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A/N: sorry it's been a while: hope this makes up for it ;)

(Trial day)

"Are you ready, my love?" I asked once I saw her eyelids flutter."Ready for what?" She grumbled ignorantly, turning onto her other side, swiftly and softly as to not wake the sleeping Cayte between us.

"The trial." I replied, setting the book I had been reading aside. Unlike my love and my second love, I had yet to close my eyes, and the sun was little from rising in the west.

"Must you remind me?" She said, her face muffled by the pillow. "And must they hold this trial so close to a time of tragedy? The King's sister has just died. My daughter has just died."

"It's been a month, my love." I sighed, pulling Catelyn's blanket further up to her dimpled chin. "Besides- and I'm not trying to make you feel worse- why did you think sending Myrcella to Dorne would be a good idea?"
"I thought that it could be the one place in the world they don't hurt little girls."
"Everywhere in the world, they hurt little girls. You know that."

"I do now," she stood, making her way over to the dresser in her half-nakedness. "What shall I wear today?"

"Whatever you wear, you'll be beautiful."

"Cheeky bastard." She rolled her eyes. I was pleased to see the smile that graced her lips briefly. "I need to dress... intimidating. Powerful."

"Cersei, look at me." I came up behind her, rubbing her shoulders comfortingly. She turned. "Everything is going to be okay."

"I know, my love. Believe me, I know." She said, and there was a mysterious glint in her emerald eyes. "Just promise me one thing."

"Anything." I said, her graceful fingers tracing the small of my back through my nightgown.

"Do not go to the Sept today. And make sure that Tommen doesn't, either."

"What? No. I'm going to be there for you. I'm going to testify in your favor."

"It will be a trial by combat, you won't have to testify." She said, holding my hands close to her chest. "I don't want to expose you to the Faith's zeal again. It was my fault that they were given power in the first place, but I won't let them corrupt you."

"I don't understand." I shook my head. "Do you think I believe anything they say? Especially after what they did to you? Of course not-"

"Please, Paityn. If you love me, you'll stay safe within the walls of the Red Keep.

"Well, I love you." I looked down and sighed, faking shyness. "So I guess I'll be drinking alone this afternoon."

"Nonsense. You'll have Tommen to keep you company." She said, pushing me towards the door. "Now, you go on. I'll give Catelyn to a handmaiden and get dressed."


"Now, Gregor." I whispered to The Mountain as we stood crouched beside the Sept steps. "Cersei told us not to be here, so we must be quick. I will lure the High Sparrow and Septa Unella out, and you will imprison them in the dungeon while I hurry back to the Keep to check on Tommen. Is that clear?"

He nodded his head slowly, the metal of his helmet clinking against his breastplate softly.

"And under no circumstances will you kill them." I pointed as I stood to leave. "I want them alive. Do you understand?"

He nodded again, and I went, satisfied.

"High Sparrow! Septa Unella!" I threw open the doors to the Sept, tearing my way inside. It was early in the morn, so people were still arriving for the trial. Cersei was nowhere in sight, praise the gods.

"What is it, child?" The two came running, the septa tossing her bell to the marble floor.

"Paityn? Paityn Stark?" I heard a voice. Margaery Tyrell and I looked at each other briefly before I turned back to the church members. I hadn't thought this far.

"Um, a sinner!" I exclaimed, pointing in the direction of the door. "A sinner on the steps. Come quick."

As they came down the steps and were subsequently knocked unconscious by the Mountain's heavy, iron fists, I breathed a sigh of relief that my plan had been executed without any problems and began my flight back to the Red Keep.


As I climbed the Keep steps and nodded to the guards, there was a horrendous sound. People screaming, buildings collapsing, bells ringing... you name it, it was in the jumble. I turned, and it was as if hell had broken loose and was consuming everything in a pillar of green fire.

The Sept exploded before my eyes, and tore down everything for a near mile. The wind from the blast was so powerful that it picked me up off my feet and slammed me against the double doors. Tiny, flying pieces of stone and brick tore at my face and clothes. The guards moved to stand before me, and my eyes watered at the smell of burning flesh.

I threw open the doors and started up the steps to Tommen's chamber, running as fast as my feet could carry me without cracking my head open on the smooth marble.

"Tommen!" I cried, my chest heaving, my head still refusing to comprehend what I just saw. I didn't even think to visit Cersei. For all I knew, she could have been in there. "Tommen!" I shouted again, bursting through his door.

"Mum?" He turned, but it was too late. He was already slipping off the windowsill, his crown discarded on the table, along with a few stray grapes.

"Tommen!" I exclaimed, one more time as I fell against the sill, reaching out to him long after he had hit the ground below. The guards crowded around him, their sandals sliding in his blood.

For a moment, I contemplated jumping after him, but ultimately decided against it as I sobbed, curling myself up into a ball. Cersei needed me, as did Catelyn, as did my remaining family, wherever they were. It would be selfish for me to go now. It would be wrong.

So I didn't. I simply sat there for the gods knew how long... wishing things hadn't ended up like they did.

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