In the Night- Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter XVI

Mystery POV

I was happy to find secretly by one of her pack's members that Johnny had mated Cassie and they were now the Alpha and Luna of the pack. Blood Lust are lucky to have them, but this impending war is not something I was happy to learn about, this would put a lot of people in danger including my family, and I couldn't have that. They mean the world to me even though they hardly remember I exist, but soon they would know I was always there watching them and protecting them from my alpha. That's what I'm doing now, walking up to the house I used to hang out in almost every day. It was just past dawn, but I knew he'd be up, he always was an early riser. Well here goes nothing.

I raised my scarred fist to the door and softly knocked, hearing footsteps almost immediately, but it wasn't my best mate that answered.

Cassidy's POV

I took a long shower when I woke up again and dressed into casual wear and met Johnny downstairs. He sat at the large family table his father bought with a cup of coffee in his hand, staring down at a piece of paper on the table. Beside him was another mug.

"Aww, you made me coffee?" I asked sitting down beside him.

He laughed and kept his eyes on the paper. "Coffee? More like a little bit of coffee with your creamer, at least that's they way you like it," he replied taking a sip of his.

I flicked the paper over to me before he could pin it down. I took a sip of my coffee with a smirk as I leaned my back against his shoulder and held the paper above my head so I could see it in the light. It was a drawing I had made when I first found out I had some talent in drawing. It was a drawing of Johnny in anime form, made him sit still for almost an hour before I felt I got the base right.

"You still have this?" I said shocked, I expected him to get rid of it years ago.

"Well of course," he said. "Look at the back."

I turned the copy paper to the other side to find someone had written on it. I put it on the table and read the words.


I think she'd kill me of she found I wrote on this, but I wouldn't blame her. This girl has me whipped and she's years younger than me, yet I'm falling hard. She became so much to me after Jass died, even with our age difference, I can't help but to feel something for her. I know if Jasper was still alive and saw this I'd be punched to the next year, but it'd be worth it. I don't even know why I'm writing on this, maybe because I look at it too much. I should frame this, it's the best picture I've ever seen and it's made by the best girl. God, I'm head over heels for her and I know she didn't do anything that she hasn't in the past. She is perfect because she is who she wants to be, she doesn't act fake. I need to just ask her out, but then Alpha Stanley might kill me. I have too much free time, I'm going to stop talking now and hide this from everyone, I think they would certify me insane.


I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, this is the most heart warming thing I'd ever seen. I can't believe he liked me even before, I liked him too, we're idiots. I leaped into his lap and hugged him, gladly remembering to put my coffee down before I did so.

"I know, I was a love sick puppy a few years ago," he laughed nervously.

"Then so was I," I whispered into his ear and kissed his jaw, just below his ear. I heard his breath hitch and smirked as I continued to do that.

"You have no idea how much you affect me," he whispered, pulling me back so he could kiss me.

"I think I have an idea, since you do the same to me," I smiled against his lips as they continued to make their assault.

There was a knock, splitting us apart as I jumped.

"I'll get it," I whispered and kissed him one more time before going to the door. I knew Johnny was behind me to make sure I was safe.

I unlocked the front door and opened it to a man taller than Johnny with dark brown hair, dull blue eyes and pale skin. He seemed about Johnny's age as well. This time Johnny came beside me and put a protective hand around my waist. Weird enough this guy had no scent, but he seemed familiar.

"Who are you?" Johnny asked after a second of making sure he wasn't a danger.

The wind blew in lightly and I caught that he had a scent, a very faint scent...?

"You don't remember me, do you?" he tilted his head. Who did I know who did that when he asked a question?

"No, I don't believe I have ever seen you before in my life, my name is Johnny, if you are looking for my Father, Eric, he passed."

"Do you remember me Cass?" he asked as he turned to me. That voice... it was more graceful, but I defiantly knew the way he said my name.

I took a step back, my eyes widening with shock. "Oh my god... Jasper."

-A.N. Okay, I'm sure after a bit, you probably expected that, I would but I'm also really good at reading books, no pun intended.

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