Chapter 4

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Jeremiah P.O.V

It was 6:00am and j just woke up, i put on a nike tracksuit with black harachues and made my way to the gym to shower.


After i showered i put on the same clothes and made my way to the bus stop hoping to.see olive but she wasnt there. I was at the bus stop for a few minutes thinking about how i was gonna be late when i saw the latest black mercedes drive by, i paid no attention to it until they reversed back and stopped infront of me. I wondered who it could be until the person rolled the windows down then i realised it was olive.

"get in"

"i thought you didnt like me huh"

"i dont but just get in will you"

i got in the car and smiled and her and suprisingly she smiled back.

"thanks ma, i was gonna be late if you didnt come"

"no problemo" she replied in her hispanic accent which occasionally comes out, i couldnt help but smile at her.

i dont usually fall for girls but i can tell she may change that.

I took out my phone and told Isaiah i wont be meeting him today, then i sat back and thought about the day ahead.


I was in maths class, but i could hardly concentrate so i texted olivia.


Me: wassup olive

Olivia: what have i told you bout calling olive

Me: hush ma you know you like it.

Olivia: lool wat'evs im gonna text you later yhh

Me: ight bye ma.


I made my way to the lunch hall and sat at my usual table, which was the popular table but i couldnt help notice olivia sitting by herself, i was gonna go to her when this sexy chick approached her. I began eating and talking to the squad.

Olivia P.O.V

I was sitting at the lunch table by myself as usual just picking at my food when this girl came to table and smiled at me, she was slightly taller than me, she was smaller than me but still thick, she had wavy brown hair and brown eyes and she was caramel coloured.

"heyyy" she said really loudly

"oh hi" i mumbled

"im new at the school but i couldnt help notice you sitting by yourself"

"ohh um i always sit by myself"

"i aint into that gay shit but your real pretty"


"no probs, and im Maria Cruz, whats yours"

" Olivia Da'silva"

"ight can i sit down tho a niggas back is hurting"

I burst out laughing and patted the seat beside me and she sat down. After she sat down she bit into her sandwhich and then spat it out.

"This taste like shit"

I burst out laughing and she did too, then the bell rang so we got up.

"ayy olivia can you show me this room im kinda lost"

she handed me her timetable and i realised she had all the same lessons as me.

"your in all my classes just follow me i said"

"looks like im stuck with ya" she said all excited

I looked at her and thought why would she wanna hang with me, someone who doesnt even have one friend. she noticed the change in my face and stopped.

"whats the matter olivia"

"ohh nothing"

"dont lie to me"

i sighed then said "why do you wanna hang with me, nobody talks to me unless its to do with work"

"ahh dont say that, why wouldnt i, you seem cool and to be honest i aint never had any true friends last one i had slept with my man and when i found out i beat the shit outta her and got excluded so now im at this school so dont worry i feel yah"

i looked at her and smiled slightly then she pulled me into a hug.

"ight lets go lesson" she nodded and then we walked to class.

As soon as we walked in i saw jeremiah and his friend who was sexy as fuck but he had nothing on jeremiah. I noticed maria eyeing him up and he was doing the same, i laughed and sat next to jeremiah while she took a seat next to me.

Maria P.O.V

I met this girl called olivia and she seemed pretty cool, after talking to her we made our way to class and as soon as i got in i noticed this boy and he was fine as fuck i cant even lie, i sat next to olivia and she must've saw because she started laughing.

"why you so happy" i asked

"i see you watching ole boy"

i blushed and looked down and began giggling.

i started getting my workbook out when i felt a tap on my shoulder, i turnt around to see the same boy looking at me damn he was sexy.

"um yhh" i whispered

"i just wanted to see if you have a spare pen"

i searched through my bag and found the pen and handed it to him.

"thanks ma"

i continued working until i felt another light nudge on my shoulder i looked around and saw him again.

"ma i didnt catch your name"

"its maria cruz, you"

" isaiah, by the way your names beautiful just like you"

i blushed and giggled at his attempt to spit game.

"you too" i said back

he smirked and continued working.

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