Chapter 25

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Isaiah P.O.V

After i the talk my mum told me my name was Isaiah Da'Silva and that i was actually half Portugese and half Jamaica, she also showed me my baby pictures that she kept hidden away, i was born 2 minutes before olivia, she then gave me something that my dad had saved for me, my mum said he always knew i would come back so he saved me his favourite chain that said hope on it, i put it on and i felt closer to him it was like my good luck charm.

The next few days went fast because my mum registered me found and we all had to go on the news, they were gonna put sabrina in jail for kidnapping but i said just leave her, i also had to change my name aswell. i moved in with my mum but all i needed to do was get my clothes.

i also had been getting close with olivia and my mum said we have to visit my dads grave and while were there i have to give her my dads other chain that said faith, he told my mum to give us the chains when we found each other.


at the graveyard olivia directed me to it and when i saw it i literally cried everything out of me, my mum said that he loved all of us so much and he took it hard when we got seperated.

olivia came up to me and said "were did you get that chain"

"dad saved it for me" she looked hurt and left out so i said

"dad also left this for you"i pulled out the other chain and i put it around her neck, once i was finished she turnt around and hugged me tightly while crying, she had to tiptoe because she was short.

"issy i love you, your my other half, i missed alot of years with you, dont leave me"

"olly i love you too and i will never leave your my younger si-"

"by 2 minutes"

i laughed and continued "anyway i will protect you and daddy loved us"

we both put the flowers at the grave and kissed it then at the same time we said "were together now"

we laughed at our twin moment and walked  to the car.


at home we saw mum and hugged her, she seemed so happy

"mum im gonna go get the rest of my clothes"

"okay baby be safe"

i walked upstairs and saw jeremiah, i gave him a man hug and said "you like my sister now huh"

he smirked and said "man shut up"

i laughed and got my jacket and walked out.

on the way there i was thinking about my new life, my mum has been trying to teach me portugese but im not that good, olivias been tryna help aswell because she knows it fluently.

i pulled up at my old house and used the key i had to get in, once inside i saw sabrina, even though she kidnapped me, she was all i had for so long and i still had love for her, i almost felt sorry for her

she got up and said "isaiah you came back" she looked terrible like she was crying and hadn't eaten in days

"nah im just getting my clothes"

her jaw dropped and she also dropped and fell on the floor crying, i couldnt help it, i went up to her and hugged her, i even started crying "look even though your not my mum you was good to me and i will always love you, maybe not as much as my real mum but i will still love you"

"isaiah your all i have"

"look mu- i mean sabrina your still young and your a great mother you should consider adopting, i would still like to keep in touch with you, i will protect you like how i used to"

"isaiah i love you"

"i love you too, and if you adopt you could tell the child that me and olivia are there cousins"

"isaiah, please dont forget me"

"i can never and please look after yourself'

i went upstairs and packed all my belongings and brought them to my car, i locked my car and went back inside

i walked up to sabrina and hugged her tightly "bye, i love you"

"i love you too"

i walked off and left out, on the ride back i started crying, i loved sabrina and i will never stop but this was for the best...

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