Chapter 6

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Maria P.O.V

I got a text from olivia saying she was coming over, so i decided to tell my parents.

"mama mi amigos a venir" (mum my friends coming over)

"si es olivia" (yes, is it olivia)

"si" (yes)

with that my mum started cooking and i went to speak to my dad. Just to let you know im 100% Spanish and my mum has this stupid rule that we speak only spanish in the house unless there are guest over, but me and my dad speak english when shes not around. My parents were born in spain but because she got pregnant at 16 her family dis-owned her, so her and my father decided to move to England were they had me.

"hey papa"

"are you okay sweety"

"yup i just wanted to tell you that my friend is coming over so dont embarrass me"

he pouted then said "you dont want daddy to embarrass you"

i laughed and playfully hit him.

"maria, i want you to make sure shes a true friend remember what happened with that other girl, whats her name"


"i never liked her, just be careful"

"ok papa"

he kissed my forehead then left the room, and soon after the door knocked and i jumped up to get it.

i opened the door and hugged olivia, she looked so happy and said "hey chica"

"hey olivia come in" i said while grinning

she walked in and glanced at her surroundings and soon after my mum came in the room followed by my dad.

"hey olivia darling" my mum said and my dad waved.

"nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Cruz your home is lovely"

"aww thanks your welcome here anytime and call us aunty and uncle"

"olivia do you wanna watch a movie"

"sure" she said following me into the living room.

We sat down and put on Ride Along since she hadnt watched it and i swear this girl didnt stop laughing.

"olivia im gonna get some drinks ill be back"

"okay hurry this movie is jokes"

I walked into the kitchen and saw my parents sitting on each others laps something they always do around here.

"mama, papa what do you think about olivia"

"maria cruz, what have i told you about speaking english" my mum said

"but mama you said we can when theres guest and olivia is a guest"

my mum sighed and leaned back unto my dad, who was laughing.

"well she seems real nice" my dad said and my mum nodded her head.

"ohh yh what about the food" i asked

"i decided not to make any but you can order food if you want to though"

with that i went to the fridge and got a couple cans of fizzy drink.

i gave olivia the drink and sat back watching the movie.

Olivia P.O.V

I was really happy to see olivia so when she opened the door i couldnt help but smile.

Maria let me in and she too seemed happy.

once inside i began looking around and her house was really nice.

"hey olivia darling" her mum said and her dad waved.

"nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Cruz your home is lovely"

"aww thanks your welcome here anytime and call us aunty and uncle"

i smiled and then maria called me over

"olivia do you wanna watch a movie"

"sure" i said following her into the living room.

We sat down and put on Ride Along since i hadn't watched it and it was one of the funniest movies ive ever watched.

Halfway through the movie maria left and went to get some drinks and i started thinking about jeremiah. I like him as a friend at the moment but i wanna know why i cant go to his house, maybe his mum might not like me or maybe he isnt allowed friends around, but wouldnt he just tell me that.

I continued thinking until maria came in then we finished watching the movie. once it was finished i realised the time and got up too leave.

"Maria i think i gotta go, its late"

"nahh you cant its too late"

"but my mum doesnt know"

At that moment Mrs cruz came in.

"whats going on girls"

"mum olivia wants to go home but its late" maria said looking worried

"oh no chica its too late if anything happens ill feel bad please just stay"

i sighed and nodded my head, "lemme call my mum and tell her"

I called my mum and she sounded sad but she agreed and said be safe.

"mrs cr- i mean aunty my mum said i can stay"

she grinned and said "ok hunny maria will show you around"

Maria nodded and walked upstairs and i followed behind her, once we were in her room i realised i didnt have any clothes.

"maria what am i supposed to wear tomorrow for school"

"dont sweat chica me and you are about the same size you can borrow mine"

she went in her wardrobe and threw me some shorts and a top to wear bed, i put them on and she put on a matching pair.

"look were twining" she practically yelled

i laughed and braided my hair for bed and she did the same then we brushed our teeth.

she layed down on one side of her bed and i layed on the other and once we were comfortable she asked me a question.

"olly are you a virgin"

i choked on spit at her question, because it was unexpected.

"yep, are you"

she sighed and bent her head in shame

"nope, when i was 15 i thought i was in love and gave my all to him and then i found out he cheated on me with my bestfriend amber and i also learned she cheated on her own boyfriend for mine and since then i vowed never to have sex again until im sure he loves me"

she began crying and i hugged her gently, until she stopped.

"olly ive never told anyone that so i trust you, your basically my bestfriend"

"dont worry i wont tell anyone and i dont have much friends anyway so theres no one to tell" i said inbetween laughs

she laughed and then said "goodnight" and then we both fell asleep.

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