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<Cersei Lannister>

"Your sister has learned that your new friends the Tyrells are plotting to marry Paityn Stark to Ser Loras." My father told my brother, dismissing his speech about saving coin. His grubby hand held open the weathered book as he turned his attention toward the head of the table.

"Very well. She's a lovely girl, or so I've been told." He leaned back, and a bitter taste came to my mouth. "Missing some of Loras' favorite bits, but I'm sure they'll make do."

"Your jokes are not appreciated." Father told him, and I suppressed a smile.

"It wasn't my best, but..."

"I bring them into the royal fold, and this is how they repay me, by trying to steal the key to the North out from under me." He seethed, and it was then I noticed the grey that was beginning to tint his thinning, blonde hair.

"Paityn is the key to the North? I seem to remember she has an older brother."

"The Karstarks have marched home." Father said. "The Young Wolf has lost half his army. His days are numbered. Theon Greyjoy murdered both his brothers. That makes Paityn Stark the heir to Winterfell, and I am not about to hand her over to the Tyrells."

There was a pang of guilt in my chest as I listened to my father speak. He was never one to express emotion, or let you know how proud of you he was, but over the years I had learned to pick apart his cold, raspy tone. He was pleased with the death and misfortune of Paityn and her family, as he should be, but I loved her, and it hurt me to hear of her soon-to-be grief.

She didn't even know her brothers were dead.

"The Tyrell army is helping us to win this war." Tyrion said. "Do you really think it's wise to refuse them?"

"There's nothing to refuse. This is a plot." Father replied. "Plots are not public knowledge. And the Tyrells won't carry this one out until after Joffrey's wedding. We need to act first and kill this union in its crib."

"And how do we do that?"

"We find Paityn Stark a different husband."

"Wonderful." Tyrion replied, and my chest clenched again, my stomach churning as both father and I looked at him.

When Father had told me that Paityn was to be wed to Tyrion, I was furious. I didn't know what I had expected when I went to him, only that I didn't want Paityn to marry Loras, and leave me.

"What, do you favor the girl or something?" He had snapped when I tried to protest. Since the rumors of Jaime and I, he was quick to assume and shut down anything he thought would stain his family's name. In all honesty, he cared more about his family name than he did his actually family. "You think I would marry you to a woman to further condemn this noble house's name. She couldn't even give you a son!"
"I didn't ask to be wed to her, Father. I just don't think that so soon after the death of her father-"

"And since when have you given a golden shit about Ned Stark? The last I'd heard is that you let your out-of-control son take off his head and now Robb Stark is marching his army this way!"

"You can't mean it."

"I can and I do." Father replied nonchalantly.

"But... she's a child!"

"You will wed her, bed her, and put a child in her, that is all that I will hear of on this subject." He spoke, and I couldn't help the shiver run down my spine. I would kill both my father and my brother if it meant that Paityn wouldn't carry the dwarf's child. What if it, too, was a dwarf, and it, too, killed its mother? I suppose that having the love of my life married to my brother would be worse than not having her at all.

"And if I refuse?"

"You wanted to be rewarded for your valor in battle. Paityn Stark is a finer reward than you could ever dare hope for. Put her in a dress and she's a proper little lady. And it is past time you are wed."

"I was wed." Tyrion said, his voice dripping with venom. "Or don't you remember?"

"Only too well." Father replied, gritting his teeth.

"You should be thanking the gods for this. This is more than you deserve." I spat at my little brother, irked by his sniveling ungratefulness. Paityn was the best thing that had ever happened to me, even if I hadn't met her before, I would have married her without a second thought.

"Tyrion will do as he's bid. As will you." Father told me, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. My palms grew warm.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You'll marry Ser Loras." He replied, and my whole body tensed.

"I will not." I replied.

"The boy is heir to Highgarden. Tyrion will secure the North, you will secure the Reach."

"No, I won't do it." I said spitefully, knowing that if I were the one to wed Ser Loras, I would have to leave King's Landing. And just when I had convinced myself that everything would be okay.

I could barely think. The whole room became blurry as tears glazed my eyes, and all I could think about was how I wouldn't see Paityn's face every time I woke up come next month, and how my father would sell me again just so his lineage would continue.

"Yes, you will. You're still fertile. You need to marry again and breed." He told me, and the way he put it just sounded so... vulgar.

"I am Queen Regent, not some broodmare." I seethed.

"You're my daughter!" He shouted, making me recoil. "You will do as I command, and you will marry Loras Tyrell and put an end to the disgusting rumors about you once and for all."

"Father, don't make me do it again, please." I said in a broken voice, as if I were a small child again.

"Not another word." He slammed his hand down on the wooden table and stood up. "My children. You've disgraced the Lannister name for far too long."

I refused to look at Tyrion as my father exited the room, shutting the heavy door behind him with a clang.

"Shame on me." I whispered to myself, putting my head in my hands.

Some dialogue from Season 3, Episode 5, Kissed by Fire

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