In the Night- Chapter Twenty-one

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Chapter XXI

I opened my eyes to a blurry light, everything was white and far too bright for someone just waking up. I felt sore and warm as weird as it sounds, like I was wrapped in a blanket of warmth. I tried to turn my head only to find my neck was stiff and cracked as I did so. I sat up, my back and side hurting as I looked around the white room until I found Johnny asleep in the chair next to me. I reached over with my other hand since he was cuddled up to my fist one and shook his shoulder. I jumped up, taking my hand with him, looking around the room for a sign of danger and not ever glancing at me.

"Johnathan, I want my hand back you, possessive jerk," I joked making him jump again.

"Holy shit, Cass you're okay," he breathed carefully hugging me and kissing me softy with a contained hunger.

"Alright, Alpha Johnny, I-"

The doctor, Doctor Ross walked in with a clip board, talking until he saw us, more importantly me, awake.

"Welcome back Luna," Ross smiled as I pulled away, carefully resting back on the bed. It hurt terribly to do anything that involved moving, even breathing!

"You were saying?" Johnny asked.

"Yes, I was just about to say that she was stable and should wake up soon, but obviously you can already see that. Luna, you should be able to walk, move, and do other things in two weeks."

"Alright, thank you," I smiled and he left, the door closing behind him.

I turned back to Johnny who looked at me with love in his eyes before pulling me gently into his warm embrace. It felt right like it always has, this was where we belonged; wrapped into each other's embraces, taking comfort in it. When he pulled back to look at me I knew it was time to talk about them.

"Listen, Cass-"

I cut him off with a finger to his lips. "It's alright, I already know that they're gone, but I know a little more than that. I had met Drake's mother and she showed me something that I had never understood. Drake's father had abused him and his mother for years, he was the reason that Drake turned out the way he did, it was never his fault. I don't blame him now, I wish that I could for killing Mum, Dad, Jass, and Jinny, but I won't. What I know now makes me forgive him and I must tell you this now. He's moved on with his life as Jinny and Jass have, it's time that we do the same."

"A lot happens when you black out doesn't it?" he laughed, taking my hand in his. "They left the country, he found after... your parents passed that we had mated and he left, he promised that though it wasn't over, that maybe evil would still come upon us, that it would be over between us. He said that he would not live the way his father had and that he would be the alpha he should. Also, Jinny, Jass, and Jass's boyfriend Zander said that they would be visiting sometime in the future, they agreed the same."

I pulled his mouth to mine, kissing him with the life and love I had, he was my world, the thing that kept me feeling alive. When I felt myself go out, it wasn't my life that I was worried about, it was leaving Johnny, he deserved to be happy after loosing so much, it didn't matter how much I lost, just him. He was all I would ever need, and I him, our pack was just a bonus.

"Let's start a family, have a baby," I said breathlessly as he pulled away.

"You have no idea how much those words mean to me," he smiled and kissed me again. "I love you Cassidy."

"I love you Johnathan."

Drake's POV

I looked out the window of the plane, thinking as I had from the many hours of our trip. I told myself getting on this plane that this would be a change, that she deserved to be happy even if I wasn't. As much as I denied it, I had turned into a version of my father, he made me what I was and it was time for me to change that.

"Alpha Drake, we're just about to land in California," my beta informed.

I glanced at him. His father and him both were faithful men, they were loyal to my father and I as betas. After I had found out about Johnny and Cassie, I had to leave. Moving to the US was the only way I could start over, give Cassidy the life she deserved so much.

"Thank you, could you tell the rest of the pack?" I asked him.

"Yes of course, is something wrong sir?"

"No, please just tell them."

He gave a curt nod before leaving me alone to my thoughts. I don't know why Dad did it, but I understood that he was just trying to be a father.

"I hope you have a good life, Cassidy Lorrane," I whispered to myself.

The plane suddenly jolted and a small body suddenly fell into my lap.

"I'm so sorry, I should have been sitting down, I didn't mean to do that," she rushed as she straitened up. She had black hair that came just past her mid back, tan skin, and light green eyes, she was really pretty, maybe twenty, and human.

"It's alright, it's not your fault that the plane jolted, I'm Drake," I smiled warmly at her, reaching my hand out to shake hers. She seemed entranced, looking over my features nearly drooling, jolting out of it when I put my hand out.

"Oh, sorry, um nice to meet you Drake, I'm Tiffany," she said nervously.

"It's nice to meet you too Tiffany."

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