In the Night- Chapter Twenty

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Chapter XX

Johnny's POV

I turned the watch necklace over in my hand, the old intricate designs in the copper gold face and back. It was the first gift I had given to her, I thought of her when I saw that if you closed the flip face that the hands of the tiny watch were outlined by a heart cut into the door. I even remember the words I wrote on the note I had put into the box that held the gift. "You are my time, my clock, my tic and tock, the sun on my horizon, the wind in my wolf's fur, the ground beneath my feet. You are my everything, Cassidy Lorrane, I am nothing without you, without your eyes or your laugh or your anything. I love your perfect imperfections and flaws, I love your everything, love your wolf, Johnny Cateel."

I sighed, remembering how when I saw her the next day, one moment I'm standing, the next I'm on the floor with Cassie over me. She was so happy that day, I took her on our second date to the lake and she ended up falling asleep in my arms. It was the first day that I never thought about Jasper's death, that I lived in the moment, not the past.

"Five and a half years," said a voice that made me jump. I turned to find Jass standing in the doorway of the room.

"I watched over you and my sister for five and a half years, watching you two get closer because I died and fall in love. That's one of the things I was happy about when it came to my death; the fact that my best friend was always there for my sister. She's gonna live, Zander can read futures, he said that she would live and Drake will no longer fight once he finds that she is marked. You guys will live your lives, have a child, a baby girl, and make the best from your lives together. She belongs with you, Johnathan, she always has, I want you, need you, to tell her when she wakes up that it's not the end and that I love her."

"Why? Wait, Jass are you leaving?" I asked, standing up and putting the necklace down.

"Mum and Dad are dead, I had to turn Jinny and she luckily found her blood-bound, the four of us are leaving together to start our lives away from wolves; but we will be back, we'll visit you guys and your baby." Jasper approached Johnny, shaking his hand in a firm grip. "Thanks man, for being there for my sister, Mum and Dad would be proud of you."

"I know," I whispered, unable to look my best friend in the eye for he was once again leaving us with a chance of never returning. "I will keep her safe, you go live your life and never forget us, promise me you won't forget us?"

"I could never forget you Johnny Cateel, my best friend, my beta, my brother. I love you man."

He full on hugged me and I accepted it, hugging him tightly to me knowing this would be the last time.

"I'll see you later."

"See ya later."

He left then, one last look back at me with a sad smile that said that we both knew it was goodbye for a long time. I smiled back, giving him a curt nod that said thank you and he returned it.

"Goodbye, Jasper Brice Lorrane, you were the best friend any man could have."

Cassidy's POV

It was black for a long time, that's all I saw anyway; then I saw a light. It's wasn't like the light you see when you die, it was more like an ever changing light that I felt pulled to, so I went. I found the reason why the light changed colour was because it wasn't a light; it was a type of vision. And it was talking, a woman's voice.

"He could hear his Mum crying as his father came from their room and slammed the pine door shut. His father had nail marks up his arm and a smear of blood on his cheek, he had black hair, tan skin, and dark eyes at the time. Drake, at age twelve, two years before his father would kill his Mum and die a year an a half later, sat on the floor outside his bedroom with his knees pulled to his chest. He looked up just in time to see his father bend down to eye level. Drake knew not to flinch, his father hit him on occasion but only for disobeying and showing weakness. He was a strict type of abusive father and only to his family, not his pack.

'Is there something I must do, sir?' Drake asked, forcing his voice to be steady. His father didn't like Drake calling him Dad like any normal son, he liked to feel in power.

'No, Drake, but I do need to tell you something important that you must remember. When you find something you want, son, you take it, use it the way you want to and never let it go unless you want to. If its a person, you show dominance, use them as you wish, they mean nothing and they are always under you, they are weak to you, that's all they will be.'

'Did Mummy do something wrong, something she shouldn't have?' He knew that when his Dad told him something after beating his Mum that she did something wrong.

'Yes,' he said curtly as he stood to his towering height, a gene that Drake would inherit. 'She denied me love and another child, this time I did something about it.'"

"Who are you?" I called out.

I woman in a white dress with flowing brown hair came from the vision. I knew this had to be Drake's Mum, the resemblance was uncanny.

"My mate was the fault for Drake's corruption, but he is at fault for his actions, I must apologize for that. I am his mother Kylie."

"Did your mate...?"

"Yes, I was lucky that I didn't have a second child, I tried to get away, he beat me quite a lot. I thought our relationship was one of love that long time ago, then I gave birth to Drake."

"And he killed you?" I asked.

"Yes, I tried to run one day and he found me, his wolf never really loved me, Josh let his wolf take over and he killed me. I am sort of glad he did, or Josh wouldn't have died then."

"So why are you here now?"

"My son, he has done unspeakable things to you and your family, Dawn and Stanley are dead, as much as I hate to tell you, and Jinny is a vampire as Jasper is, they left together. But there is always one that is by your side, he won't seem to leave that spot either."

"Oh Johnny," I sobbed, taking my face in my hands.

"Cassidy, it is important that you go back for Johnathan for he needs you, he loves you more than the world. Just because your family is gone doesn't mean it's the end dear."

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking up at the older woman.

"The pack needs you, but not only that, if you don't go back, your daughter will never be born."

"What re you talking about? I-I'm going to be pregnant?"

"Yes, Drake found, after killing your parents, that the pack didn't fall and knew that you mated with Johnny, he has found another, the danger is gone. You and Johnny have a life to lead, will you really stay here and deny your mate the love you have for him?"

I stood up, wiping my tears and facing Drake's mother. "How do I get back?" I asked.

"Just wake up," she smiled.

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