Chapter 28

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Olivia P.O.V

Today was jeremiah's birthday, i could never forget because it was 4 days before me and isaiah's, maria was 17 already because her birthday was in March but ours were in May and we all planned something for him

we did our hygiene thing and me and jeremiah decided to match, i wore a black crop top that said 'Queen' in leopard print a pair of acid washed jeggings and my all black pradas, my hair was up in a neat bun.

jeremiah wore a black jumper that said king in leopard print, his denim levis and his all black pradas, he got a fade and the top of his hair was curly ontop he looked peng.

i had to get him out the house so everyone can set up for his suprise party

"bae can you go shopping with me"

"sure babe lets go"


i walked into the true religion store and brought jeremiah a couple jeans and shirts, i then walked into footlocker and brought him the latest trainers, i brought him a rolex and lastly i went into office and brought him a new pair of pradas.

at this time he was looking for a pair of leopard print boots for me, i knew they didnt sell them in this shopping centre but i needed him to go so i can buy the stuff, i met up with him and he looked irritated

"olive i looked in every shop and not one sell those boots"

"its fine boo"

i walked to my car and he said he'll drive me home, before we drove off i got a text from isaiah saying they needed 10 minutes so i said "jerry can we stay here so i can show you what i brought"

he nodded and i pulled out the items from the  true religion store "ohh yhh i forgot to mention all these are for you happy birthday boo"

"no babe you didnt have to"

"i know but i did so shutup and take it"

i showed him everything and you could tell from his face he loved it

"babe close your eyes" i said

he closed his eyes and i grabbed his hand and put on the rolex "open it now"

he opened his eyes and his mouth dropped "olive this cost at least £2000 i cannot accept this "

"jerry when i was going through a rough patch you were there for me and this is the least i could do"

he smiled and packed the bags up and i kissed him "happy 17th birthday boo"


i rushed out he car and opened the house door once i was inside and everybody was in there positions i turnt off the light and waited for him to come inside

Jeremiah P.O.V

Olivia rushed inside she said she had to pee, i got all the bags from the car and locked it up, then i opened the door and turnt the lights on, at that moment everyone jumped up and said "SUPRISE"

i screamed because that scared me on some real nigga shit

i saw isaiah, olivia, mrs da'silva, maria and her parents and my new mum and dad.

a tear dropped from my eye because everyone i loved was here, they all sat down and i decided to speak, i started by explaining my life story to everyone, maria, her parents and isaiah never knew so they looked shocked

i continued by saying "i have some great news mr and mrs walker are adopting me so they are my mum and dad, i just wanna say i love you all so much you all support me, my day one nigg-"

"no swearing" the adults said

"i mean my homeboy isaiah and that crazy spanish girl are like my brother and sister but theres one person who.stuck with me through thick and thin and that is my beautiful girlfriend olivia", i called her up and hugged the life out of her.

once i finshed everyone raised ther glasses and  took a drink then everyone gave me my presents

"okay everybody i have one last present to give my son" my dad said

he walked outside and everyone followed i was confused but i followed anyway, when i went outside i saw olivia's garage open and inside was a the newest grey mercedes and it looked dope

"this is on behalf of your mum and me" my dad said

i ran up to my parents and hugged them


after we finished eating and everyone left isaiah said he was staying the night at maria's and olivia's mum was nearly drunk so she fell asleep it was just me and olivia in the house.

olivia grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs "i have on more suprise for you"

i didnt know what she meant but i followed her upstairs anyway...

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