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Here is the update I promised :) and a special thanks to all who have voted, added my fic to their reading list, followed, and commented supportive things. I appreciate you more than you know!

   I sighed, pushing my shoulders back further so that I didn't slump down in my seat. I was exhausted from the night before. Cersei managed to cover the dark bags beneath my eyes, but what she couldn't help was the absence of a smile from my lips.

I could tell she was torn. She loved me, but not enough to forgive the man who had killed her mother, and (so she thought) her son. And I loved her, but not enough to wish death on my friend, the man who had not taken advantage of me, given the chance.

Cersei must have been reading my thoughts, because she reached over and grasped my hand gently. "Forgive me, my lady."

"For what, Your Grace?" I asked, and she gave me a soft smile.

"For all the pain that I have caused you, I am sorry." With that, she let her hand slip from my grasp, and the smile from her face as well.

"I know." I said, looking out at all the people gathered to watch someone die. It disgusted me, and I wrung my hands together nervously. "But you've caused me so much more happiness."

"Why do you lie to me?" She chuckled, and I replied,

"Why do lie to me?"

We shared a glance, and the corners her eyes crinkled. "Why must you be so clever, but so beautiful? So deceitful, but so pure?"

"How I deceive you?" I asked, and she shook her head, looking down at her ringed fingers, fitted together in her lap.

"You make me think, even for a moment, that I am good. Even though I've been told my entire life, by a variety of people, voices in my head and behind my back, that I am cruel. Unworthy of love. Thank you."

"You've hurt people, my Queen. You've made mistakes. But so has everyone else. That doesn't make you any less worthy of the love and adoration I'm willing to supply." I smiled fondly, and she shook her head once more.

"You're too good to me." She reached over suddenly and brushed my arm with her fingertips, squeezing it slightly.

"Anything for you, Your Grace." I said as I saw her father approach, sipping at his wine. He looked directly at me, and smiled.

"Do you trust this one, Cersei?" He asked her, and she turned her head, swallowing visibly.

"I do, Father." She nodded. "She is very loyal, much more so than her brother and sisters."

"I see." He nodded, placing his cup down and turning to me. "What will you do if your dear husband is sentenced today?"

"Grieve, I suppose." I shrugged. "Whatever the Queen Regent requires of me."

"It's a shame that Tyrion refused to bear children with you." He tilted his head. "Perhaps it isn't too late to get an annulment."

I sighed softly and nodded as he sat in his chair, and Grand Maester Pycelle hobbled his way to the center of the pit. The roars from the crowd faded to a dull murmur.

"In the sight of gods and men, we gather to ascertain the guilt or innocence of this..." he paused dramatically, "...man, Tyrion Lannister. May the mother grant them mercy."

Tyrion and I shared a glance, and I noticed everyone sitting around me also took this chance to look at him, to mock him in their heads.

"You'll be okay." I mouthed to him, and he smiled a little, looking at the ground.

The horns blew, and Oberyn and his paramour shared a final kiss. I was hoping for Oberyn. Not just because he was fighting for Tyrion, but also because when we had spoken- although briefly- he seemed good, even if a little full of himself. All great people typically were.

He came into the small pit twirling, a long staff clutched in his fist. The crowd applauded, and I tried my best not to. I wanted badly to make a good impression on Cersei's father. He already looked at me like I wasn't worth his time.

"Have they told you who I am?" Prince Oberyn asked the Mountain, to which he replied,

"Some dead man," and swung his longsword. He might've been the biggest man I had ever seen. Even my own father carried a sword with both hands.

"I am the brother of Elia Martell." He said, after dodging the big man. "And do you know why I have come all the to this stinking shit-pile of a city?" He paused, before continuing, slinging his staff at the Mountain. "For you. I'll hear you confess before you die." He spoke, as the crowd reacted quietly. "You raped my sister. You murdered her. You killed her children. Say it now, and we can make this quick."

The Mountain roared and charged at the thin man, clad in light armor, who promptly knocked off the former's helmet. "Say it. You raped her." He called as they fought vigorously, the clanging of metal on metal filling the pit. "You murdered her. You killed her children."

The sun began to set as Oberyn spun about, Gregor's sword dragging on the ground. "You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children!"

I sympathized with the viper. He had lost his family- so had I. Except the people who I could, in fact, rain my wrath upon, were either dead already and/or the family of the woman I loved. How could I help that?

I rose my head as I heard a cracking sound, seeing that Oberyn's spear had broken into three parts, and someone tossed him a new one. I began to worry. Was trial by combat truly a logical way to determine the innocence of the accused?

After several moments of more fighting, the Mountain grabbed the viper, and threw him onto the ground. He came up quickly, and shoved his spear right into the giant's stomach. Surprisingly, that did not seem to faze him in the slightest.

"You raped her. You murdered her." He repeated, cutting the Mountain at the leg and bringing him to his knees. He stood for a moment, swaying in the wind, before charging once more. "You killed her children!"

He caught the giant in the stomach once more, except this time, the spear went all the way through his body and out the other side. "Wait, are you dying?" He asked. "No, no, you can't die yet. You haven't confessed." Oberyn said as he jerked the spear from the Mountain's flesh. "Say it. Say her name. Elia Martell. You raped her. You killed her children. Elia Martell." He pointed to Tywin Lannister and asked the man lying on the ground, dying, "Who gave you the order? Who gave you the order? Say her name! You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children!"

He was in hysterics now, consumed with rage and vengeance. "Say it. Say her name." He smiled. He was so close to saving Tyrion, to satisfaction. And then the Mountain grabbed him by the back of his knee and pulled him to the ground, choking the life from him. When the giant hit the viper's face, his teeth spilled on the ground, and blood carved a smile into his face.

"Elia Martell." The Mountain growled, grabbing at his head once he had him pinned to the brick. "I killed her children, then I raped her. Then I smashed her head in like this!"

Oberyn Martell died screaming, the Mountain fallen beside him, his skull torn apart, and a puddle of blood around his unrecognizable head.

Cersei smiled slightly, and I shook my head, tears pricking my eyes.

"The gods have made their will known." Tywin stood. "Tyrion Lannister, in the name of King Tommen of the House Baratheon, First of His Name, you are hereby sentenced to death."

Some dialogue from Season 4, Episode 8, The Mountain and the Viper

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