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Wow, it's been a while hasn't it? 😅 Well, I'm here now, and I'm editing a few things, such as "you know nothing" only being spoken to Paityn by someone she hasn't met before. I realize now that it can be a bit repetitive😬 lots of love, S❤️

   "Lady Stark." I heard from behind me, and followed by it the flutter of yellow material. "I'm afraid we haven't met." Prince Oberyn brought my hand to his lips and kissed it, bowing politely.

   "It seems we haven't." I smiled politely back, though my heart was heavy. "And please, Lady Stark was my mother. Call me Paityn."

   "But, forgive me, your mother has passed, hasn't she? That would make you Lady Stark whether you like it or not."

   "Was there something you wanted, Prince Oberyn?" I asked, quickly growing irritated of him. There was just something about the way he talked, the way he moved, the way he smiled, it was just so casual and seeped sexuality.

   He chuckled lightly and looked down at his hands. "Just to meet the girl Queen Cersei lets into her bed every night."

   I tilted my head. "I'm afraid that you've come to the wrong girl, my lord. Perhaps you should try Margaery Tyrell."

   "You're jealous, no?" He asked, and I shook my head.

   "Why should I be jealous?" I asked him, shrugging my shoulders. "She enjoys other people's beds, so I've heard."

   "Nevermind about that, my lady." He took my arm and lead me through the gardens. "You can trust me. There isn't anything you can tell me that I don't already know, or haven't experienced myself before."

   "What do you mean?" I asked, and he shrugged gracefully.

   "I was simply saying that I understand what it's like to love someone you are not supposed to." He said.

   "That seems to be a theme around here, is it not?" I asked, sighing.

   "Oh, you should come to Dorne." He chuckled. "It's a lovely place, and there is so much love, so much sex. There, we do not have preferences, therefore we cannot condemn what is wrong, because almost nothing is. You and the Queen should visit sometime."

   "How did you know?" I asked him, and he leaned away to inspect a flower before replying,

   "I heard it from her brother. He is... very jealous of you, to say the least. Called you 'the little wolf bitch who stole from me.'"

   "This little wolf bitch almost choked a great lion bastard." I spat, and Oberyn raised his eyebrows at me. He stopped in the middle of the walkway and lifted my chin.

   "I see why Cersei wants you, little one. You have the storm to match her rage."

   "Why did you come, Prince Oberyn?" I asked him.

   "I came to King's Landing to kill my enemies." He said casually, skimming through a patch of yellow flowers with his fingertips. "I came to you to warn the dangers of loving Queen Cersei."

   "Forgive me my lord, but I think I know the dangers better than you."

   "There is a fine line between knowing something and understanding it. Cersei is a cruel woman. I've seen it all my life. She's also very jealous, and uses her beauty and wealth to manipulate others. I-"

   "You're the one who doesn't understand, Prince Oberyn." I told him, trying to convince myself more than him. "She's changed."

   "Has she?" He asked, and I didn't reply. The silence held out for a long while, until I spoke again,

   "Have you come to torment me, is that it?"

   "Quite the contrary." He rolled the short stem of a yellow flower between his fingers. I hadn't noticed he picked it. "Along with the warning, I give you my sympathy. It's a hard world for us 'degenerates.' I wish you well." As he said this, he placed the flower behind my ear and brushed my hair to the side. "You remind me a bit of my daughter."

   "I remind everyone of someone else, apparently." I smiled softly, and he nodded.

   "That is a good thing, too." He took my hand and patted it with his other. "Now, I apologize, but I must cut this conversation short."

   "It's quite alright, my lord." I bowed politely to him, and he returned the favor.

   "Before I go, is there any chance you've seen your husband as of late?"

   "Not since the trial last night." I replied. "Why?"

    He smiled, rather shyly this time. "I told you that my purpose of coming to King's Landing was to kill my enemies, no?"

   "That you did."

   "And you know that Cersei has picked Gregor Clegane for the Crown's champion in Tyrion's trial by combat?"

   "Yes..." I replied reluctantly.

   "Gregor Clegane raped my sister Elia, and slaughtered her children like sheep per the request of your beloved's father."

   "Are you accusing me of something, Oberyn, because my beloved's father also killed my brother and my mother, and her so my father." I started to grow irritated again, as I tried to create a tone in his voice that simply wasn't there.

   "No, no, no, my dear Lady Stark. I only meant to say that... I will take out my enemies as they cross my path, one of which being the Mountain." He looked down at his feet and chuckled. "I'm going to be Tyrion's champion tomorrow."

   My heart dropped to my stomach, and I was filled with such sudden joy.

   I threw my arms around Oberyn and squeezed, his soft-soled boots almost sliding on the garden path.

   "You don't love him, no." He said when I pulled away, holding me at arm's length and mussing my hair. "But he is a good friend to you."

   "Forgive and excuse me, my lord, but I have to speak with him." I said, grasping his hand before turning to run off in the direction of the dungeon.

   "Do not ignore who you are for the likes of others." He quickly kissed my hand and smiled. A loving, brotherly smile. He called after me as I went, saying, "You know nothing, little girl! Nothing yet."

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