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Oh hey! Didn't see ya there. It's been a while. How are you? I'm good, thanks, just lazy. Like always. (You got the stuff? Good, here's your update.) Same time next month?

"I'd rather be inside, playing with Ser Pounce," Tommen said, blocking my wooden sword in the process of wiping his brow.

   "I know, but your mother asked me to practice with you. Which, I can't think of why, I have no idea how to swordfight."

   "Why can't Loras teach me?" Tommen groaned as I dipped, swiftly knocking the piece of chiseled wood from his hand.

   "I don't know." I shrugged, though I knew exactly why. I was surprised that Cersei even let Margaery marry Tommen in the first place- perhaps it made her an easier target. A closer, easier target.

   "Can I take a break?" He asked, brushing dirt off his white blouse. It was hot, and I could see the pink in his cheeks, so I waved him away.

   "Go on." I ruffled his hair and he smiled, bowing his head in thanks before running inside.

   I paused, breathing heavily before stooping to pick up the toy sword he had left on the ground and heading towards the Red Keep.

   "Put these back where you get them, would you?" I asked a passing squire, and he nodded, scurrying off to gods know where. I sighed, kicking a clump of dirt with the toe of my boot as I walked along, the sun beating down on my sweaty brow. I walked a little quicker to reach the keep and nodded politely as I passed a guard, as to not look suspicious.

   I slipped inside and made my way down the corridor, humming an old song my father would sing to me when I was younger. It was a miracle I still remembered it. I think some things are... mind things. You know when you go through some kind of pain, and your head gives you these great memories to mask the fact that you're hurting? It's like that.

   Suddenly, a hand reached out from the closet and wrapped around my wrist, jerking me abruptly inside.

   "Seven Hells, Cersei. You need to..." I trailed off as I caught a glimpse of Margaery, face shadowed in the candlelight, but I could tell that she was angry.

   "Do you know what she did? Your cunt of a lady?" She twisted her hand into the collar of my blouse and shoved me against the stone wall.

   "Gods, Margaery, let me go!" I struggled, trying to wrench free of her grasp, but she only held me tighter. She stared me down, her sharp nose pressing against the tip of mine.

   "Cersei restored the Faith Militant, didn't she?" She asked in a low voice.

   "Yes?" I replied. "I don't know, she talked about it. I didn't think-"

   "They arrested my brother for being a... for preferring men! How long until they figure out about me? About you? About your sweet little wife?" She tilted her head, chuckling humorlessly.

   "She's not my wife, though I wish she were." I had to look up slightly, since she was slightly taller at most times, not including her tall shoes. "Yes, I told her it was a bad idea, but you wanted to send her back to Casterly Rock." I pried her fingers from my shirt and shoved her away as hard as I could.

   "Oh Paityn." She tilted her head sadly at me and came back, reaching up to play with a strand of my hair. "How I wish you were my wife. I'd take care of you."

   "I don't need you to take care of me, Margaery." I said through gritted teeth. That's when I realized. My eyes went wide, and I tried to step back, but there was a wall blocking me getting away from her.

   "What is it, love?" She asked.

   "You want to get rid of her, don't you?" I asked, pushing her hand away from my face. "That's mad. You're mad. Stay away from me, Tyrell."

   "It's not mad, Paityn. It's love." She reached for my hand, but I shook my head.

   "First you try to kiss me, then you apologize, then you marry Joffrey, then you try to kiss me again, then you kiss my sister. Shall I go on? What is it that hope to accomplish, Margaery? The only thing you're doing is creating enemies. An enemy, in particular."

   "You! I'm trying to accomplish you. How many times do I have to proposition you before your stupid face realizes? Shit!" She cursed, beating her fist on my chest.

   "Well, you sure have a funny way of showing it." I accused, attempting to slide past her. She grabbed my wrists and held me against the wall once again, her hips pressing tightly into my lower stomach. Margaery opened her mouth to say something, but I shook my head, cutting her off. "I won't hurt you, Margaery. You've done nothing to harm me or my family. It's not me you have to worry about."

   "I just-"

   "Cersei, on the other hand, won't care if you haven't hurt me or my family." I leaned in to whisper in her ear. "She still blames you for Joffrey's murder. I wouldn't doubt that she could frame you. And, from what I've heard, the dungeons are poor for a woman's beauty."

   "You're the mad one, little Stark." She purred. "I pity you. Think of how many family members you've lost because of the Lannisters. I truly can't believe you're still with Cersei after everything she's done."

   "I truly can't believe you doubt my love for her. Let it go. Let me go. For your own sake."

   There was a moment of silence as she loosened her grip, looking away from me sadly. I almost felt bad for her. Almost. She did, after all, try to manipulate Tommen into sending his mother back to Casterly Rock to 'protect her.' And she did, after all, almost convince me into marrying Ser Loras so that the Tyrells would hold the key to the North.

   "Forgive me." She said, stepping away from me. "I've done terrible things to further myself and my family."

   "You're damned right you have!" I growled. "But... I won't set Cersei loose on you if you stop trying to sabotage my life."

   "I'll stop. I'll stop, I promise. I think I'm finally done chasing someone who's already been caught by somebody else. But please... get my brother out of prison."

   "His trial is in three days, I believe. All you have to do is lie."

   "Okay." She nodded, leaning in to kiss my cheek, but I placed my hand in front of her face. "What?" She asked. "I thought-"

   "I'm not as stupid as I was, Margaery Tyrell. Don't think that just because you apologized, I trust you now. In fact, you've apologized many times. I don't think I trust you at all."

   She looked a little hurt, but otherwise, I think she understood. "I understand. It pains me, but I understand."

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