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Has anyone seen Imagine Me & You? Lena has red hair. 😍


Winterfell, Paityn Stark's Chambers

   There was a knock at my chamber door a while after I had excused myself, but I still heard the faint sounds of the feast going on, despite the dark. I set my book down on the nightstand and stood, making my way over to the door and sliding the bolt out of place.

   "Your Grace," I said once I opened the heavy wooden door, curtseying before stepping aside, gesturing her inside. "What brings you while the feast still goes on? Is it urgent?"

   "I'm afraid not," she sighed. "I simply just had to see your pretty face again." She offered me a fond smile, similar to the one from earlier, and I returned it, pink tinting my cheeks.

   "You flatter me, Your Grace." I bowed my head, and she sat down on the edge of my duvet.

   "Comfy." She spoke. "Do you drink wine?"

   "Not often." I replied.

   "Not often enough." She smiled, taking a wineskin out of her robe and offering it to me.

   I took it hesitantly, and poured some of the sweet liquid into my mouth. She took the skin and emptied it, her lips pressed around the opening. I licked mine unconsciously as she tilted her head back, and I watched her swallow. Once she was done she smiled at me, patting the spot next to her.

   "Come, sit," she said, her hand exactly where she wanted me to sit. I did as she asked of me, and looked at her when she spoke.

   "Your father is going to be Hand of the King, little dove." She said to me, placing her ringed fingers on my thigh. I looked down at them and swallowed, tasting the summerwine on the back of my tongue. "Which means that you and your sisters will come to King's Landing to live."

   "Yes, Your Grace." I replied.

   All was silent for a moment as her eyes roamed my face. "You really are a beautiful girl," she said suddenly, taking her hand off my leg and cupping my chin, lifting my eyes to her own.

   "Thank you, Your Grace." I replied, the faint blush returning to my cheeks as she tilted my head, her fingers tracing my jaw.

   "Cersei." She smiled, the hand that was caressing my jaw falling to rest on my cheek. "Call me Cersei."

   "Yes." I said awkwardly, trying not to get transfixed by her gaze, instead, focusing my eyes on a painting of my family and I that hung on the wall. I think she noticed, though, because she tilted my head upwards, our faces dangerously close. But still, I tried not to fall into her captivating green eyes.

   "Paityn, look at me." She whispered, her breath hot as it brushed my skin with the delicacy of her fingertips.

   When I finally looked into the deep pools of her eyes, she smiled and crashed her lips onto mine.

   Her kiss was gentle at first, easing me into her affectionate touch. It was chilly, but to me, it felt like home. As soon as I began kissing back, however, her right hand came to the base of my neck and she pulled me closer, her mouth pressing more firmly to my own, leaving no room for words to escape.

   "Cersei..." I managed once I realized the crime I was taking part of, but she continued to kiss me roughly, and my speaking of her name turned into desperate moans, her lips gracing my jaw and neck.

   "Wait," I attempted as she pushed me onto my back, her venomous bite catching me off guard.

   "Shh, love." She murmured, her breathing growing more labored as she slipped her tongue inside my mouth.

   "Your Grace, we can't-" I finally mustered the strength to pull back, propping myself up with my elbows as I noticed how she had shifted into straddling my waist.

   "What's wrong, little dove?" She asked, looking concerned, but her lips curled into a pout and she seemed to mock me playfully. "Is this your first time?"

   "There is no relevance in that answer." I sighed. "Your Grace-"

   "Cersei, love. I already told you."

   "Cersei." I replied firmly. "You're very beautiful and I would like to be your friend, but we can't be lovers." I said, but she leaned down and began peppering kisses along my cheek and jaw, questioning innocently,

   "And why is that?"

   "Because..." I began, feeling a little distracted as her lips found the sweet spot. I moaned the next few words that I spoke, which made them sound less stern and more needy. "You're... married. To the King!" I groaned as she nipped lightly at my skin, her fingers playing with the hem of my blouse.

   "Oh, Paityn Stark," she sighed, looking down on me. "You truly know nothing." And with that, she crashed her lips back onto mine, my protests dying in my throat as she pinned my wrists to the bed.

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