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Hehe... hey guys. I was wondering... if I started another lesbian fic, kind of Silence of the Lambs-style (AFTER I FINISH THIS ONE, OF COURSE, I'M STILL SOMEWHAT DEDICATED), would you, per chance, like to read it? I have a bit of an idea, but aNYWAY, ON WITH THE (ADMITTEDLY SHORT) CHAPTER! (P.S. I love you guys, and I have a plan. It's a doozy, but a good one.)

I had spent the night crying and praying for my friend Tyrion, so when I was aroused from sleep, my eyes were puffy and red. So were Cersei's..

   "Paityn! Paityn, wake up!" She whispered against my lips, shaking me vigorously. Small, salty droplets fell on and patterned my skin.

   "What? What is it?" I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes. Her face was contorted, her lips swollen and bleeding. "Why are you crying?" I asked her, wiping the bags underneath her eyes with my thumb. "Why is your lip bleeding? Cersei..."

   "My father... he's dead..." She sobbed, wiping her nose on her sleeve. "Murdered this night in the privy."

   I almost wanted to laugh at the state he was found in, but my love looked so devastated that all I could do was pull her into my embrace. "How did this happen? Were the guards not stationed outside his door?"

   "The guards will not have their heads come morning if that is the case!" She seethed, and I held her against my chest, kissing her head and wiping her weeping eyes.

   She pulled away suddenly, poking an accusing finger at me. "It was Tyrion. Your husband. How do I know that you're not behind this?"

   "Behind this?" I scoffed in disbelief. "My love... I don't- I don't understand. Whatever do you mean?"

   "Don't act like you're so damned innocent." She hissed, and smacked my reaching hand away. "Don't touch me! I should've never trusted you, Father was right."

   "Cersei, you can trust me more than anyone in this world. You know this. Please calm down, you're being irrational."

   "Irrational?" She cocked her arm back to hit me and I flinched. She stopped, her face faltering for a minute before she stood, going over to the dresser to pour herself a glass of wine. "Tell me, is it irrational to suspect you of the murder of my father when he was responsible for the murder of your mother and brother?"

   I hesitated. "I suppose not."

   "Then shut up, will you?" She turned her back to me and sulked at the wall. I felt terrible, and I was too exhausted and confused to think of an effective way to comfort her.

   "Cersei..." I began.

   "What is it?" She sighed, drinking from her cup. From the candle she lit on the dresser I could see the tears welling up in her eyes, and her eerily expressionless face.

   "Forgive me. For any wrong I've done to you. It is true what they say in Dorne, you can't help who you fall in love with, but what is also true is that you can't help who you are born to."

   "You haven't done anything." She spoke softly, the candle flickering with every breath she took. She turned suddenly and strode over to me, taking my face in her hands. "I love you. I'm sorry."

   "Come, lay down." I said, rolling onto my side. She slid beneath the covers next to me almost without reluctance, nuzzling into the crook of my arm. "You know, you change your mind awful quickly." To that she didn't reply.

   "I've always wanted to be my father." She said after a while. "To make him proud. He always loved Jaime the most. I remember that we used to switch clothing- we used to look so alike. Those were the happiest moments in my life, when Father couldn't tell us apart." She sniffed quietly, and I reached to brush her face with my fingertips.

   "Go ahead and cry, love, if it makes you feel any better."

   "If I were a man, everything would be so much easier." She shook her head, as if speaking to herself.

   "But I love you exactly the way you are. And, I told you, I don't fancy men." I put my fist beneath my head and she began to brush her fingers up my torso.

   "Yes, but then you and I could get married. Our love wouldn't be shameful."

   "Yes, but it doesn't matter, does it; since that's not the case."

   "Yes, I suppose." Her chest heaved as she sighed. "Thank you. For being here with me. You make me feel... safe."

   "I'm glad. That's all I really want to do now that I can't protect my own family."

   Her eyes met mine shyly. "I can be your family."

   "You are my family." I assured her, planting a kiss in her golden hair.

   "I'm sort of relieved that Father's gone." She blurted, then covered her mouth with her hand, closing her eyes. "Forgive me."

   "What do I have to forgive you for?" I asked, sheepishly adding, "I'm rather relieved he's gone as well."

   "I'm tired of trying to live up to such impossible expectations. He was my father and I loved him, like all daughters love their fathers, but not once did he praise me, only command. Even though I had grown up to be exactly what he wanted me to be"

   "It's alright now, Cersei. Everything will be alright." She started to sob again and I held her close. "You don't need to let people set the standards for your life. Do what makes you happy."

   "But, my dear," she chuckled, tears dissolving into the material of her nightgown. "You make me happy."

   "Then it's your duty to yourself to do me." I smirked, and she giggled, flipping on top of me.

   Our lips pressed together in a passionate embrace and she held my arms around her neck.

   "Cersei..." I pulled back slightly once we both took ragged breaths. "You're such a beauty. I'm so truly lucky."

   "Perhaps your gods are finally listening to you." She suggested playfully, pecking my nose.

   "Perhaps." I nodded slowly. "Perhaps."

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