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(the next evening)

   "Paityn, my sweet." I heard Tyrion's voice call gently as he entered the room. "Good evening. How have you been?"
   "Odd." I told him honestly. "That's why I'm here."

   "Why have you been feeling odd?" He asked, and I noticed the pale white scrolls bunched up in his fist, a wine glass in the other. He handed it to me when he noticed the sweat on my brow and the book clutched tightly between my fingers. I took a sip of it; it tasted like Cersei.

   "I'm not sure." I replied. "I just... feel like something's wrong, or... missing."

   "I... I need to tell you something. Some... very bad news." He said, his eyebrows furrowing together and his eyes turning sad. "But first, two letters. One from your mother and one from your brother. I haven't read them, I swear." He told me, passing both pieces of parchment, the seals unbroken.

   I slowly unraveled the scrolls and let my eyes scan the words, reading first the letter from my brother, his slanted handwriting almost slipping off the page and into my hands.

My Beloved Sister, Paityn,

   I fear I have fallen in love with a girl who makes me forget my fear. Her name is Talisa and she is very beautiful. Mother advised me against marrying her, for I was promised to another, but I love her, dear Paityn, and nothing else should matter when it comes to that. I thought that I could save Father if only I had that bridge, but I was wrong. I couldn't save you or Arya or Sansa, either.

   Bran and Rickon haven't been found and our "brother" Theon Greyjoy took our land and murdered our people. I sent the Boltons to get it back for us, though, and they prove to be strong allies. I executed one of my bannermen and his whole army marched home. I am now making a desperate alliance with the Freys. Our uncle Edmure will marry Walder's daughter, Roslin.

   Forgive me for not sending earlier, I meant to tell you of everything we've gained and everything we haven't, but I fear that I'm winning the battles, but losing the war, and I haven't found much time. Mother set the Kingslayer free in exchange for her daughters, and I am still losing from that.

   Enough talk of battle plans. I love you, sister, and I hope we see each other again soon, me with a beautiful wife and a child in my arms, and you looking beautiful as ever in your trousers and with a wooden sword. I hoped that one day you could fight in my army; for you were certainly more fearless than half the men in my ranks, but you have duties as a lady, whether you like it or not.

   Be careful. Nowhere is safe. Protect the pack.

Your Eldest Brother, Robb Stark

Once I had read that letter, I quickly broke the seal on the one from my mother, feeling so many emotions at once; dread for what Tyrion was going to tell me, fear for Bran and Rickon- wherever they were, responsibility for the pack I had almost completely lost, nostalgia for the life I used to live, drunkenness for how groggy I felt and how slow my mind took information, and some happiness that my brother was still alive, in love, and safe... for a time.

   I noticed how unusually sloppy the handwriting looked; for my mother, at least. I was worried about her, and Robb too.

My Eldest Daughter, Paityn,

   I told you in my last letter that I fear the Starks will never be fully together again. I say this again, with a heavy heart and shaking hands. Your brother has won all the battles there were to win, but he is losing the war. I tried to advise him against marrying Talisa, and executing Lord Karstark, but he is like his father in more ways than one.

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