Author's Note

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Gods, this story is more popular than any other piece of work I have ever written. I'm now determined to finish this, for all you lovely people, and also for our lord and savior Cersei Lannister, long may she reign and with a happy ending.

Listen, I know I've been extremely inactive (my last chapter was published an entire month ago😅) but I've been working very hard as of late on a play that I was a part of. Thankfully, last night was our last performance, and now that I don't have rehearsal after school every day, it leaves plenty of time to write.

My sincerest apologies to you all; those who have been with me since day one, those who just recently stumbled upon this story, and those who anxiously await the next chapter. This story would not have been possible without you. And the ending, either.

I will expect from myself a new chapter in the coming week, perhaps even two chapters. Prepare yourself, for the dramas of winter are coming.

With love, S😘

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