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Warning: sexual content *smirk smirk wink wink*

Fun fact about the original draft of this story: it had a lot of graphic sex, Cersei's love towards Paityn was more of a physical arrangement, and their relationship was reminiscent of ageplay. Interesting, huh?

As I walked down the dim corridor, headed back to my room and convinced to probably never come out again, a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a storage closet.

   "Cersei-" was all I managed before she slammed me against the wall and kissed me fiercely, her hands burning my upper arms through the material of my blouse as she pinned them to the stone. Cersei had a dominant personality, but it was at times like these that I could feel the dominance pouring from her.

   She was jealous of someone, with me, and there was only one person I could think of who she would be jealous; but how had she saw? Who else had seen?

   Then, before I could even kiss back, she pulled away and cocked her arm, slapping me across the face. I tasted metal on my tongue as my skin burned, a welt already forming on my cheek.

   "Shit!" I cursed, blood trickling from my split lip and onto the floor. "Why in the Seven Hells would you do that?"

   "She kissed you!" Cersei snapped, prodding my chest furiously. "And you let her! You let that smirking whore from Highgarden kiss you! Do you even know where she's been?"

   "Her name's Margaery." I said, and she brought back her arm again, the backside of her hand colliding with my other cheek. I shouldn't have said that.

   "Now you're defending her?" She asked, gesticulating wildly. "I don't give a damn what her name is. I want her dead!"

   "She didn't know, love. It was harmless." I said, and she sighed, laughing humorlessly as she leaned against a shelf. The closet wasn't very big and only contained a desk, the shelf behind her- littered with objects I couldn't quite make out- and a smaller shelf to my right, pressed against the wall and holding cleaning supplies.

   "And you think that if she knew you belonged to me she wouldn't fuck you if she had the chance?" She asked me, her face curious but mocking.

   "Of course she wouldn't." I replied to her, and she laughed again, putting her head in her hand as she leaned against the wall.

   "You are so... stupid." She told me, like it was the brutal, honest truth. "You think that men are the only ones who would take advantage of sweet little girls-"

   "I'm not little." I gritted my teeth, and she took my hands in her own, holding them up to where they were a sort of barrier between us. Then she gave me that patronizing look, but I could also see the concern in her eyes.

   "Listen to me, little wolf," she said. "You've heard that men only want one thing, even when they're old and grey. Some women want that same thing, sometimes from men, and sometimes from other women. People will use you for your body, your position, your money... Margaery Tyrell is one of those people. I've seen the things she's doing with my son. She shows the world only what she wants it to think of her. But I will protect you, my love,  and I swear to all the gods in the Known World and the heavens and the depths of the Seven Hells that if she touches you again, if she even dares speak your name, I will take a longsword and behead the bitch myself."

   "Cersei..." I started, then realized that I had no words. Instead, I slipped my arm around the small of her back and cupped her face, pressing my lips firmly to hers.

   She responded almost immediately to the kiss, leaning into my touch as she held her body against mine. My shoulder bumped against the wall and she held me in place,

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