In the Night- Chapter Eleven

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Chapter XI

Johnny's POV

Cass lain on the hospital bed asleep, Jinny asleep on the chair only trying to be near her sister who had been afraid of even her innocent little sister. I told Alpha and Luna what Cassie showed me and not even halfway through, Luna began crying and repeating :"My poor baby, my Cassie!" over and over while crying on Alpha's shoulder. By the end, I couldn't even look them in the eye and judge their emotions, mine were a torrent. He took her innocence from her by force, I wanted to kill that bastard for doing that to my beautiful girlfriend.

"She's been through so much that she didn't deserve, I can understand why she is afraid to let us try to help her," Alpha Stanley murmured.

"Give her time to come back, we still don't know how many times he... hurt her between those seven days that he had her. Doc luckily said that she was not pregnant and that he had not marked her in a way that she would wear his scar forever."

"I need to find a new Beta," Alpha Stanley laughed and I got that fear sparked in the pit of my stomach.

"Sir, no, I-I love this position, Am I not loyal enough?" my voice shook.

"No! Beta Johnny, I'm not de-ranking you, I mean that if Cass wants you as a mate then you will have to quite being beta, for you would be the next Alpha."

I sighed in relief. "Thank you Alpha, I promise I will not disappoint."

He was an inch shorter than me but her still squared his shoulders and grabbed the collar of my shirt. "Listen now Johnny Cateel (A.N if he had a diff last name tell me!) hurt me daughter in any way and I will be biting at your ass. She deserves the best and if you don't give her that then I will make sure that you don't have kids."

"Of course sir," I smiled as he let me go.

"Johnny?" the sweet voice of my girlfriend said weakly. I turned and flashed to her side, grabbing her outstretched hand softly.

"Cassie, it's ok, I'm right here."

"The bracelet," she whispered showing me the wierd black bracelet on her wrist. "Bailie can't shift, she's dying, take off the bracelet before we both go, please."

I turned back to Alpha, my hand on the bracelet. "Get the doctor, now!" I said panicked.

"Who put this on you?" I asked as I examined it. I was a technology geek at heart, but I still played off the bad ass role.

"D-Drake," she whispered and I let out a growl making her flinch.

"I'm sorry, I'm just pissed, baby, I swear it's not directed toward you."

"Johnny," she gasped as her body spasmed. "There's a button on the underside, they pressed it to take it off."

I checked the entire underside and finally found the button, pressing it, feeling it prick m finger before opening. I pulled my finger back to find a bead of blood rising to the surface of my finger. Cassie curled into a ball, shrieking in obvious pain and clutching her stomach. Black fur started to sprout from her skin, her bones cracking and popping more than they should when you shift. Finally a small black wolf paid on the bed before me, her fur still shiny even after all that she went through. Her purple eyes near pleading me to join her. So I did, shifting into my dark furred wolf and jumped into the bed next to her, circling her and sniffing her fur, smelling the alpha mingled into hers. I would fix that, I would be the one to mate her, to mark her and give her the love she deserves that's not brutal, cold sex.

Davis whined, slowly crouching down until we were on our stomach, nuzzling Bailie and Cass into our side. When she was finally there, I curled around her and rested my head on hers. She fit there, she was a perfect match of small against my big beta wolf. If I ever picked anyone for my mate it would be her even if I had to lose everything, I would want her, she is my everything.

'What are you thinking about?' she asked through our slowly strengthening link.

'How lucky I am to have you, and how I'd give everything up to keep you.'

'I thought you used to just refer to me as "my best friend's little sister"?' she teased.

I growled playfully and nipped at her ear, making her shake her head and let out a returning growl. 'No. I always thought of you as the beautiful girl that just so happened to be my best friend's sister, one that I would've lost my manhood if I tried something on. Jass was very protective of both you and Jinny.'

'How can you say that now, I'm... tainted, broken,' she replied softly.

'No. Don't let what that bastard did to you, change you. You still have a full happy life ahead of you and if I'm not a part of it then I'll shoot myself now. I love you Cassidy more than anything, I won't let your past ruin your future... our future if you still want to be with me.'

He head came up and turned so she was staring at my bronze eyes with her big purple ones. Slowly she opened her jaws, her tongue lolling out and pressing soothingly against my cheek, slowly going over it until she pulled away. I looked at her with the love I felt cording through my muscle and veins, I loved this wolf that was snuggled against me. Before she could think twice about what she just started, my tongue attacked her, making her laugh as I lapped her muzzle, nose eyes and ears. Finally, either wanting to tease me or simply wanting more, she was able to capture my tongue gently between her front teeth.

'Tease,' I growled and I just feel her smirk.

"You guys are so weird, trying to make out in wolf form," Jinny's voice interrupted. Shit, I forgot she was even there, I thought but my wolf's idea was pull my tongue from Cassie's mouth and tucking her head into my neck as he let out a soft growl at the girl.

'Johnny, don't growl at my sister,' Cassie gasped but didn't make any attempt to move.

'Wow, where's the Johnny I knew?' Jinny asked me through link.

'He has been taken over by demanding Johnny/Davis who lives Cassie. Please tell your parents that I took Cass back to the house where I will be pampering her like the beautiful princess she is.'

She sighed, rolling her eyes before getting up and walking out.

'Come on, Cassie, let's go back home where I can fully treat you like a princess.'

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