two more chairs, one holding my mother, the other holding my father who was just now waking up. The room was completely made of what looked like steel, but more dull. The chairs were the only thing in the room besides the black door and us.

"Jinny, Dawn!" Dad gasped as his eyes blazed between us. He was furious but not at us, we were just in the hospital looking after Cassie though. Where's Cassie?

"Daddy, he has Cassie, where's Cassie, why isn't she with us?!" I near screamed, what was he doing to her?

Dad and Mom understood the second the words left my lips what I was mentioning that he could be doing to her. My teeth started to chatter, I was cold, this room was near freezing almost to the point that I could see my breath.

"What are you doing to my daughter, you sick bastard?!" Dad snarled, making both of us flinch. He didn't mean to, but we both understood why he had to yell, the reason why was Cassie, he didn't want to loose either of us after Jass.

"I haven't done anything that Cassidy didn't want me to." The door swung open and there stood Alpha Drake, the man who kidnapped and raped my sister.

"You're a liar, you don't deserve even a rogues pity, I will kill you if you touch my family, I will kill you so fast that you won't be able to pray."

He smiled, an evil wicked smile that sent chills down my spine as he stared at my father.

"You shouldn't be the one to talk, your tied to a chair right now, plus very soon her child will be mine."

This sent my father over the edge, he snapped his jaws, jaws that were becoming black as his wold rose.

"You will never be a father," he snarled though his voice slurred as his head became a wolf's head and then transformed back. "Cassie will always belong to Johnny, he deserves her, he has always loved her, you never cared for her. You beat her, raped her, kidnapped her, and killed my son. No matter what you do she will never love you, she will always hate you!"

"I don't think so," he said moving forward until he was standing beside my chair. "She has to love me and come back to me, or I promised her that I would slowly kill you, Dawn, and Jinny here," he said while brushing my face with his hand. "Off and then go out after Johnny and still have her. She will be meeting me tomorrow night, or I kill you all."

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