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I may know nothing, but I know enough not to cross Cersei Lannister. Even before I was her lover, I heard stories... they called her The Lioness for a reason, you know?

   Time seemed to be passing so quickly- first the death of my father, then of my mother and brother, Joffrey being poisoned, Sansa's disappearance, Cersei being raped, Tywin's death, Tyrion leaving, the pregnancy, Tommen's wedding... everyone around me was either growing up or dying, and there was nothing I could do about it.

   "That conniving bitch!" Cersei stomped into the room, her cheeks flushed from anger.

   "What has Margaery done this time?" I spoke softly, not bothering to look up from my book. She had been (rightfully) suspicious of her and her motives ever since Joff died (though really Cersei had been suspicious ever since Margaery had kissed me.)

   "She manipulated Tommen into sending me back to Casterly Rock!" She slammed her hands down on the desk, facing away from me.

   "What?!" I stood, my book flying across the room. "When? How?"

   "Shh, shh, my love." She held her finger over my lips, her dress fluttering behind her as she spun around. "Don't fret, I'm not leaving. Lancel found our High Septon in a... rather uncompromising position here recently. Don't you think it's time for a new one?"

   "Why?" I asked her. "What does that have to do with anything?"

   "I met a man, Paityn." She held my hands near her breast.

   "Oh no," I rolled my eyes.

   "No, not that kind of man. He's very powerful. He raided and destroyed Littlefinger's brothel, and feeds the poor on a daily basis. He's the kind of man we need to take revenge on the Tyrells."

   "How?" I asked. "You're speaking in tongues, Cersei. Just tell me your plan and I'll help you with it."

   "The High Sparrow has an entire flock of low sparrows. If someone were to give them weapons and an anonymous tip that Loras is a homosexual..." she raised her eyebrows, as if to ask if I caught onto her idea.

   "Wait, wait, you do realize that you're a homosexual as well, right?" I asked Cersei, and she rolled her eyes.

   "You're missing the point. Margaery Tyrell underestimates me."

   "Yes, and?" I pulled my hands out of her grasp. "I'm not going to let you imprison innocent Loras because you don't like his sister. Loras is my friend."

   "Love, I know, but do you want me to go back to Casterly Rock?" She rubbed my shoulders, a pout forming on her fair face. "Imagine me wandering the halls with a little blonde child in my arms, telling him or her about their other mommy back home."

   I felt a pang in my chest. "Don't pout, Cersei. You know I can't say no to you..."

   "Don't worry, it won't get out of hand." She assured me. "The Faith Militant hasn't been in order since the Targaryens- maybe bringing them back can make King's Landing a better place."

   I sighed, avoiding eye contact with her stubbornly. "I wonder about you sometimes, Cersei. I love you, endlessly, but do you ever think of the consequences of your actions."

   "Not often." She admitted. "I like doing things on impulse. I'm an overthinker, to say the least, so I try not to think. I act, and even if it has consequences, I can get myself out of it. I'm a Lannister."

   "You and I were raised very differently." I chuckled, running my thumb over her knuckles. "Starks are too cautious. We don't find ourselves in any compromising position lest we get caught. Like the High Septon."

   "How come you're different?" She asked, my hand coming to rest on her waist. "What made you think that it was okay to take risks?"
   "You," I shrugged honestly. "Before I happened across you, everything was... safe. Everything was carefully planned, and taught, and everything worked the way it was supposed to. You were... an unexpected visitor. A cog in the wheel. And then I understood how much I had been missing. You were like the road my parents forbid me to walk down, all rocky and mossy, but you were far more beautiful than straight, narrow, safe road I always walked."

   "You're more beautiful than myself," she pulled me closer, pressing a soft kiss to my brow. "More beautiful than anyone I've ever encountered, more beautiful than the Iron Throne, even more beautiful than the barrels of wine I saw them bringing in the other day." She smiled and I shook my head.

   "You're terrible."

   "But you love me." She raised her eyebrows. "Right?"

   "Of course."

   "And that's the only thing that matters. Right?"

   "I suppose..."

   "Good. So you'll help me prove to Margaery Tyrell that I won't take her or her family's disrespect. Right?"

    I shook my head, a faint smile of disbelief on my face. "You always turn things on me, you know? Putting your words in my mouth-"

   "I'll put my tongue in your mouth if it helps persuade you better than my words." She tilted her head to the side, and I sighed again, fondly.

   "You'll be the death of me one day, my lioness."

   She chuckled and kissed my brow again. "Let's hope it's not so soon."

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