Chapter 10

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Olivia P.O.V

I woke up in a room painted grey with only one small window at the top, i attempted to get up but my hands and feet were tied and i was on a chair in the centre of the room.

the last thing i remembered was being grabbed after i followed jeremiah.

i heard a shuffling sound and soon a small door opened revealing a girl about my age who was accompanied by 2 men who looked about 18 to 20 years old.

"its awake" she said

even though i could barely speak i managed to say "its got a name"

"bitch i didnt ask you to speak"

"i aint no bitch"

she laughed then walked up to me and slapped me across my face.

i tried to kick her but because my feet were tied i fell back on the chair, the girl  came and she dragged me up by my hair

"what the hell are you doing, just because my hair is better than your nappy head dont mean you have to hurt me "

she laughed and slapped me again this time she put all her force into it and as a result my lip began spurting blood.

the taste of blood made me feel sick but i managed to hold it in my mouth "who are you and what do you want"

"i think the question is who are you and what do you want with my man"

i looked at her confused "what the hell are you  talking about"


this time i laughed "jeremiah's just my bestfriend"

"bitch ive been following him and ive seen him go to your house"

"thats just for a project"

she came in my face and grabbed me by my neck, all the blood i'd been holding in my mouth went all over her face due to her tight grip.


she wiped the blood from her face and ordered one of the men to take off their belt, they handed it to her and all i felt was my skin burning, she then used the belt buckle and hit me in my face and blood ran from my nose.

I cried from all the pain and that must've given her satisfaction because she stopped.

i thought about my life, what have i done to deserve this, i thought about how my mum would feel if i died she must be worried sick ive been gone for ages.

i closed my eyes and prayed for the best...

Jeremiah P.O.V

I was coming from school, but all i could do was think about olivia she hadnt been school for two days and no one knew where she was.

I was getting on the bus when my phone started ringing i didnt recognise the caller I.D but i answered it anyway.

"hello who is this"

the person was crying

"sorry i cant hear you"

"its olivia's mum please come over"

the phone hung up and i became anxious what if something happened to olivia.

i called isaiah and told him to pick me up, when he came he was with maria. we sped to olivia's house.


I walked inside and the once beautiful Mrs Da'Silva looked distrought, her makeup ran down her face and her eyes were red and soon as she saw me she held me tightly and cried.

we made our way to the living room and all of us sat down "ma when last did you see her"

"well after you lot left 2 days ago she ran out after you and she said shes gotta do something"

i didnt have a clue where she could have been going.

"ma have you tried to call her"

"no ive been so caught up in looking for her i didnt think to call"

"ok lemme try now"

i dialled her number and put it on loud speaker and everyone anticipated for her to answer...

Olivia P.O.V

While being here ive learned that the girl ws jeremiah's ex girlfriend amber and she cheated on him with her bestfriends boyfriend and he left her but since then shes been tryna get him back. she said that because im in the way she has to deal with me.

I was sitting in the chair with blood all over my face and clothes when my phone rang, i tried to answer it but the amber got there before me she grabbed the phone and the caller I.D said 'MyBoo', she answered it and heard jeremiahs voice.

"i thought you and him had nothing going on you lying bitch, you betta talk"

she held the phone to my mouth and i spoke "jerry please help me im on the south of town in some warehouse and this bitch amber is hurting me"

"olive im coming"

"jerry be careful she got men here"

she slapped me across my face

"olive did she just hit you hold on im coming, amber hurt her and ill kill you"

i heard crying on the other line then it hung up.

she punched me across my face and said "your making him hate me more"

"your twisted" i shouted

"boys come an handle her do whatever you want"

i stiffened up scared that they might try to rape me


amber laughed then said "dont rape her just beat her to death"

she walked out and slammed the door, as soon as she left they threw me off the chair with my hands still tied then they laid kicks all over my body. i felt pain travel from my head to my toe. i felt blood pouring from my head and all over.

i blinked and i saw the door burst open and i saw isaiah, jeremiah and maria walk in.

jeremiah rushed over to me and shouted "olive stay with me, hold on" while rocking me back and forth, that was the last thing i remembered before i blacked out...

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