Chapter 35

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Jeremiah P.O.V

I was on my way home thinking about what just happened, it might sound harsh but I don't think I'm ready, I've never looked after a child or even been looked after properly until now, and to be honest I'm scared that I won't be a good father and I don't want no one to go through what I went to.

I reached my parents house and I walked in and to my surprise my dad was home, usually they would both be at work, I put my keys down and my dad must've read the expression on my face

"what's up son"

"ahh nothing" I lied, he looked at me with a stern expression then said "one thing I hate is being lied to"

"ight fine, something happened between me and olivia"

"what exactly"

I sighed then started talking "I got olivia pregnant with twins then I said I don't wanna be tied down with kids"

he looked at me disappointed and said "son it takes two to make a baby and I'm sure you don't regret the night you made love to her without a condom so you have to face the consequences of your actions, especially since you have 2 kids on the way"

I thought about all my dad had just said and I realised he was right, how can I just abandon her my two kids when they didn't ask to be brought in the world.

"thanks dad"

"no problem son, but you have to find a way to tell your mum"

at that moment my mum walked from the passage way into the living room, just my luck

"tell me what" she sat down with a concerned look on her face

I gulped then started speaking "I got olivia pregnant and she's having twins and when she told me I said I don't wanna be tied down with children and I left"

my mum is pretty but in a matter of seconds her face went from concerned to disappointed to the full wrath of Satan she came over to me and gripped me by my ear "BOY WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LEFT HER AFTER SHE TOLD YOU THAT SHE WAS HAVING YOUR TWINS, I AIN'T HAPPY BUT BOY YOU DID HER DIRTY YOU BETTER GO FIND HER BEFORE I KILL YOU BLACK ASS"

I took all in me to not laugh at her facial expression but I did as I was told and went to Olivia's house.


I knocked on the door and i saw Olivia's mum she didn't look happy with me so I assumed Olivia told her "umm is olivia here"

"no but if you truly know her then you'll know we're she is, I hope you do the right thing"

I nodded and made my way to the car, I sat there a few minutes then I thought were would she go if she needed to talk to someone, I realised where she would be and made my way there.

Olivia P.O.V

I sat on the ground holding my stomach and crying how did I get myself into this mess, at least maria had Isaiah to support her I had no one, I clutched my dad's grave and cried, I looked up because I felt someone watching me but when I looked up i saw no one, I looked back down and continued crying when I felt arm go around my shoulder, I looked up and saw the last person I wanted to see.

"What do you want" I screamed

"I thought about the situation earlier an-"

"You can save it, I'll get rid of the baby if that's what you want, you said you'll never leave me" I said in tears

He looked at me then came and wrapped his arms around me, i tried to release the grip he had on me but he was to strong so eventually I relaxed in his arm and cried in his chest, when he say I was in tears he held my chin and pulled it to face him

"Olive I want you to keep my babies"

I looked up and said "are you being serious"

"Of course, I was just scared because I've never had a family and I don't wanna mess up"

I looked at him and then I kissed him passionately, after that I held his hand and showed him my dad's grave

"Jerry while I was in the coma my dad said that your a good person but I want you to prove it to me"

He hugged me while nodding then he spoke softly "do you wanna see my parents grave", I nodded and lead me and after rows of graves I saw two graves next to each other one was his mums and the other was his dads.

I went to speak but I saw he was crying, something I'd never seen him do before, he dropped to the floor and held their graves, I walked up to him and held him then gently rocked him until his crying subsided

"Jerry I know how you feel and I just wanna say I'll always be there for you if your there for me"

I slightly smirked with tears still running down his face "like my R.O.D"

This boy finds humour at the most unexpected times but at that moment I realised I love him, I slightly smiled and pecked his lips before saying

"Yes like your R.O.D"

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