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   When I returned, several hours later, Cersei was gone.

"Gods, Cersei," I sighed, disappointed in not finding her waiting for me. But, I understood. She probably went off somewhere to think about what I said. I sat down, picking up a book. She would come back eventually.

After reading the first sentence three times and still not knowing what in the Seven Hells it actually said, I stood, tossing the book back onto the shelf. Something was wrong. I didn't know what, specifically, but there was something.

"Have you seen Cersei?" I pulled aside passing servants as I tore down the corridor. They all shook their heads and cautiously continued on their way.

I started to panic as I peeked into her chambers, then the throne room, and then the small council room, finding all three deserted. Where could she be?

I crossed my arms as I left the Keep and went into the alley. The wind was picking up, causing the pungent smell and sand swirl around in the air. I took two steps down the marble stair before my arm was taken gently by a Lannister guard.

"Lady Paityn." he said softly. "I've been instructed to keep you inside the Keep. Where did you intend on going?"

"I- I was looking for Cersei. I mean- the Queen. I mean- the Queen Regent?"
The two guards shared a look, and the one holding my arm pressed his lips together. "Ahem." He cleared his throat. "The Faith. They took her."

"What?!" I exclaimed, immediately shushing myself. "What do you mean? When? Did you not stop them?"
"My lady, I'm sorry, but she gave them power. There was really nothing we could do."

"Get your hands off me." I growled, and he obeyed, taking a step back. "Now, tell me... where are they?"


"Excuse me." I tapped the septa on the shoulder after easily passing several sparrows. She turned, looking unimpressed, and I immediately apologized. "I'm sorry, but I was wondering if I could perhaps visit the Queen."

"Do you mean your sister in law?" She asked. "Or your niece?"

"Sister in law." I replied, rocking nervously back and forth on my feet. I saw a coin stuck in a crack in the stone. "I know she's just been- but I- you see-"
She held up her hand to silence me. "This way, please, Lady Stark. Though I advise you to be careful, she is rather haughty this time of day."

"She's always haughty." I mumbled to myself, following the woman down the dark corridor.

"You don't have long." She unlocked the door, escorting me inside. "Do not give her any food or drink, however, I will shut the door so you have privacy."

"Cersei." I whispered, my heart dropping as I saw her there, curled up against a wall, nearly disappearing into her purple gown. She looked so vulnerable, so helpless.

"Paityn!" She cried, grabbing onto my trousers and burying her face in my leg. "Paityn, Lancel is one of them and he told." She sobbed, desperate for air and release. "He told them everything about him and I and then some about Jaime. Paityn, I'm so scared!"
"Cersei, look at me, my love." I squatted down to her height and held her face in my hands, wiping tears from beneath her eye with my thumb. "Don't speak so loud, they might hear us."

"I love you." She whispered spitefully. "I love you, I love you, I love you."

"I know." I blushed lightly. "And I love you too, but we have to be extremely careful. Everyone who knows about us is an enemy. If you don't tell them you've been with Jaime, and if they only think you've been with Lancel, you won't be punished so cruelly. I say just..."

"Lay low?" Cersei asked, her chin quivering. I nodded, pulling her into my chest. She sniffed quietly and I felt her tears soaking my blouse.

"I'm so scared, Paityn." she murmured, still clinging to the material of my clothes.

"I know, my love." I said, stroking her golden hair. It was beginning to get frizzy and tangled in the back, and her emerald eyes were wild and red. "I know."
"You know nothing, remember?" She chuckled, shaking her head.

"I know that I love you." I wiped her runny nose with my sleeve and pecked her forehead. "And I know that everything is going to be quite alright."

It was all so surreal. Cersei was locked up, and I hardly knew anything. I felt like nothing that was happening was actually happening. My eyes, my ears, my mind... they were lying to me. And so was everyone else. This... this was a test.

"Oh," I realized, pulling away gently to pull a wineskin out of my pocket. "I almost forgot." I said, passing it to her. She looked at it, questionably. "Don't worry, it's just water."

"Thank you, little wolf," she took and drank gratefully. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she capped the skin, shoving it back into my pants.

"What? What is it?" I jerked my head towards the door, in case the septa was back.

"Give me your hands." She reached quickly, and slipped my palms over her stomach, pressing gently. I felt a few small taps against my hand, and was filled to the brim with inexplicable joy.

"Really?" I asked. "Is this the first time?"
"No." She shook her head, biting her bottom lip to keep from crying. "It's not frequent, but it's there. I know I'm close. Look." She stood on her knees, tucking her skirts beneath her, and began to undo the belt that held her gown over her breasts and stomach. Once she had it open, I could see that she was indeed close, her belly round and swollen, and her breasts large with milk.

"Listen to me." She said, tying her belt back up. "I want you to go to the High Septon, and tell him that you are to have custody of my child until I get out of prison. Understood?"

"When do you think the baby will come?" I asked.

"Soon, if I'm not mistaken. All three children of mine were born early, so I suspect this one will be, too."
"Have you thought of any names?" I asked, surprising myself at the hopeful tone in my voice.

"Well, if it's a boy, I'm not sure. But... if it's a girl, I would like to name her... Catelyn. Cayte for short. Would you like that, love?"

"Cersei..." I nothing short of gasped. "You would do that?" "Of course I would." She smiled, stroking my cheek with her thumb. "I've made... several mistakes in my life. And- and I continue to make them, every day. But... I didn't make a mistake in falling for you."   

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