Chapter 7

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Olivia P.O.V

I woke up early than usual and slipped out of bed and went to go brush my teeth, once i was finished i went to take a shower. I came out in a towel and realised maria was awake.

"morning olly" she sung happily

"heyy boo thang" i said excitedly

she got up and went to the shower and while i was in there i put some underware on and moisturised. Then maria came out and i went in the bathroom to do my hair i decided to braid it in two french plaits and it looked good.

I came out and maria was already dressed in denim shorts, a blue ralphy polo and blue flights.

"girl your hair looks hot, do mine like that" i went and did it for her and when she saw it she squealed and thanked me.

"Mar what am i wearing"

she threw me denim shorts, a black ralphy polo and i wore my black flights. i put it on and checked if i looked good in the mirror.

"olly we look BAD"

i laughed and moisturised my lips, we made our way downstairs and i saw mr and mrs cruz casually kissing.

"goodmorning aunty and uncle"

"morning mum and dad" we said, and they waved and said "what you girls gonna eat"

maria spoke before i could "its fine we'll just have a fruit" maria looked at me for support and i agreed with her.

"okay bye girls and olivia it was lovely meeting you"

"thanks and by aunty and uncle"

we grabbed an apple and walked outside, i grabbed my keys and opened my mercedes and got in the drivers seat while maria got in the passengers seat.

we reached school in 15 minutes and when we walked in all the boys were checking us out and the hoes were screwin.

"bitch if you dont fix your face ill do it for you" maria said to one who was screwin real hard.

i laughed, i mean im quite loud and i stand up for myself but maria is just something else.

We walked to english and jeremiah and isaiah was sitting there, as soon as we walked in jeremiah's eyes bulged out his head and isaiah was eye raping maria. Isaiah called maria to sit next to him and i sat next to jeremiah who was still staring.

"jerry stop that"

"stop what" he asked, clearly confused


"shawty i cant help it you look BAD"

i laughed and took out my workbook.

Maria P.O.V

when i walked in isaiah called me over and i wasnt sure if he was talking to me ar first so i looked back then pointed at myself, he chuckled and tapped the seat next to him.

"hey" i said nervously

"you good ma, i see you didnt text a nigga back"

i mentally slapped myself because i actually forgot

"OMG i totally forgot"

"dont sweat ma, its calm"

i sighed and looked down to do my work but i felt really bad.

i turnt around and grabbed isaiah's hand and looked in his eyes, "dont be mad" , i felt him slightly shiver beneath me then he smiled a kissed my hand then i felt myself shiver.

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