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Angst😶 Who wins? The wolf🐺 or the lion🦁 ?

   I sat alone in Cersei's chambers that night, reading a book and waiting for her to return from a meeting with Lord Baelish. I knew there was already some tension between them, but I had told Cersei of my sister's disappearance, and she told me she would do anything to get my sister back.

She was mad about something, I knew, by the way she walked in. She was good at hiding her anger from me, for the most part. I sighed as she walked right past me and grabbed a glass, filling it up with dark red wine.

"Love... something's troubling you." I said quietly, easing her into talking to me as I wrapped my arms around her waist. She leaned her hip against the dresser with the glass of wine pressed to her lips, and I placed my chin on her shoulder. I squeezed her middle a little tighter as I felt her relaxing against me, and I placed a brief kiss on her neck.

"First the Imp and his jokes, then Stannis Baratheon and his letters, and now Littlefinger and his sly looks. Is no one scared of me anymore?" She asked in a small voice.

"You don't have to be feared, Cersei." I said, a shiver running down her spine as my breath tickled her skin.

"Then how do I govern? How do I keep my son safe from the people who don't accept his claim to the throne? How do I keep the keep the other four Kings and their fat mouths shut?" She asked me, her voice filling with venom as she referenced the Greyjoy man, her late husband's brothers, and what hurt me the most- my brother.

"I don't know." I replied honestly. "I can't give you all the answers. But I can hold you, and give you my love."

"What bloody difference does that make, Paityn?" She snapped, practically flying away from me. "We're at war here, the whole Seven Kingdoms!" Her wine sloshed from her cup as she pointed a finger at me. "You're still a child, of course you don't understand." She rolled her eyes and her arm fell to her side.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I just sat there and took it as she hurled obscenities and shouted about the ignorance of the people who dared to cross her.

"I hate that short man." She seethed. "He was always so clever. Always so funny... and now that Stannis told everyone about Jaime and I... Littlefinger of all people! You know," she suddenly turned to me, scowling with her arms crossed, as she had put down her glass. "If your brother hadn't started this war-"

"My brother?" I almost laughed at how much like a bloody fool she sounded. "My brother? It was your son who got us into this mess and you know that it's bloody well true, so don't deny it! He's the one who chopped my father's head off!"

"I tried to stop him!" She screamed back at me, and I stood up, done taking all the shit she had to say.

"Well obviously you didn't try hard enough!" I hissed. "You were the one who put him up there in the first place!"
"People can't deny my son's claim to the throne and get away with it!" She snapped. "I would burn my house to the ground before I let my kids be hurt."

"You'd let your house burn down, with me in it." I said, tilting my head at her. "'When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.'" I mocked her. "That isn't true, and you know it. Not everyone wants to play this sick little game of yours. Tell me, do you just want to make me happy or are you having Littlefinger find Arya so you'll have all the Starks to trade for your brother?"

She looked at me, her eyes flicking up from the floor, and her lips pressed together. "I love you."

"That fact is irrelevant." I scowled. "Listen to me and you listen close..." I said, stepping closer to her, as she had backed away during the argument, closer to the foot of the bed, while I still stood by the dresser. "Your shit family is the reason we're all in this mess. It was your cousin who gave the King too much wine under your command so your family could hold the Iron Throne along with Casterly Rock. And now your pansy cunt of a son sits up there, torturing my sister-"

The loud sound of a slap echoed through the chamber as she brought her hand across my cheek, sending me keeling over with no words. When I straightened myself, a look of guilt crossed her face, but then she stared at my red face defiantly and growled, "Don't talk about my son that way."

I opened my mouth to say something, but shut it again as I grabbed my book from the bed and walking towards the door.

"Wait," she took my wrist with an iron grip, but I jerked away from her, spitting fire.

"Don't. Touch me. Ever. Again." I hissed, and she seemed a bit taken aback.

"You're nothing without me." She said after a brief moment of silence, and I smirked.

"We shall see, won't we?"

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