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   I walked through the disgusting streets of King's Landing, resisting the urge to hold my nose as I made my way to Lord Baelish's brothel. He had called me there for some reason, and though he had tried something before, I couldn't stay in the Red Keep for much longer without bumping into Cersei or something, so I decided, what could go wrong?

A lot of things, I noticed.

As soon as I walked in, I was met by Petyr, who greeted me with a smirk. I sighed, deciding to get this over with.

"What is it?" I asked, keeping my eyes on him, just to be safe.

"From your mother." He gave me a cheeky grin, slipping a roll of parchment into my hand. As I reached for it, he gripped my wrist and pulled me close, his pointed beard tickling my skin. "Also, I'm terribly sorry about the way things ended with you and the Queen. And about the way I treated you." He pulled back and I jerked my arm away, but all he did was pat my head gently. "I am trying to find your sister."

"I don't need your help." I hissed.

"Then, by all means, leave." He swept his arm to the brothel exit. "But, before you go, I've brought a peace offering." He smirked once again as a redhead came from behind the wine-colored curtain, looking me up and down.

"Why, don't you look familiar, Lady Stark?" She gave me a small grin, exaggerating my name as the corner of her mouth turned upward, displaying a few bright teeth.

Petyr looked at me, and then at her, obvious disappointment in his eyes. "Where's Mhaegen? I told her Lady Stark likes her women blonde-"

"She's breastfeeding, I'm afraid." The redhead said, wetting her bottom lip as she continued to look me up and down. "But if you enjoy that kind of thing..." she gestured lazily. "Otherwise, I think I can fix you up."

"No, I'm sorry, my lady, but I..." I began, only to be interrupted by the clinking of chain metal as several members of the City Watch entered the brothel, the redhead leaving my side to approach one.

"Lord Commander." She said to Janos Slynt, twirling a strand of curly hair around her finger. "Good to see you again."

He looked at her, his lips pressed into a tight line, before looking back, two more gold cloaks dragging a man before us. The Lord Commander snapped his fingers, and even more of the City Watch flooding into the room, the redhead's seductive smile leaving her face and me watching to see what they would do.

There was a slam and a scream as one of the men kicked open a door, the redhead looking to the Lord Commander for answers. Petyr had disappeared entirely. "You do realize this establishment is owned by Lord Petyr Baelish, the King's Master of Coin. Coin which goes in many pockets." She said, while the graying man just looked her, a blank stare. I attempted to blend into my surroundings, being as quiet as possible and sticking to the wall.

"Orders." Janos finally spoke, and I already loathed his slimy voice.

"Whose orders?" The woman asked, crossing her arms.

"Someone who doesn't care what Littlefinger thinks." The man almost boasted, the woman's arms uncrossing themselves as a blonde woman holding a baby was escorted into the room by two men, almost dragging her as she sobbed.

My eyes widened as the baby started to scream, one of the City Watch men pulling the woman's head back by her hair. I had completely forgotten about the brown-haired man they had brought in first until the Lord Commander looked at him, and the brown-haired man nodded, responded by the nodding of Janos to a City Watchman.

I looked on in horror as the gold cloak practically ripped the baby from the mother's breast, as she screamed, "No, you can't! No, please! No, not my Barra!

"Please. Please." The blonde woman begged as the man took a dagger from his side.

"Enough. Get it done." Sir Janos responded, though I could hardly look at him as a knight any longer. When the man hesitated, looking at him with uncertain eyes, he said, "kill the bastard," while the woman's protests muffled from my hearing.

"Give it here." Janos snapped, pulling out his own dagger. I could only stand and watch as he murdered an innocent child, the sound of flesh ripping and the woman's screams filling my head.

I ran from the brothel after the gold cloaks left, my vision blurring as I tried to think of something other than the blonde's screams echoing behind me, but as I walked outside, I glimpsed more gold cloaks raiding houses, more screams filling the air, along with more commands and even splashing sounds as a young boy was pushed into the bay and drowned.

"You know nothing, Paityn Stark." I whispered to myself as I tried to block out the sounds of massacre all around me. "Nothing about playing the game of thrones."

Some dialogue from Season 2, Episode 1, The North Remembers

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