In the Night- Chapter Twelve

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Chapter XII

I followed Johnny to the house where I had spent the whole of my small existence in. It hurt thinking about Drake and what he did, what he could've done. I wanted my first to be Johnny, the man I knew cared for me deeply and wouldn't hurt me as much as Drake did. I can't help but be afraid, I didn't want to be hurt and I felt tainted, yet Johnny didn't care... he still loved me no matter what happened to me. Only certain people truly meet a guy such as Johnny, someone who puts you first and overlooks all of your mistakes. We made it to the house, Johnny working on the door with his front paws and after a moment it opened.

He nudged me inside and we bounded upstairs to my room where Johnny shut the door. Once he shut the door, I jumped on the bed, only to be tackled in the next second by my mate. I shifted when he finally had me under him, him shifting without a seconds hesitation. He attacked my lips, hungry, eager to feel me once again as I was to him. Each time he pulled back he'd whisper sweet nothing's before kissing me again. His arms snaked around my waist before he rolled us over, my body positioned on top as I straddled him. He pulled back one last time before he pulled back and put his forehead against mine.

"I love you, Cass, I will always love you, no matter what happens I'll be right here."

I was hesitant, afraid that once I said it that it would be false, but Johnny was here, he'd protect me as he always had. "I love you too Johnny, I never want to leave you again," I whispered.

He rolled us over again, pressing his body lightly into mine. "You never will have to."

"Johnny? Will you m...mark me?" I asked quietly. "I know Dad might be mad, but he should understand once we tell him."

He smiled. "Alpha Stanley already knows, in fact he said that he was going to have to find a new beta, I thought he was de-ranking me."

"Are you joking? You're the best beta this pack could ever have, and the the best mate I could have."

"You don't have to ask me to mark you, Cassie, I would never say no to you," he said before he kissed me.

I let out a gasp and kissed him back with an intensity I never knew I could have. My hands wound into his hair as his lips trailed to my neck. He licked and bit at the skin making me moan until he found the right spot. I felt his teeth elongate before they but into my sensitive skin, making me gasp and pull tighter on his hair, making him, in the process, growl. He pulled his canines out and lapped at my blood.

"I love you, Cassidy Lorrane, for today and tomorrow, forever and always," he whispered into my ear.

I wasn't hesitant this time, knowing the words I would say next would seal our bond forever. "I love you, Johnathan Cateel, for today and tomorrow, forever and always, until the day we lay down together for the afterlife."

-A.N okay so I had started posting this chappie and that was not the original chapter, this is, I had finished it and my Wattpad spasmed and when I published, I published the wrong one. so yeah, that's the deal, please don't be mad at me.

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