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This part is dedicated to @chene2012 , thank you so much for all your support!

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Winterfell, The Feasting Hall

(the feast for the King)

"King Robert, Queen Cersei." My father addressed the burly, drunken man, and the woman I could not see as I stood respectfully behind my father. "This is my first born daughter, Paityn Stark."

"Why, hello there young lady." The King said to me and I shyly curtseyed at the man. "She's a beauty." He said to my father, and I blushed.

"She certainly is." I heard the Queen agree, and turned my head towards her, my father having stepped out of the way. She was beautiful, with long, blonde hair done up in a perfect braided bun; that's what hair looked like in King's Landing, I supposed. Her lips were full and her smile was fond. There was this slight look in her green eyes and her pink cheeks that made me aroused, but I dismissed the feeling in my lower stomach and returned the smile she offered to me.

"Cersei Lannister." The Queen stood and introduced herself to me. I glanced at my father, but he was having a hearty conversation with the King.

"Paityn Stark, Your Grace." I curtseyed and she did the same.

"Curious choice of clothing for a lady, don't you think?" She asked me, addressing my white poet's blouse and grey trousers.

"Mother said I didn't have to wear a dress if I didn't feel like it, Your Grace." I responded. "I don't care very much for dressed, you see."

"You have beautiful eyes, little dove." She said, tilting my chin up with her hand.

"Thank you, Your Grace." My face reddened, and I think she noticed. "It's a pleasure to meet a great beauty such as yourself."

"Yes." She spoke, sitting down. "I would like to speak with you more, somewhere more private, sometime. Perhaps soon, I do not know."

"I would love that, Your Grace." I said, then turned to my father, interrupting him politely. "May I be excused?"

   "Yes, yes." He said, waving me off. "Don't eat too many pastries, is all I ask."

"The Queen is very beautiful, isn't she?" Sansa asked me in passing as I walked swiftly back to my chambers.

"Yes..." I stopped, turning to look at the girl, who clasped her hands together, her Tully blue eyes trying their best to avoid my Stark brown ones.

"And what do you think of the Prince?" She asked me, biting her bottom lip lightly.

"Um... he seems... okay, I suppose. Handsome. Why do you ask?"

"Father... I... I like the Prince. He is handsome, and he is gallant. Everything a Prince should be. Father told me I am to marry him."
"Yes..." I tilted my head at her.

"I just... wanted to make sure that you... didn't... because I didn't..."

"Sansa, sweet Sansa, don't worry about anything. Our father will sort the details and I'm sure that everything will be alright in the end. Like it always is."

"But father says that winter is coming." Sansa's eyebrows furrowed in concern, and I nodded, cupping her face with gentle hands.

"It's been an awfully long summer, I'm afraid, but remember... the lone wolf dies while the pack survives. We must stick together if we are to prosper."

"Father also told me we were going to King's Landing." She said. "I heard it's beautiful there."

"You're so much like mother, you know?" I said, touching a strand of her auburn hair. "A true southern lady. The winter was never for you."

"I must head back to the feast... Prince Joffrey is expecting me." Pink tinted her cheeks.

"Yes, yes." I dismissed her, kissing her forehead affectionately. "I will see you in the morning. Have a good time with the Prince."

She blushed an even deeper red and nodded, scurrying off in the direction of the feast.

I sighed, mumbling to myself as I walked back to my chambers, thinking of the Queen and her beautiful golden hair and emerald eyes. "Sansa... sweet, sweet Sansa. You know absolutely nothing."

I added a little part to the end to sort of better portray the friendship between Paityn and Sansa before they go to King's Landing.

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