In the Night- Chapter Nine

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Chapter IX

Johnny's POV (Almost right after Drake shuts the door)

I could smell her through this window, it was very faint but still there enough to have Alpha Stanley and I to believe this is where she was brig held. I crawled through the third story window and nearly fainted at the sight I encountered. Cassie was unconscious on a dark bed, naked with a sheet covering her and bruises prominent on her arms. Her foot was bared from the small cover to where it was chained leading to the bed post. Alpha Stanley stood behind me one second and in front of me kneeling next to Cassie the next. I couldn't scent her, but I could smell another muscular scent all over the room and all over her.

Alpha Stanley brushed her cheek making her eyes flutter but not open as she brought a shaky hand to his arm. On that wrist was a black bracelet looking think that I was sure was the cause of her not having a scent.

"Daddy," she whispered weakly and painfully before her hand fell from his arm.

"Beta Johnny, get the thing off of her ankle now," Alpha Stanley quietly commanded as he wrapped the sheet more tightly around her bare body.

Taking only a few moments I was able to get the cuff from her leg and Alpha Stanley picked her up, moving toward the window.

"Go out and I'll hand her to you, don't care about me, you're young and known to be the fastest wolf in out territory, get Cassie to the pack doctor," he commanded.

I did as he asked, taking Cassie from him and jumping from the ledge. I regretted it as soon as I heard her whimper, but pressed on, running as fast as I could manage through the woods back to the pack.

Drake's POV

I slammed my fist down on the desk cracking it and making everyone in the room jump back in fear.

"What do you mean she's gone?!" I roared.

"S-she was taken from the room, we found scents of the Blood Lust pack's scent mixed with yours in the room," I was informed.

"This is not over, find he again, take both of them this time, I will make sure that Jinny is tortured or sold as a slave and I'll make sure to get Cassie pregnant this time."

"I thought you already had?"

"Werewolf development is sped up so that means that male sex genes die off faster than humans. If I had been able to take her tonight, she would've been pregnant for sure, but now."

"We will follow out your wishes, and if one of the parents or the others get in the way?"

"Kill them."

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